Officially Confused

I'm confused. I am doing really well at sticking to my weight loss plan. I am exercising, eating healthier, and getting so much support! (Which is amazing by the way.) I am even losing weight already. I lost 8.2 pounds since I weighed myself last week (before MFP), according to the same scale. This is good right? Then why did I break down in tears today randomly? I mean, yeah, I know I'm stressed out with my college semester coming to a close and last minute homework and finals and stuff, but I've been handling all that before, why could it be causing a problem now? Just a bit confused. Any ideas? Can weight loss actually cause this?


  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I was emotionally edgy while I was losing weight. I think as we lose weight, our hormones have to adjust to the weight loss and sometimes... well, sometimes that adjustment isn't pleasant. I don't have any proof that our hormones change as we lose weight, but I know as I've lost it? I've gone through phases where I felt like an emotional lunatic. Usually within a short time, whatever is going on levels out and I'm good again.
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Well that's a lot to lose in a really short period and it might have thrown your system out of whack. We sequester a lot of chemicals in our fat and when we lose a bunch real fast it comes back into our bloodstream real fast. Other thing is do you have a blood sugar problem, when my hubby's sugar is out of whack he either gets really moody or really grouchy. Lots of things could cause your tears but be patient it will get better.
  • riannenrings
    riannenrings Posts: 142 Member
    maybe if you used to snack when stressed out and now you are not, this is your body's new coping mechanism...?
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    Your body may be going to withdrawal. Many foods, when eaten give us a rush...and when you don't eat the foods...just like go into withdrawals..

    Take heart...this will are doing an amazing job...1 week at a time is all iy takes..and you have accomplished thstn

    Great awesome fantastical job! You are 1 week closer to the new you
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    Oh, honey... it's a body-adjustment thing. It happened to me too when I first started. And... yeah... I think it was around the 10lbs mark. It was *kind of* close to my monthly clock striking 12 too. It was strange, but it happened a couple times, & I wasn't stressed about anything.

    The other thing I found was that if I lost a high percentage of weight in a week (I only had about 40lbs to take off, & I'm down 30lbs now), like say, 3 or 4lbs, I would get head rushes when I stood up. I saw a doctor about it, & he said it was an iron deficiency, because I had changed my eating habits from eating red meat basically every other day to eating fish or chicken. It apparently messed me up pretty seriously. I had to start taking supplements to balance me out.

    I know it sounds bonkers, because it's just a few tears, but it could be a B12 deficiency or something. Lack of B12 causes depression & feelings of guilt. I'd see a doctor & get some blood work, & see if you're missing some vitamins/minerals.
  • coloradotiff
    coloradotiff Posts: 22 Member
    I'm no doctor but I have a feeling your probably overwelmed/stressed and sometimes we just need to let it out! It helps to cry scream whatever. I know for me I like to binge eat, drink alcohol or junk food when im stressed or down and ive been doing so good not having any of that. But now im kinda like uuuuuh so what do I do if I cant have a bag of hot cheetos cuz my kid drove me bonkers today. Not sure yet!
  • NyxDominique
    NyxDominique Posts: 271 Member
    Your life is changing. Tears can be from anything. Stress, hormone changes. They could be related to your weight loss - or have nothing to do with it at all its hard to say really. Yet, the crying is over. Wipe your tears. Today is a new day. We are all here for you. You are doing a amazing job. You making awesome strides in your life with school and with your health. Keep up the good work ^.^
  • Sounds like a pretty full "plate" so to speak! You are doing so many life changing activities right now that gosh, it has to come out somehow! You aren't eating to get through it so your body probably just said, "Crap, I gotta blow off some steam here!" No biggie. Just have a good cry, blow your nose and look in the mirror at the magnificent, strong woman you are! Keep up the good work and don't let a few tears sidetrack your progress.