What do you guys think of this routine?

I very easily lose weight doing cardio like walking, so my routine is as follows everyday...

45min Elliptical,
Pushups, Situps...I use an app on android that trains me on these, I've almost doubled the amount I could do before!! :) Rittr Labs(android)...they also have a squats, pullups one as well, but I can't even do one pullup so how do I start training on pullups?LOL

Then afterwards, every other day I will do either basketball or racket ball for about 20-30min depending on how dead I am XD
(only every other day cause the courts is always packed at night.

btw, just so you know as well, I do everyother day at night, and the opposite days afternoon? dunno if its good or bad, but its my schedule i can go by lol
Any recommendations ?


  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    For pullups: Grab the bar and jump up to the up position. Hold for a few seconds, and lower yourself down as slow as you can. Repeat this for as many times as you can. Eventually you'll be able to do a pullup.

    After you can do one pullup, end your routine with these to continue to increase the number you can do.
  • deathstarclock
    deathstarclock Posts: 512 Member
    For pullups: Grab the bar and jump up to the up position. Hold for a few seconds, and lower yourself down as slow as you can. Repeat this for as many times as you can. Eventually you'll be able to do a pullup.

    After you can do one pullup, end your routine with these to continue to increase the number you can do.

    Negative sets are AWESOME /thumbsup

    Edit: If you're a member at a gym with this kind of machine, assisted pull-up machines help reduce the resistance created by your body weight. You can try that as well to help strengthen the surrounding musculature and practice a proper pull up form. If you're swinging around when doing a pull up, you need stability work in your trunk.
  • sunraze
    sunraze Posts: 115
    If you have exercise bands, you can put them around the top of a door and sit on the ground and do pullups that way---they use this move in P90X. Also you can get this dip station http://www.ultimatebodypress.com/ and do the reverse pushups(a.k.a. body weight row)---it's pretty cool. I got it and you can also do a lot of different lower ab things. Otherwise I think you have a good mix going if it works for you!
  • I used (still use) the assisted pull-up machine at my gym. I am currently 200lbs, so I set the counter weight to 110lbs, leaving about 90lbs difference to my body weight. This has made my pull up workout very effective and fun. Plus my arms have seriously contoured to show better definition. I also do dips in this manner, both using close arm and wide arm techniques.
  • Somiac
    Somiac Posts: 13 Member
    I'm sure they have that at my gym..I completely forgot about the dip thing I will surely start using it as well :)

    Also kind of off topic, but this machine at our gym -> http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/5695/machine.png

    What is it used for/how do you use it? I've never seen anyone on it when I get to the gym(though I've only been going for a few days now)...