Help needed with calorie calculator

dm123 Posts: 14 Member
Hi everyone,
I am still fairly new here--about one month now, and I could use some help. Did anyone find that the calories per day suggested were too low? My nutritionist told me to start at 1800 a day, and I have lost 11 lbs. at that total so far. I am wondering if anyone else had trouble using the calculator for this reason. Thanks!


  • dm123
    dm123 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I am still fairly new here--about one month now, and I could use some help. Did anyone find that the calories per day suggested were too low? My nutritionist told me to start at 1800 a day, and I have lost 11 lbs. at that total so far. I am wondering if anyone else had trouble using the calculator for this reason. Thanks!
  • helenwood101
    I find that if I exercise for 30mins a day I have enough calories that I can eat. Im loosing it, slowly. Not what they say I should be loosing per month but anything is better than nothing so im not moaning.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Everyone's body is a little different. If that's what your nutritionist said, and it's working for you, go with that!! Good job on losing 11 lbs - that is awesome. You can use this to keep track of what you eat, and how close you come to your 1800. If you print them out, your nutritionist can look them over when you see her/him and give you suggestions. Good luck!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    You can customize your goal ... if you're losing weight on 1800 calories, why wouldn't you keep eating 1800?

    Go to my goals and at the bottom there's a green box that says "change goals". And there you have it.