Vitamin Supplements, how many times per day??

Hi everyone! I take a bunch of vitamins and I was wondering if I should be taking any of these more than once per day? What is your experience with these vitamins?

Women's Multivitamin
Vitamin B
Vitamin D

I know maybe I should take a B an hour before I workout? But what about any of the others?



  • laurensohn22
    laurensohn22 Posts: 163 Member
    Bump ** I want to know as well
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I would say once a day. You need to be especially careful with A,D,E and K. They're fat-soluble, so you can overdose.
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    1. I would start with reading the directions
    2. Then discuss with your MD, especially if you know you are low in these vitamins and minerals.

    If you dont know what your levels are you can get tested to see how high or low you are. That will determine how many you will need to take
  • JeffGDDG
    JeffGDDG Posts: 252 Member
    I'd go by the directions on the bottle with the multi vitamin. Maybe take your B and D twice a day separate from your multi. CoQ10 is good in the morning and then on training days after workouts. ALA with your meals. Not sure on the carnitine. Additionally I take my B after exercise (also a C) to help replace the energy I've used. People are different and you may need to experiment some to find whats right for you.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    I'm interested in what vitamins people are taking as well. I've always taken a Vitamin B12 suppliment, vitamin D, and Vitamin C. But I keep reading that certain vitamins need to be taken with others in order to work, or there are counteracting contradicting factors. I was taking the kirkland Multivitamin, and like so many multis I feel sick immediately after taking. I recently bought a B complex thinking it would be good to get the Stress complex going.... felt sick after that too.. they taste and smell so horrible and once in my tummy just makes me nauseaus.... so I bough gummy multi vitamins. I'd like solid information as to what is a good combination to take, brands of multi vitamins that are not disgusting and hard on the tummy.... any info would be great