Getting extra exercis in

what are some extra ways your burn calories throughout the day that perhaps you don't log?
I go to the bathroom every hour or so and do at least 50 jumping jacks :) that equates to doing about 350-400 a day while at work. I also make sure to park as far away from the door to my office to get in some extra steps :) I'd love to hear what you do and perhaps get some ideas


  • monih10
    monih10 Posts: 577 Member
    Would love to hear everyone's ideas as well!!:smile:
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    This is kind of weird, but lately, I've been doing pushups against the counter top in the office kitchen while waiting for my coffee to heat up in the microwave. Don't know why I'm doing them, but I can't seem to stop.
  • If I'm not in too much of a hurry, when I go upstairs at home, I'll go back down & go right back up. With little kids, that make several trips up and down the stairs!!! I also try to park further out in parking lots.
  • snuffmomma77
    snuffmomma77 Posts: 84 Member
    lunges, jump squats, regular squats, push ups, abs, stairs normal and skipping stairs, jump rope is a good one..
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    Walk around for 2-3 minutes every half hour.
  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member
    This is kind of weird, but lately, I've been doing pushups against the counter top in the office kitchen while waiting for my coffee to heat up in the microwave. Don't know why I'm doing them, but I can't seem to stop.

    this is a great idea. I may steal it if that is okay )
  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member
    If I'm not in too much of a hurry, when I go upstairs at home, I'll go back down & go right back up. With little kids, that make several trips up and down the stairs!!! I also try to park further out in parking lots.

    great job!
  • snuffmomma77
    snuffmomma77 Posts: 84 Member
    its not weird, i may do that too, i also do the push up things where you lean on a stool and let your body go down and then pudh your self back up. What are they called? you can do step ups too if you have a stool or chair.
  • i work a desk job, so when i am on the phone with someone i will do leg curls, lilfts, or just plan walk in circles lol. Aslo i will use a restroom on another floor to use the stairs!
  • Redness82
    Redness82 Posts: 134 Member
    I heat my house with a wood stove... so I am always running up and down the stairs in the morning while getting ready to make sure it is going, closing the dampers, etc. I have a 3 story house and the bathroom I get ready in is on the top floor, while the wood stove is in the basement. :)
  • I'll do a wall squat (i.e. squat with back against wall) while brushing my teeth or 30 plies -- that way I work out and make sure I brush my teeth for adequate amount of time!
  • I tried something radical and it worked. I set up my office at work as a standing desk. I saw a documentary about this some time ago. I have a higher computer table that I stand at and work all day. I do have a desk I can sit at for long phone calls or meetings. But I usually stand during shorter meetings and calls.

    Also, my phone is on the desk and not the computer table. When I want to speak to someone else in my office, I walk there instead of using the phone.

    Might not be practical in all work envoironments, but the idea is to move throughout the day.