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Going off Diet Coke...

Today is day one...I am really sleepy at this point and want one soooo bad. The free ones at work sitting in the fridge call to me. I can do it though! If people can quit smoking or drinking, I can quit diet coke. I have had 3 more glasses of water today than usual. :)


  • That is my next step. There is a lot of conflicting information out there....what are the best reasons to give up diet soft drinks?
  • Bridge_CG
    Bridge_CG Posts: 429 Member
    I love this! Good job! You can stay off of it! I had a coke today after not having any for about a week or so and... It tasted like cough syrup.
  • Bretto
    Bretto Posts: 196 Member
    Good for you! This is my vice also. Working on the sugar vice, then I will work on this one. Keep going you can do it.
  • Great job!! You can do it!!
  • Ugh! I hate trying to get off the Soda. Picking up some Crystal Light or flavored water will help. Sometimes you just need a little "oopmh" other than water.

    Good Luck!!!
  • You can do it! You have lost 23 lbs already which is a great job! You can avoid the Diet Coke!
  • takes about 4 days to stop the cravings. Way to go....Blessings...Diana:flowerforyou:
  • How many were you having before?

    I still drink diet soda. Hasn't set me back at all
  • Nataleenerlou
    Nataleenerlou Posts: 13 Member
    Just think, Carbon is a bi-product of your body. Its a waste your body produces performing its natural functions, and then expels. What your drinking is your bodies garbage
  • I kicked Coke Zero about 6 weeks ago...and you really do lose the taste for it quickly! I never liked Diet Coke, but discovered Coke Zero about 5 years ago and became a junkie. As to the best reasons to give up diet soda...studies show that people who drink diet soda are more likely to develop metabolic syndrome, a precursor to Type II diabetes. One theory is that your body tastes something sweet and releases insulin to break down the sugar...but with diet soda, there is no sugar to be found, so you develop cravings due to the insulin surge. Hang in there!!
  • PavlovianCat
    PavlovianCat Posts: 8 Member
    The diet coke is probably worse for you than the smoking or drinking! Of course, I'm a coffee and tea drinker too. I still get my caffeine when I need it. I'll drink a bottle maybe 3 times a week if I'm feeling really hungry and want that "full" feeling to get me through til dinner.

    It's like anything (alcohol, etc.), you don't have to totally give it up, just moderate it.

    And yes...you can do it!
  • superflyrbi
    superflyrbi Posts: 80 Member
    you can do it! I too was a Diet Coke -aholic, switched to a weak Crystal Light and now just water! I don't miss them at all.
  • I usually treat myself to one once a week to soda (20 oz) & I just drink more water.. Funny thing is, Diet Soda, I've notice, I guess because of the sodium, you seem fuller afterwards.
  • The diet coke is probably worse for you than the smoking or drinking! Of course, I'm a coffee and tea drinker too. I still get my caffeine when I need it. I'll drink a bottle maybe 3 times a week if I'm feeling really hungry and want that "full" feeling to get me through til dinner.

    It's like anything (alcohol, etc.), you don't have to totally give it up, just moderate it.

    And yes...you can do it!

    seriously? worse then drinking/smoking? LOL
  • Krohnie
    Krohnie Posts: 286 Member
    You can do it. I was hard-core diet coke, caffeine free through, like 6 cans a day. I didn't think it affected me, but now that I've stoped my cravings have stopped too! I've had 2 in the last 3 months, and each time after I drink one, I want something sweet to eat. Not worth it to me. I actually LIKE water now!! Good Luck, the first three or 4 days are the worst!!
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    I was drinking about five Diet Cokes a day and the day before I quit I had two so I wouldn't have such a headache when I quit. Since then Aug. 6th I haven't had one. I rarely think about it even when I reach into a fridge and they are sitting there. But the other day I was at my SILs house and her husband opened a Diet Coke and when I heard that sound something in my just lept. (My inner demon apparently.) I ignored it and the craving left. I thought I'd never be successful but I have been, for more than 3 months. My daughters have been off it for 6 and 7 years and it was always around the house. They just made the choice. You can do this. Free means no money. It doesn't mean there is no cost to your health. You can do this.
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
    That is my next step. There is a lot of conflicting information out there....what are the best reasons to give up diet soft drinks?

    #1 reason fo rme is Aspartame, it reduces seratonin in the brain.
    Caffiene addiction
    Phosphoric Acid, damage to the digestive track & poor digestion of food
    Weight gain (yes diet coke can make u gain weight)
    Chances of osteoporosis
    Your TEETH!!
    Kidney Damage
    Increased blood pressure
    Liver problems!
    Possible Cell Damage

    N thats just to name some of my reasons.... Do i really need to add more?
  • NicoWoodruff
    NicoWoodruff Posts: 369 Member
    Good for you! So good for you to be off that stuff. The caffiene plus the carbonation literally sucks the magnesium out of your bones.. terrible for anyone prone to osteoporosis or osteoarthritis. And don't even get me started on the sugar or fake sweetened... terrible for ya in my personal opinion, especially in high quantity.

    I haven't had a soda in years at this point, good riddance! My favorite replacements are:

    Alacer brand "EmergenC" fizzy vitamin C powdered drink.. you get it packets or boxes of packets at the grocery or health food store. The raspberry flavored one is really good. They have a *little* sugar but no caffeine and they have lots of good vitamins and are only 20 calories a glass.

    Also, if you can find flavored seltzer water at your grocery.. just make sure it is the type with no sugars.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • papillion05
    papillion05 Posts: 11 Member
    I gave up all carbonation in June 2009 and have never looked back. Now if I even taste a soft drink I can taste the soda water, yuck! And they are soooo nastily sweet.
    Using Crystal Lite helped me tremendously! So many flavors, sugarfree!
    I also no longer use regular, white, refined sugar for anything. I've fallen for Truvia, it's amazing.
    And if you're only giving up diet coke, not caffeine, then add an iced tea or a cup of coffee a day into your diet. If you're doing a diet that is high protein, the coffee will actually help keep you regular. (TMI, I know ;) )
    Good luck! You can do it!
  • DukeAndor
    DukeAndor Posts: 3 Member
    According to several studies I read, drinking Coke Zero in moderation doesn't really pose any health risks. It's not really "good" for you, in that there's no nutritional value to it, but unless you're drinking a lot of it, it's not really counter-productive to losing weight or getting healthy. On the other hand, if you give it up and don't miss it, and are getting healthy, why go back? :)