would you count this as "cheating"?

Hey all,

My doctor just ran some tests and found out that I am anemic... And that i also have a crappy thyroid..
He wants me to take VitaminB12 to see if it will help, I also know this vitamin helps by speeding up your metabolism...

Would you consider this cheating in terms of weight loss?


  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
  • Sublimely_Self_Righteousreused
    Hey all,

    My doctor just ran some tests and found out that I am anemic... And that i also have a crappy thyroid..
    He wants me to take VitaminB12 to see if it will help, I also know this vitamin helps by speeding up your metabolism...

    Would you consider this cheating in terms of weight loss?

    Nope. You should do what your Dr. says though.
  • Maryfullofgrace
    Maryfullofgrace Posts: 342 Member
    Nope. I wouldn't consider it cheating at all.
  • frogmommy
    frogmommy Posts: 151 Member
    It doesn't really matter. You have to take it anyway. I suspect the difference in metabolism will be minimal.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    If you need it for other reasons then take it!
    B12 isn't going to have a huge effect on you metabolism
    No such thing as cheating IMO :] How would it be cheating?
  • mrsbjf
    cheating? really? that is a silly question!
  • wagreen
    wagreen Posts: 76 Member
    Of course not, happy trails!
  • margurithrt
    I doubt it would be considered cheating, as it's something that your body is missing in it's current diet. This also means that your metabolism may have not been working as effectively as it needed to anyway. Just add the vitamin into your food diary. I have my vitamin supplements that I take daily saved as a meal so I can just use that to add it in when I take them
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    Hell no - you've gotsa have your vits!! :happy:
  • JThomas61
    I have hypothyroidism and take synthroid, but I supplement with B12. Anything it takes that will help I say go for it.
  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member
    Of course not, you need to take care of yourself. Please listen to whatever your doctor tells you. Anemia if not taken care of could land you in the hospital, believe me I know. My anemia was so bad at one time in my life, I need iron IV treatments. I'm so glad that I no longer have that trouble.....

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  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I don't think there can be "cheating"
    there are some methods of weight loss that are stupid and don't work, like laxatives, but I don't think that would be very bad. It's something that you need, so don't worry about it! :)
    just keep yourself healthy!!
  • MrsLehman24
    MrsLehman24 Posts: 204 Member
    I don't think it's cheating if the end result is you being skinner, healthier and happier.
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    Absolutely not! Take the stuff your Dr prescribes and stick to your calorie limit and exercise a bit and you'll be fine!
  • Marig0ld
    Marig0ld Posts: 671 Member
    :Nope. I take it as one of my regular supplements. My doc also recommended it. Not sure if it speeds up my metabolism, but I've been losing weight steadily by staying at my calorie goals and eating healthy. I know, shocking, right? :tongue:
  • lmhubbard
    lmhubbard Posts: 14 Member
    Not at all. I occationally have to have prescripts of B-12 myself as it runs low periodically, along with my iron levels. I can tell when it is running low as I fell sluggish and sleepy (low iron) and often have panic attacks when my B-12 is low.
  • 3GKnight
    3GKnight Posts: 203
    Now I'm curious, is there any substance that would be considered a cheating tool if all it did was speed up metabolism?
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    No, it's not cheating at all. In fact, with an underactive thyroid, you've actually been getting the short end of the stick. Medication is meant to bring you to normal.
  • 0PhAtDaDdY
    0PhAtDaDdY Posts: 569 Member
    Hey all,

    My doctor just ran some tests and found out that I am anemic... And that i also have a crappy thyroid..
    He wants me to take VitaminB12 to see if it will help, I also know this vitamin helps by speeding up your metabolism...

    Would you consider this cheating in terms of weight loss?

  • talia25
    talia25 Posts: 35 Member
    No way. If your body is deficient then you need to supplement it to bring it back to functioning normally. After several tests, I was advised I have an underactive thyroid and have been placed on Thyroid meds a few weeks ago, I know people with thyroid issues often struggle to lose weight and find it easier once they start taking medication, but I wasnt having problems losing so dont see that it will speed up my weight loss, just that it might make feel normal (not cold, tired, and a variety of other things :smile: ) You gotta listen to your doc