Getting Up Early to Work Out



  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    It's just not possible for me to go to bed any earlier than I do, so if I got up early, I would be missing sleep, and I would inevitably get sick, because that's how my body reacts.

    There is nothing you can do in the evenings to streamline your routine to shave off an hour and get to bed early? I know for me, planning is essential. After I eat dinner I get work and workout clothes ready for the next day, get my lunch together, etc. Again, it comes down to priorities. Most of us are not busy from the second we get home from work to the minute our head hits the pillow. For me, I would many times watch TV for an hour in the evening to relax and unwind. I shifted priorities and now forgo TV watching in order to get other stuff done so I can get the sleep I need.

    We all lead busy lives but it really comes down to prioritizing. If X task you do in the evening is more important to you than exercise, you won't be able to make the time to get to bed early. You have to ask yourself where exercise falls on your priority list.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    I literally get sick when I'm not getting enough sleep. Is there something I could do about this, so that I can get up early? I don't mind the actual, physical, getting up early. In fact, I am very much a morning person.

    It's just not possible for me to go to bed any earlier than I do, so if I got up early, I would be missing sleep, and I would inevitably get sick, because that's how my body reacts.

    Just my opinion, but have you looked into Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome - there is a good book on the subject by Dr. Wilson, you can find it online. If you are getting sick from shortened hours of sleep, it sounds IMO like your immune system is not working correctly. This could be hormonal, stress related, or several other factors. Try Yoga too, as well as some possible supplements to assist in adrenal support. Also, have your thyroid checked. Do it by your AM basal temp if your blood testing come back normally. I also like the works of Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman in regards to these issues.

    Thank you, thank you!!! I am going to check into this.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    It's just not possible for me to go to bed any earlier than I do, so if I got up early, I would be missing sleep, and I would inevitably get sick, because that's how my body reacts.

    There is nothing you can do in the evenings to streamline your routine to shave off an hour and get to bed early? I know for me, planning is essential. After I eat dinner I get work and workout clothes ready for the next day, get my lunch together, etc. Again, it comes down to priorities. Most of us are not busy from the second we get home from work to the minute our head hits the pillow. For me, I would many times watch TV for an hour in the evening to relax and unwind. I shifted priorities and now forgo TV watching in order to get other stuff done so I can get the sleep I need.

    We all lead busy lives but it really comes down to prioritizing. If X task you do in the evening is more important to you than exercise, you won't be able to make the time to get to bed early. You have to ask yourself where exercise falls on your priority list.

    mel...this is just with me doing the bare minimum to keep my household going :/ I am however, about to hire a maid. Hubby is very helpful, but even with his help, I just can't do it all. Hopefully this will help.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    Do you take any type of multi vitiman?

    I take Women's One-a-Day. Is there something better I could take?
  • I have a very busy schedule myself. With two kids and a husband who works 60 hours a week, my life is full from the time I get up until the time I crash in bed with running kids here and there, all the household chores and volunteering in kids' classrooms. I usually go to bed around 8-9 and wake up arond 4:30. This is "MY TIME" no hubby or kids to deal with. This is the only time in the day to do my exercises. I have two other girls that I run with in the early morning, usually between 5:15 and 5:45. We always make plans the night before. This makes it harder to hit the snooze button since you have someone counting on you. Point is...try using the buddy system, if you can, make yourself accountable. Also try to get to bed early so you get your full nights rest. I LOVE working out in the morning. It sets the mood for the rest of my day. Good luck to you, and remember you deserve this time to work out. YOU need it!
  • bhaktinstella
    bhaktinstella Posts: 51 Member
    I try to be in bed no later than 10pm and I only go early three days a week (I go to Spin class at 6 am M-W-F). I tried getting up early every day, but I was dragging by the end of the week. I'm also lucky that the gym I go to is less than a mile from my house so I get up at 5:45 and throw on clothes, brush my teeth, and am at the gym and ready to go with a couple minutes to spare.

    i do the exact same thing-- three days a week is all i can do or i get tooooo tired all week, but it is important to set out your gym clothes the night before, if you are going early to the gym, it makes it easier and it is an intentional decision, which makes me, at least, more likely to get up.
  • rubystar07
    rubystar07 Posts: 52 Member
    I hear you loud and clear! :) so challenging! I need at least 8 hours too or I feel just terrible.

    The only additional tip I have is this:

    This past weekend, Saturday night no less, I prepared/planned my lunches and dinners for the whole week. This has saved me some major AM and PM routine was to prep the next day's lunch in the evening after cooking dinner and it was taking a lot of time and was stressful. This saved me about 30-45 minutes per night. I made a big pot of chili which has provided several meals as it keeps so well.

    I guess this only applies if you are the cook.

    I think we just have to do the best we can with the time we are given :)

    I also walk during lunch breaks at work, which helps me.
  • I go to bed in my workout clothes so I drop my youngest son off at school and go straight to the garage where my elliptical and treadmil are. I do work nights so its a little easier for me. I never get eight hours but after exercising I feel like I did!
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    I have a very busy schedule myself. With two kids and a husband who works 60 hours a week, my life is full from the time I get up until the time I crash in bed with running kids here and there, all the household chores and volunteering in kids' classrooms. I usually go to bed around 8-9 and wake up arond 4:30. This is "MY TIME" no hubby or kids to deal with. This is the only time in the day to do my exercises. I have two other girls that I run with in the early morning, usually between 5:15 and 5:45. We always make plans the night before. This makes it harder to hit the snooze button since you have someone counting on you. Point is...try using the buddy system, if you can, make yourself accountable. Also try to get to bed early so you get your full nights rest. I LOVE working out in the morning. It sets the mood for the rest of my day. Good luck to you, and remember you deserve this time to work out. YOU need it!

    Thank you! Sounds like we have very similar lives!!!
  • CorinthiaB
    CorinthiaB Posts: 488 Member
    Go to the doctor and explain what is going on with you. You may have a medical condition.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    It sounds to me like a doctor's visit is in order. If I go too many days without adequate sleep - then I find myself getting sick very easily. But, it is easily solved by just making sure I get about 7 hours of sleep most of the time.

    That being said, if you really want to workout - you'll have to figure out how to fit it into your lifestyle. You could do something like Jillian Michael's 30 day shred - I've heard that one is only something like 20 mins long. I'm sure you can eeck out 20 mins in your day. It isn't easy, but if you REALLY want it -- you'll figure it out. We are ALL very busy people and we all manage.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    Go to the doctor and explain what is going on with you. You may have a medical condition.

    From something else someone said, I'm now concerned too. Thanks for the advice. I will!
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    I do my morning workout once the kids have had breakfast. Usually 35-45mins blast with Biggest loser workouts. That sets me up for the day (although I still don't know why I'm not skinny running around after my 4!) I then workout again once my husband is home (about 8pm) and the triplets are in bed. I do another 30-40 mins buut a diffrent dvd. If you want to there is always time in teh day. I used to say I was too busy but I'm finding time and loving that I'm doing something where I put myself first for once!
  • hello there, I know exactly what you mean! I work from 7am-10pm (im a nanny for a toddler) so Im here at work alllllll day, and by the time I get home from work, I only have enough strength to do a treadmill for an hour and nothing else. but the good thing is, running around with a 2 year old day really pays off. we love playing super-man too, were i lift him up in the air and we run around. its fun, and really burns calories. I am SOOO happy I will be off work this weekend, because I will be @ the gym for hours
  • PippaJo_
    PippaJo_ Posts: 233 Member
    I'm having to budget my time very carefully in order to get in a workout - I've discovered that when I work out in the evening, I sleep like *crap* - and that's even if I can get to bed on time. I have dinner to fix, and kids to get to bed, and some clearing up to do, and if I manage to work out from 9-10 pm, then it's 11 or later before I can actually get to bed, due to cooling down, or showering, and all the usual bed-prep activities.

    So now I'm trying my hardest to be in bed by 10pm, so I can get up at 6 and work out for an hour before my day starts at 7. I wouldn't say that I get *sick* if I don't get my 8 hours, but I don't do well with sleep deprivation - never have. In fact, my body would prefer 10 hours a night, every night, but who has that kind of time??

    I don't know how well it will work, but I think that if it turns out that I feel I'm not getting enough done before bedtime, I'll just have to shift it to the morning - perhaps simply going to bed with the kids (and hubby - as he's got to get up screamingly early for work), and then doing the laundry and dishes before the kids wake up, as opposed to after they've gone to bed. Hey, as long as they're sleeping and out of my hair, it shouldn't matter which hour's showing on the clock, right?

    So that's my suggestion - if you feel you have 'too much to do' in the evenings and you can't get to bed earlier, then - shift *when* you do those things, or delegate some of them if you can. You can probably do more in this vein than you think.
  • cologirl0210
    cologirl0210 Posts: 5 Member
    Maybe try dosing yourself with lots of vitamin C and other immune system boosting aides.