I have almost completely given up hope.

It feels like no matter what I do, I cannot lose weight. I try to eat right but I'm so overcome by temptation that I always give in. As far as exercising goes, the most I get is taking care of my 5 month old son everyday. I really feel like I don't have it in me to do this. I feel like I don't have a strong enough will power to say no to certain foods. I just feel so weak. Any advice is welcome. :sad:


  • jcarter0525
    It feels like no matter what I do, I cannot lose weight. I try to eat right but I'm so overcome by temptation that I always give in. As far as exercising goes, the most I get is taking care of my 5 month old son everyday. I really feel like I don't have it in me to do this. I feel like I don't have a strong enough will power to say no to certain foods. I just feel so weak. Any advice is welcome. :sad:
  • thejarviclan
    thejarviclan Posts: 465 Member
    What you have to do is dig in and *find* the strength! It's in there - you're a mom, right? You know how strong you need to be.

    This is what the journey itself is all about - finding that part of yourself that you doubted existed, and polishing her 'til she SHINES! 'Cause that's what will make you proud...not the "new body" that comes with it.

    Be The Monk. :wink:
  • writer4him
    writer4him Posts: 225 Member
    Don't give up hope! I noticed you only joined in February and you've already lost 11 pounds!

    I know how hard it is to not give in to temptation. Keep reminding yourself of your motivation! You want to be healthy for those two beautiful boys and your husband! Tape some pictures or reminders of some kinds on your refrigerator and cupboards, and make a plan for when you are tempted. When you want to eat stuff you shouldn't - chase your older son around the house and see how many jumping jacks the two of you can do together. Nice weather is coming - spend as much time as you can outside moving around! Push the little guy in the stroller while your older child practices on his bike,. etc. Find a friend to hold you accountable and share your daily food plan.

    You can do it!
  • oubeth1
    oubeth1 Posts: 34
    You can do it!!! You have already lost 11lbs in just a couple months. You have done so good already I know it is very hard. Believe me, I have tried to lose the weight countless number of times and I always seem to run for the crap foodand ruin all that I have done. I am having trouble too with losing. I have a lot of stress from moving in June and planning my upcoming wedding in September. I am trying to stay focused and it is hard.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!! Don't give up. Just keep trucking along. If you fall off, get right back on and you will be so happy you did.

  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    You can do it!!!!!!
    I think the first week or 2 is the HARDEST
    KEEP busy take your baby out as much as possible...keep NO junk in the house
    If it isn't there u can't eat it
    One day at a time...((HUGS))

  • meryl135
    meryl135 Posts: 321 Member
    Hey there,

    It sounds like you've hit a wall of frustration. The fact that you've got a 5 month old and another child to take care of is a huge responsibility and one that can easily make you forget to take care of yourself. Just please remember that as the mother of two precious babies, you have a responsibility to take care of yourself too, in order to have the energy, stamina and self-confidence to be there for your kids as they grow up.

    Take a look around you and see if there are sources of support that you may have overlooked. Having someone (family or friends) drop by to visit with you and watch the kids can give you a couple of hours to make some large-quantity, healthy meals that you can then freeze or pack away. That way, the next time you're hungry you can reach for a healthy, home-cooked meal instead of giving in to the quickest sugary thing.

    As for temptation in general, consider not having your trigger foods around. I know myself and many people on MFP just don't buy cookies or chips or ice cream so it's not around to tempt us.

    Above all, remember the gains you have already made on this journey. I'm sure you've come a long way emotionally, mentally AND physically - you wouldn't be here if you didn't :wink:

    Keep at it! You WILL see results!
  • nguill6
    nguill6 Posts: 133
    Think about why you want to lose weight and post encouraging words somewhere you will see them when temptation arises. I have a couple notes on the fridge saying things like "you won't find happiness in here" and "nourish your body". I also keep a list of reasons in the car of why I don't want to eat fast food and why waiting until I get home will be SO beneficial. As far as exercise goes, google the term N.E.A.T. (non exercise activity thermogenesis) to find out ways you can get a lot of exercise in without making huge changes.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    From my experience the most important thing is to just keep trying. Wake up every morning with the determination to make that day the best you can make it. Go to bed every night with grace for yourself and any mistakes you made, but with the determination to do better the next day. If it takes a long time, it takes a long time. But, as long as you keep trying and never give up you will continue in the right direction! At least, if you keep giving it your best, you will be getting healthier and your body will thank you for that. If you give up, you WILL be worse off.

    I've taken 10 years - 10 years! - to get where I am now. Slowly, but surely. With some setbacks along the way - medical conditions, pregnancy. But I never gave up and I keep working at it. Some days will not be good - sick baby, medical issue, etc. But keep on keeping on - you will get there and you will be healthier and more energetic for it!!

    God bless you on your journey - take time to enjoy it!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    There is power in you to do anything you want to do! You can do this!! I too suffer with temptation, I had to make my 6yr old daughter hide the easter candy so I wouldn't eat it anymore. :blushing: It wasn't something I wanted to make my daughter do. In life there are many hurdles to climb, for me sugar is one of them. Here are a few things that have helped me-- Make a list of the reasons you want to get rid of your extra weight and post them where you can read them. Like avoiding health problems, to fit into that size again, to be able to try on clothes and not get depressed. Then set small goals for yourself, things that give you room if temptation is unavoidable but you still reward yourself. I have rewards for every five lbs lost. when I reach 175 (10% lost since I started this however many months ago) I get the ipod that has been up in my closet since the sale back in December. :laugh: Next decide the best way to do what you want to do--Will exercise be your goal, will sticking to the calorie count be your goal? Even if you do snack and give in you can still lose weight--it may just be a little slower, which is ok! :smile: I find the thing that helps me more than anything is to focus on getting my fruits and vegies, they are so low in calorie, I was amazed at first. Just make a goal to eat four-five servings of fruits and vegies everyday for a month and then give yourself a non food reward, and see what happens--throw in a little exercise too and I bet you will lose!:drinker: Best of luck to you, I know you can do it!!:bigsmile: BTW there are mom and me exercises, pick up a video from the library, then start with ten minutes of walking, weights, or pilates during his nap--you will find a huge difference in how you feel! I have been there, I have wanted to give up, I have before--But remember your son needs you to take care of yourself so that you can take care of him!! :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • Nlongenecker
    Don't rely on will power or motivation, because those things come and go. Make a commitment to yourself that no matter how hard or easy, no matter how good or bad you feel, you will stick with it. And take baby steps. Eliminate or decrease the intake of certain foods gradually. Make mini goals for yourself and enjoy how great it feels to achieve them! When you feel tempted to eat, stop and think about why you want to eat-are you really hungry or is it emotional? And think about how you will feel about your choice - proud or disappointed. You can do it, just don't give up!!
  • suemomof2
    I have issues with food temptation also! I told my husband I need to go on Temptation Island, food edition! lol. I have forced myself to stop buying not so healthy foods for the house. It is hard when you are walking down the aisle in the grocery store but I just look at it and tell myself "If I eat this, this is one more hour I need to work out that day." No thanks!
    And summer is coming! Take your kids outside and go on walks, the park, anything that gets you moving. People tend to lose more weight in the summer just from being outdoors and doing more things. :)
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    You may also need to do some self examination. Why are you REALLY eating that junk? Are you an emotional/stress eater? Has it just become a habit? Eat to live, not live to eat. There are some things I used to LOVE that when I looked at the calorie counts and realized how long I'd have to spend in the gym working that off, suddenly I lost all interest in eating. Other things are worth it so I have an occasional treat and then work it off at the gym that day. I love dark chocolate so I buy those 60 cal sticks and have one when I'm in a chocolate mood - it doesn't ruin my cals and it satisfies the desire. If that DOESN'T satisfy the desire for chocolate, then I have to look inside myself and see what's really going on, am I trying to comfort myself with food?

    I got rid of all the stuff I couldn't resist temptation on, and the junk treats my kids get is stuff I'm not interested in eating.

    I made little snack pack baggies of fresh cut veggies, etc. so when I was hungry I could quick grab something that was good for me, rather than something that was not. I made my lunches the night before, as lunch time was hard for me, after feeding the boys I'd be so starving that I'd eat too much and the wrong stuff. So I'd make my lunch the night before.

    This is not about willpower. Putting a bottle of alcohol in front of an alcoholic and then saying "now don't touch it and you'll be cured' isn't going to work. It's the same thing with food with us.

    It is about determination, though, determination to keep at it when it's hard and not fun, when we've fallen off the wagon and have to get back on, to exercise, to find ways to make it work, to find ways to make it worth within our lives.
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    I agree with what people have posted before me:

    1) don't keep the food the tempts you around. If that's fast food in the car, make sure to pack a lunch before you leave the house.

    I just went to your profile and you don't have any inspirations listed... I think that could be a HUGE reason why you are hitting this wall. The fact is that when the going gets tough, the only thing that keeps us going is that thing that is more important than all of the excuses, than all of the frustration, than all of the 'I'll just start tomorrow.'

    Do this. Do this for your sons and your husband, but do it mostly for you. You really are worth a healthy body and a full and active life. You want the primary example of a woman in your son's lives to be confident and happy. Do this for you: the will reap countless benefits, but you have to do this for you.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: hang in there. You are worth it. :flowerforyou:
  • sassekel
    sassekel Posts: 114 Member
    Hang in there! nothing ventured nothing gained, we are all different and it takes time to make changes but well worth it if you stick with it! you lost some weight already so your doing something right, don't give up on yourself, your worth it:flowerforyou:
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    It feels like no matter what I do, I cannot lose weight. I try to eat right but I'm so overcome by temptation that I always give in. As far as exercising goes, the most I get is taking care of my 5 month old son everyday. I really feel like I don't have it in me to do this. I feel like I don't have a strong enough will power to say no to certain foods. I just feel so weak. Any advice is welcome. :sad:
    I guess I will be the voice of reason and reality...as long as you say you cant or that you will give in...you will always fail.........youn need to make a plan and stick with it..you can excercise either before the baby wakes or after the baby sleeps ..or better yet put the baby in a stroller and go for some brisks walks....you have to determine if you want this bad enough or if you want the food more....if your not ready to give up over eating then perhaps this isnt the right time for you to go gung ho..perhaps tackle the excercise then the food
  • TuscanySun
    TuscanySun Posts: 3,608 Member
    Dont give up!! We all fall sometimes, but the only true failure is if you choose not to get back up and keep fighting. You are worth it, your beautiful kids are worth it. You can do this.

    Strength is in us all...we just have to find it. Others have given you good advice here. Find something that works for you and dont give up. Refuse to.

    11 lbs since February is fantastic! Try not to dwell on the slip ups...and as my quote goes...."every day is an opportunity to create positive change in your life". Start fresh and leave yesterday behind. Today is the day that you have control over.

    Dont expect yourself to be 'perfect' every day. Its not going to happen and real life isnt like that. Some days you will, and hey, thats fabulous...but some days you wont and you have to love yourself enough to forgive yourself and try again.

    I hope something here helps!
  • jcarter0525
    I want to say thank you to everyone for the advice. It really helps out a lot to know there are so many people out there going through the same things. I guess I'm just in a slump and I have to figure out how to get out of it. :heart:
  • Nlongenecker
    I want to say thank you to everyone for the advice. It really helps out a lot to know there are so many people out there going through the same things. I guess I'm just in a slump and I have to figure out how to get out of it. :heart:

    Believe me, I know how frustrating it is. I have been on this site and working hard since January and I have only lost 5 lbs. I've been eating 1200 calories + exercise calories and working out for an hour 5-7 days a week. And I told myself no matter what, I was not quitting this time. I have cried and been extremely angry and disappointed over the lack of results, but have not given up. Today I got the results from my dr and I have to go on thyroid medication. I know that that won't produce a miracle, but I'm hoping it helps my progress. Just keep plugging away. And think of the Non Scales results. Like your health improving and getting stronger, etc.
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    You may also need to do some self examination. Why are you REALLY eating that junk? Are you an emotional/stress eater? Has it just become a habit? Eat to live, not live to eat. There are some things I used to LOVE that when I looked at the calorie counts and realized how long I'd have to spend in the gym working that off, suddenly I lost all interest in eating. Other things are worth it so I have an occasional treat and then work it off at the gym that day. I love dark chocolate so I buy those 60 cal sticks and have one when I'm in a chocolate mood - it doesn't ruin my cals and it satisfies the desire. If that DOESN'T satisfy the desire for chocolate, then I have to look inside myself and see what's really going on, am I trying to comfort myself with food?

    Well said! I completely agree - a huge part of my weight loss success was looking at the WHY I was eating certain things, and WHY was I still looking around the fridge after dinner! By examining those questions, and coming up with some answers, I've made the changes. Now, when I go to turn to something, I find the reason, and move. And I would say 80% of the time, something is bothering me, and I need to talk it out with someone close to me. The other 20% is boredome (give your self a manicure, pedicure, go for a walk, etc) or part of socialzing (you can just as much fun out with friends by drinking water and focusing on the people, and saying no to the food!).

    Good luck!
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    I look at it this way. It took me 20 years to get in the shape I was in and I wasn't going to reverse that in 2 days, weeks or months.

    My question to you is this.
    What is your plan for weight loss? How are you exercising? How are you counting calories eaten and burned? You need a plan, even it that plan means getting up an hour before your family 3,5 even 6 days a week to take care of you.
    Me, I got tired of being fat, having a hard time tying my shoe and just plain trying to hide my stomach.

    You got this way and you and only you can undo it. Nobody said it would be easy. If you think about how long and all the hard work you put in to getting this way you will realize you can undo it in a lot less time. Remember, it's not a diet, it's a life style change.

    I will suggest this website to look at specific programs that might work for you.

    You also don't have to do this alone. God will help. Just ask him. He is waiting to hear from you.
    Good Luck