Calorie intake?

I am in the process of trying to lose weight and I know in order to lose weight you need to eat less calories. I have gone to many websites that have calorie calculators and none seem to be similar! Some calculators say I need to consume 3000 calories to lose weight (which I know is NOT correct) and some say I need to consume 1500+. Does anyone have a good website that offers an accurate calorie calculator? Thanks for your help!!



  • sullyboo
    sullyboo Posts: 256 Member
    This one??
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    Sometimes if your a higher weight, you need to eat more calories than someone at a lower weight in order to lose weight.
  • Duelltolose
    Duelltolose Posts: 119 Member
    yupp. Defiantly this one... haha. Have you looked at it yet?
  • sara709
    sara709 Posts: 170 Member
    You are here.
  • jenalderman
    jenalderman Posts: 411 Member
    This one has seen me through 91 lbs and I eat almost to my limit every day. Good luck!
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    This one??

    Seems to be working for lots of people, just the way it is.
  • jonzo21
    jonzo21 Posts: 446 Member
    take advantage of the calorie calculator on this website. It will give you an amount of calories to eat that will still allow you to lose weight even without exercise, depending on what your goals are. If you decide to exercise, that's even better, and gives you more calories you are allowed to eat that day. Then you can input all the food you eat on here to keep your calorie intake under control
  • B2BB
    B2BB Posts: 222 Member
    Less isn't better, just track what you eat regularly to give you an idea where to start. But be honest about servings and portions, enter it into your mfp. When you know what you are intaking then subtract 500 from that number. If you have an intake deficit of 599 per day for 7 days(1 week) then your weekly intake deficit will be....500 times 7=3500, and 3500 equals one pound list per week. If you wanna lose more than one pound per week increase your activity burn to 500 cals per day and that will be an additional pound. Well if you wanna do it the healthy way and make it life long:)
  • B2BB
    B2BB Posts: 222 Member
    Ooops not 599 I meant 500:)
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    I had to put all that info in and it gave me the calories when I became a member.....????
  • Zee48
    Zee48 Posts: 789 Member
    Wow, I can't imagine any one, or any reputable site, telling you that you need to consume 3000 calories per day to lose weight when most everything is calculated on a 2000 calorie intake per day and that to me is on the high side.

    I have gone to two sites, and was given 1200 cal here and 1355 calories at LoseIt! I wanted to lose 20# @ 1# average per week and was not losing at 1355 calories so am going with the 1200 or below and I am losing slowly. I don't want to drop it off overnight as I didn't get this way over night. I am 62yr old and already have enough giggly skin . Sorry TMI! I lost 45# on Weight Watchers in one year and made Lifetime but after my DH passed away in January 2010 I let myself gain back 25# before putting my foot down with ME. I have lost 5# since May counts points and now calories because I wanted to change things up and really kickstart this losing streak. I did it once and I can do it again.

    Be realistic with your goals and let MFP figure your daily caloric intake. Get active if you aren't already active and you will get this accomplished.

    Best wishes on your weight loss journey. You will do fine - just do it in a healthy manner. Please
  • DeeTaylor2006
    I guess I should have clarified my question better...I am using the calorie calculator on this site (and it is great). I was just looking for another reliable site that also had a calorie intake calculator just so I could compare. My personal trainer thinks this site is allowing me too many calories per day if I want to lose weight. My PT recommends 1200 a day...this is why I am asking for ANOTHER reliable site that offers a calorie calculator because I think she is wrong. I am not paying for this PT (I got 6 weeks free), so soon I will not be dealing with her.
  • fitnessGETZeasy
    fitnessGETZeasy Posts: 79 Member
    1200 is a generic number. Sounds like your PT was too lazy to look into your personal needs and threw out that arbitrary number. (No offense, of course.) This site seems to be on the lower end of recommendations I've seen, but is also one of the only ones that calculates with diet only and adds back in the calories for exercise. I think you'll do great here. Try not to obsess too much.
  • Duelltolose
    Duelltolose Posts: 119 Member
    If any other site, use Weight Watchers. Basically the same as MFP
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    Google calorie counters.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    that's a good one.

    I say 1200 is WAY WAY too low.
    The heavier you are the more you require just to LIVE.
    Your BMR is the amount of calories you need to survive even if you were in a COMA. Go to the BMR calculator and figure it out, then eat about that daily. You should not go below that.

    Your TDEE (or "maintenance" calories) is what you would need to stay the SAME weight. That number is your BMR TIMES your activity level (1.2 for sedentary, up to 1.9 for very active...most people are about 1.4-1.5) multiply that by your BMR from the calculator and you get your TDEE (approximate).

    Then subtract 1000 from this. This new number is your calorie GOAL. Not your goal to "stay under"...but your goal to REACH.

    So for example someone who weighs 250 and is 5'6" has a BMR of about 1850...and she either works outside the home or has a child to take care of, cleans her house, etc, something other than sitting on the couch ALL day...she multiplies it by 1.5 and gets 2775...this is her MAINTENANCE, what she needs to eat to stay the SAME. She subtracts 1000 from that and gets 1775. She must EAT 1775 a DAY to LOSE 2 lbs per week. LESS than this is UNHEALTHY and starving her body of vital nutrients.

    Now plug your OWN numbers into the BMR calculator (in the tools section), determine your activity level (keeping in mind most people are not "sedentary" unless you literally sit on the couch all day). Multiply it out, find your TDEE, and subtract 1000 for a 2 lb per week loss.
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    that's a good one.

    I say 1200 is WAY WAY too low.
    The heavier you are the more you require just to LIVE.
    Your BMR is the amount of calories you need to survive even if you were in a COMA. Go to the BMR calculator and figure it out, then eat about that daily. You should not go below that.

    Your TDEE (or "maintenance" calories) is what you would need to stay the SAME weight. That number is your BMR TIMES your activity level (1.2 for sedentary, up to 1.9 for very active...most people are about 1.4-1.5) multiply that by your BMR from the calculator and you get your TDEE (approximate).

    Then subtract 1000 from this. This new number is your calorie GOAL. Not your goal to "stay under"...but your goal to REACH.

    So for example someone who weighs 250 and is 5'6" has a BMR of about 1850...and she either works outside the home or has a child to take care of, cleans her house, etc, something other than sitting on the couch ALL day...she multiplies it by 1.5 and gets 2775...this is her MAINTENANCE, what she needs to eat to stay the SAME. She subtracts 1000 from that and gets 1775. She must EAT 1775 a DAY to LOSE 2 lbs per week. LESS than this is UNHEALTHY and starving her body of vital nutrients.

    Now plug your OWN numbers into the BMR calculator (in the tools section), determine your activity level (keeping in mind most people are not "sedentary" unless you literally sit on the couch all day). Multiply it out, find your TDEE, and subtract 1000 for a 2 lb per week loss.

    Very nice Robin. :flowerforyou:
  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    I like you looked for different sites, and I got frustrated as they were all different. I never counted until I got here. I think you should listen to the calories here and not your personal trainer. Every persons calories are different. I weigh 125 and am 5'2 so my calories are 1200 but I'm pretty small built and short. I'd assume people that are taller need more calories. And when you work out I get to eat more calories too. This site has worked the best for me, so I highly recommend it and not the PT.

    Good Luck~
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Lots and lots of people have had success using this site. If you give it a few weeks and have your settings correct, it SHOULD work for you too.