Some people need to just keep their trap shut!



  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Old you>. Gets sidetracked being upset by her obnoxious comments

    New & re-focused you> Remains intentional on your journey towards your goals
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    I get a lot of positive comments from people at work. The only bad ones I get is from one particular guy who keeps trying to diet and is frustrated and he gets really pissy with me all the time.
  • Get to your goal weight, maintain it for a week and yell "IN YOUR FACE!" to that old lady. :wink:

    I made up my breakfast (Almonds, Apple and yogurt)

    and she says:

    "OH that looks nice! I wouldnt mind some myself!"
  • keenslk
    keenslk Posts: 126
    "I let my haters be my motivators."

    Love this - so do I! !!!!! When Im in pain exercising i think of all the mean things people over the years have said to me - it motivates me to th max!
  • Let your smile change the world, but don`t let the world change your smile. :flowerforyou:
  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    Could she be jealous?
  • tracymnx
    tracymnx Posts: 105
    What a b***h. Look at this way when you are loking smokin hot she will be pushing up the daisies (hopefully)

    Screw her, do what youre already doing and put nasty hags like that to the back of your mind.

    Have a great day!!

    Tracy :smile:
  • Amberetta82
    Amberetta82 Posts: 153 Member
    My mom would say something like that... I would just roll my eyes because unlike her I am actually doing something about my weight and she is the one sitting on her *kitten* and still complaining. LAME right?

    The ignorance of some people. Flip the negative to positive.
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    Wow what a *****!
    Shes probably just jealouse that she has noticed you loose weight.
  • cockneypaul
    cockneypaul Posts: 52 Member
    Her life is really really small and she needs to stick her nose in to fill the void, I bet she watches all the soaps. either way its all about someone else's life isn't. **** her...
  • kiwi1855
    kiwi1855 Posts: 218 Member
    My favorite line is "At least I've started". And then I go back to doing whatever I was doing, and ignore them completely. :)
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    She sounds a bit ...dumb, maybe she isn't smart enough to get how rude she is being.
    She has just thrown down a challenge.......It'll be fun when you can rub it in.
    Some hilarious comments, I wish I worked with them!!
  • Don't let her get to you. Maybe she will die soon.

    SEE!!!! I wanted to post that so badly, but you said it for me so now I kinda don't feel Hell's heat on MY backside. Lmao!
  • look at her and ask her how much it bothers her that your thighs are going to be way smaller than hers??? all seriousness it is jealousy don't worry about it...
  • jskaggs1971
    jskaggs1971 Posts: 371 Member
    "Oh look whos dieting AGAIN, youll gain it all back AND more in less than a week"

    "Well, maybe so, but after I'm done dieting and I look good and feel great, you'll still be stupid. And old. And ugly"
  • This is why I don't tell people when I'm dieting. People like that are so jealous. You're doing amazing :) prove them wrong!
  • MissPeppers
    MissPeppers Posts: 302 Member
    Poor old lady. She doesn't realize that she's an idiot.
    Her bad.
    Not your problem.

    You'¨ve actually found something that sticks and that works for you. You win :happy:
  • She clearly leads a sad existence. What's the saying... Misery seeks company? Don't fall for it.
  • I agree with the others. Jealousy and you can totally use this as motivation. I get the same treatment from some people as I was also a serial dieter but I'm actually sticking to this one.