The Holidays

Ok, so the holidays are coming up and as much as I dont want to acknowledge it I must. Temptation. I am wondering how to get through thanksgiving christmas and parties on this diet. Im expected to drink eat and will want to but I have a hard time with amounts if I start. any suggestions?


  • seehawkmomma
    Dont be too hard on yourself!! Enjoy with out over eatting! Are you on a strict diet? I would suggest small portion sizes and eat slowly so when someone gets up to get seconds you are still working on what you have. If you are on a strict diet I would suggest bringing your own food.

    Just make healthy choices and I dont stress out about it!! :)
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I don't want to be on a diet for the holidays, I'm ramping up my runs and enjoying the parties ;) I have been knows to bring diet fresca and vodka with me though, beats beer and margaritas!
  • naonah
    naonah Posts: 119 Member
    I agree with what the others have said about portion control, but my other advice is that the holidays are really just about 5 days in totlal. So if you're going to splurge, just do it for one or two of the days and try to stay in control for the other ones. And remember to choose your poison: it's either more food or alcohol, you can't always have it all.
  • calimari
    calimari Posts: 202 Member
    Exercise a little more to balance it out.
  • k80fox
    k80fox Posts: 92
    I have been wondering the same thing lately. It's made me dread the holidays when usually I love them! I can only speak for myself but when I deprive myself of something (chocolate, alcohol, movie theater popcorn with butter - YUM!) the more I want it and when I finally do get it I go berserk and consume way more than I should. My plan for the holidays is to have a little of everything that I love and to keep up with my cardio so that even if I do go over my calorie limit it won't be by much. Maybe that will work for you? Keep strong friend! You can do it :)
  • rachelleahsmom
    rachelleahsmom Posts: 442 Member
    If you want to splurge a little on TDay and Christmas, go for it. Just don't splurge every day between!
  • Winstonandgilly
    I have a hard time saying 'no' and staying under control as well. I'm trying to plan in advance and allow myself a 'cheat meal' for Thanksgiving, but get right back to the diet afterwards. I tend to be an all-or-nothing person, so I plan on enjoying Thanksgiving dinner. You should do the same!
  • ksubbert
    ksubbert Posts: 38 Member
    Don't worry about your diet so much during the holidays. Instead, set an aggressive fitness goal and work your tail off.

    Train for a January 10K or aim to shave 1 minute off your time. Push yourself to reach a previously uncompleted goal and you won't feel bad about eating a few extra cals.

    The gyms are packed after Jan 1 so the time to get ahead in training is now.