AT&T Rocks!!! So excited!

Frost Posts: 312 Member
I have had a run of bad cell phone company experiences. I admit that I went into my relationship with AT&T with a "they will probably be crap too" attitiude. I got a refurbed Blackberry Curve for free with a 2 year contract only to find out that the internet package was really expensive and well my phone wouldn't hold a call for more than about 2 minutes. I went through several folks attempting to help me solve my phone shutting off in the middle of a call problem and was just so frustrated. The final straw was when I was at the store the other day and needed to call 911 and couldn't count on my phone to get through the call. I called AT&T yesterday with admittedly a bad attitude and was pleasantly surprised. The rep was pleasant and understanding even though I was cranky. She let me upgrade to a better phone and adjusted my bill. They waived the upgrade charge and shipped the phone overnight for free. The tracking number I received via email says it should be here today by 3! I'm so excited. I'm getting a Samsung Eternity.


  • Frost
    Frost Posts: 312 Member
    I have had a run of bad cell phone company experiences. I admit that I went into my relationship with AT&T with a "they will probably be crap too" attitiude. I got a refurbed Blackberry Curve for free with a 2 year contract only to find out that the internet package was really expensive and well my phone wouldn't hold a call for more than about 2 minutes. I went through several folks attempting to help me solve my phone shutting off in the middle of a call problem and was just so frustrated. The final straw was when I was at the store the other day and needed to call 911 and couldn't count on my phone to get through the call. I called AT&T yesterday with admittedly a bad attitude and was pleasantly surprised. The rep was pleasant and understanding even though I was cranky. She let me upgrade to a better phone and adjusted my bill. They waived the upgrade charge and shipped the phone overnight for free. The tracking number I received via email says it should be here today by 3! I'm so excited. I'm getting a Samsung Eternity.
  • angelinaz
    angelinaz Posts: 262
    I've been with AT&T for a long time and love them! Friday night I spilled a glass of water on my phone. End of that phone. I just got my new one like ten minutes ago!!!! And, if I ever need time to pay, they extend my time, and other good things! Enjoy your new phone! :heart:
  • Frost
    Frost Posts: 312 Member
    My new phone is here! Yay!
  • Frost
    Frost Posts: 312 Member
    I've been with AT&T for a long time and love them! Friday night I spilled a glass of water on my phone. End of that phone. I just got my new one like ten minutes ago!!!! And, if I ever need time to pay, they extend my time, and other good things! Enjoy your new phone! :heart:

    Thanks! What kind of phone did you get?
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I am glad you are all happy w/AT &T. I will NEVER be their customer again. A few years ago, when I changed jobs, my AT&T phone worked flawlessly in my office for about two years, then I suddenly had crappy signal strength and my phone kept roaming to other carriers. When I complained, they blamed it on interference from my building, which was baloney, since nothing had changed and other carriers worked fine in our building,AND it worked fine before the problem started.

    Their next excuse was that "the other carriers have their signal turned up too high." If you know anything at all about cell technology, you understand that is an even bigger crock of baloney.

    I found if I walked to the edge of the parking lot, I could ususally make a call. Sometimes I received them in the building, sometimes not.

    The you-know what hit the fan the day I drove out of the parking lot, got a voice mail tone and listened to a message that stated my husband had been trying to reach me due to an emergency for the past 3 hours and kept getting voice mail. He had been hiking in the Columbia Gorge with friend who took a fall that turned out to be fatal. He had wanted me to come to where he was to help with the aftermath, and it took me over 4 hours to get to where he was, thanks to AT &T's crappy service.
    (If you are wondering why he couldn't call me on a landline, I worked in call center and we could not receive personal incoming calls.)

    I waited about 2 weeks until I felt I could make a call without threatening mayhem. It took me an hour and half and multiple transfers to finally get to a engineering type who admitted that although my office is within a mile of an interstate freeway, inside the city limits of the 4 th largest city in the State of Washington, and less than 1/2 a mile from an AT & T store, it was "outside our service area."

    When I asked him why it worked fine for the first year I worked at that location, he admitted they had "decided not to renew some roaming arrangements" they had with another carrier to serve that area. When I asked why they would do something that would adversely impact service in a totally developed area, inside the city limits, and not publicize what they were doing,I was told it was to "enhance profitability." Since my contract had already expired with them, I "enhanced" their profitability by switching to another carrier!!

    I am also no fan of T-mobile. A friend of mine had her service interrupted twice for non payment during the time she had her account set up to be automatically paid via credit card. In both cases, the payment was received on time. She gave up and switched. My own experience with them involved an unauthorized person restarting an account that I had cancelled. It happened because a brain dead employee in their retail location failed to follow any of the procedures in place for verifying identity. The refused to acknowledge their mistake and in order to avoid my credit being impacted, I ended up paying the bill to avoid jeopardizing my credit and a pending home refinance. The minute another account I had with them reached the end of the contract, I changed to Sprint, and after almost a year, I am pleased with their service and have found their customer service department to be superior to AT &T and T-mobile. (No I DON'T work for Sprint!!)

    I would guess someone has a horror story about Sprint and any other carrier for that matter, but I just couldn't let the love fest for AT &T pass without an alternate viewpoint.
  • Frost
    Frost Posts: 312 Member
    Wow, ok. No lovefest here for any particular carrier. Just happy at the moment. :laugh: Yeah, I can't stand Sprint. They owe me money yet they sent me to collections. :laugh: I had no luck with customer service rep's that sounded like they were reading from a script. Couldn't get a supervisor on the phone and just finally gave up. At the point where I need to either just pay them and write off what they owe me or do a BBB and Consumer affairs complaint. BUT any carrier is going to have both good and bad stories just like you mentioned.