
Hi everyone, I am Alex, I'm 21 years. Growing up i've always been a heavier girl even though i was very active but now that i've gotten older and have been diagnosed with a liver disease I've decided I need and want to get healthier. Right now I'm taking the No Junk Food Challenge that lasts 21 days plan I plan on turning it into a new life style change. I am going to also start going to the gym but I need to find one that I like since I'm new to NY and I don't know much of the gyms around here. So far though I am extremely excited to get healthy and back into shape again! :) WISH ME LUCk lol


  • KimDoberman
    I would recommend reading about Milk Thistle to help with liver problems. My Mother recovered from stage 4 liver cancer using Milk Thistle. And the doctor said that only 1 person out of 100,000 will recover from liver cancer, and she was the lucky one...but it is good for healing the liver.

    Sorry I cannot give you any gym advice, as I am not in your area. But, best wishes to you on getting healthy and eating right!!
  • kme2011
    kme2011 Posts: 100 Member
    welcome! i'm new here myself so if you need a friend to help you through then feel free to add me.
  • christylove713
    My name is Christen and I'm new to MFP. I really didn't know what to expect from this site but I must say I like what I see. One thing's for sure....I need more friends on here! I'm down to support others who share the same goal-getting to a healthier you! So friend me and add another member to your support group!
  • alangan2011
    alangan2011 Posts: 3 Member
    yeah I definatly been meaning to start taking Milk Thistle I used to take some kind of liver detox pill that used to really help me but then it become to expensive for me to afford but im going to check it out again