You're on a diet, you shouldn't be eating that..

kellylara93 Posts: 228
edited October 2024 in Motivation and Support
I just got told by both my father and my grandfather that i shouldn't be eating my fun size chocolate frog because I was on a diet, and 'already fat'.

Never mind the fact that I burnt nearly 500 calories exercising today, I can eat whatever the hell I like as long as it it in moderation!

Some people are so narrow minded and critical!

Has anyone else had people tell them this?


  • My brother and my mum tell me this all the time. I don't know whether they're being sarcastic or generally are just that critical :/ my dad is always really nice about it though, and says I don't have to eat it if I don't want to but eating treats is good in moderation :-)
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,359 Member
    People only make the mistake of commenting on what I eat ONCE!
  • oneLessS
    oneLessS Posts: 44 Member
    People only make the mistake of commenting on what I eat ONCE!

    he he he...
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    lol, my mum.

    she told me eggs are bad for me, and to stop eating carbs altogether including veg. Sorry but what?!

    so clueless....
  • jagar07
    jagar07 Posts: 266 Member
    my father used to say things like that to me all the time. He meant well, but it hurt. I grew up feeling like the chubby daughter and I hate that feeling. Now, I just try not to eat in front of critical people, or at least not the "good" stuff anyway.
  • Bridget28152723
    Bridget28152723 Posts: 372 Member
    I just got told by both my father and my grandfather that i shouldn't be eating my fun size chocolate frog because I was on a diet, and 'already fat'.

    Never mind the fact that I burnt nearly 500 calories exercising today, I can eat whatever the hell I like as long as it it in moderation!

    Some people are so narrow minded and critical!

    Has anyone else had people tell them this?
    I hate this ! my kids and sometimes my husband will say something like "Are you supposed to eat that "
    and I say yes I am, only when they know you are watching calories, etc will people say stuff like that, it is very rude .Since when do you care what I eat ? one of my pet peeves ..........
  • rblair_22
    rblair_22 Posts: 202 Member
    I just got told by both my father and my grandfather that i shouldn't be eating my fun size chocolate frog because I was on a diet, and 'already fat'.

    Never mind the fact that I burnt nearly 500 calories exercising today, I can eat whatever the hell I like as long as it it in moderation!

    Some people are so narrow minded and critical!

    Has anyone else had people tell them this?

    It's normally me telling myself that, not my family members. They've been really good about supporting me and they don't even question what I eat. If a family member had said that to me, and male one at that, I think I would have hauled off and punched them. But that's just me. Don't let them get you down, you are only answerable to yourself.
  • SouLThinking
    SouLThinking Posts: 308 Member
    Hey I ate Thanksgiving dinner at work Wednesday this week and someone asked me yesterday "are you going to have another cheat day?" I said I didn't cheat. I stayed within my calories......

    So basically if you eat at all your not dieting? ..WTH???

    I just keep on trucking.

    My 98 lb loss speaks for itself.

    This is a lifestyle change...if I can't work in treats or whatever I would never have gotten this far.
  • Yeah, my boyfriend has done this. I think he thought he was being helpful. I explained that I can eat whatever I want within my calorie limit and he hasn't said anything again.
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    Except for my Mum, my partner and a few close friends, nobody knows I'm on a diet. Makes it easier that way!
  • aaleigha1
    aaleigha1 Posts: 408 Member
    I must say I have been very very lucky as so far not one person has criticised my food choices
    for which I am very thankful

    just continue your plan and eat what you want in moderation and show them you can do it and then at the end thank them for their support :):):)
  • jessicasloan91
    jessicasloan91 Posts: 184 Member
    I was on the phone to my bf the other night cooking my dinner (which was fish & veg) and I was like "MMMMMM baby sweetcorn! :)"

    And he said "your on a diet!!!"

    EXCUUUUUUUUUSE ME.. if im on a diet and i cant eat sweetcorn wtf can I eat!?

    Grrrr some people!!
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 742 Member
    I know comments like that hurt, but just smile and know in YOUR heart that you have earned that bit of a treat. Let the results you are sure to get speak for themselves!
  • jessicasloan91
    jessicasloan91 Posts: 184 Member
    Hey I ate Thanksgiving dinner at work Wednesday this week and someone asked me yesterday "are you going to have another cheat day?" I said I didn't cheat. I stayed within my calories......

    So basically if you eat at all your not dieting? ..WTH???

    I just keep on trucking.

    My 98 lb loss speaks for itself.

    This is a lifestyle change...if I can't work in treats or whatever I would never have gotten this far.

  • hazelnut861
    hazelnut861 Posts: 390 Member
    My grandma used to tell me I was fat when I was a teenager even now I know I wasn't. Even on drugs and sooo sucked up sick looking, she called me fat. She'd say "omg! You're eating again?! "? ?? I hardly ate anything in weeks and it was the first time I'd been home in days. 2 days after giving birth (off drugs!) she called me fat. She was cruel sometimes. I've had other people tell me I was fat or ask how far along I was when I really wasn't that big. My bmi was healthy anyways. For a long time I didn't like people being able to see me eat. I felt embarrassed if someone even glanced at me and there was food in front me.
    I don't know why people are like that. They know it's mean; how could you not know?
  • YES!!

    My boss does it all the time and it really winds me up. She turns to me and says 'do you know how many calories are in that?' and my response is 'well yes I do, I'm the one that's counting my calories/fats/carbs etc while you eat whatever you want'

    Sometimes if she's really annoyed me about other stuff I'll make sure I have something for lunch that she thinks is 'bad for me' just to wind her up
  • Christina1007
    Christina1007 Posts: 179 Member
    Except for my Mum, my partner and a few close friends, nobody knows I'm on a diet. Makes it easier that way!

    I told my boyfriend I am tracking my calories, buty he doesn't know I'm dieting, so it's easier for me this way. Maybe I feel like if I do tell everyone, they'll ask me when I do have something sweet or bad for me "Hey, what happenned to your diet?"
    So yeah, keep it to myself.
  • Yuck, people can be so insensitive.
    My parents are both supportive for the most part. My dad always asks how I'm doing with it, and my mom tries to make accommodations.
    HOWEVER, the people at work drive me nuts. Stupid comments like "Oh, I guess you cant have any huh?... followed by laughter, or "Oh yeah, thats right your on a diiiiiieeeeeeeeeetttttttt" ugh, or the worst, when I broke down and bought a diet coke after a really stressful day at work and one of my cna's was like "OMIGOD! gasp, you bought a diet coke? Shame on you!" I mean really. The thing is, I'm not even on a "diet". I worked hard and am damn well near my goal weight... I just dont want to start eating crap again and undo everything.
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    People think that you have to be miserable and hungry and deprived to lose weight. We have found a better way...I say eat em if you got em...
  • manjingirl
    manjingirl Posts: 188 Member
    Thread hijack - just went to tell someone who's posted on this thread that their new profile pic is really cool and I find they've unfriended me. *insert surprised/sad face here*
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Thread hijack - just went to tell someone who's posted on this thread that their new profile pic is really cool and I find they've unfriended me. *insert surprised/sad face here*

    Politics of online friendships eh? How sad making :-(, oh well, their loss right?!

    In response to thread topic, for those that haven't realised the glory of eating a bit of whatever you want as long as it fits within your macros, let's ignore their snide remarks and take pleasure in our revelations :-D
  • I used to be quite rude when I was younger (and much less "mellow"); they'd be on me like, "I knew you couldn't stick to it. Why suffer and waste your time?" Or, "You know you're just going to gain it all back anyway, just like last time and the time before!", or even, "Are you sure that's on your plan"? or whatever. And I would respond with something mean like, "I'm smaller than you now-soinyerFACE!" or "Look in the mirror and follow your own advice! By the way, LOVE your pockmarks!" (I mean, something really cruel -- even: "LOVIN' the 'lady combover', by the way -- I'm ENVIOUS!" Sometimes even, "You know? I wonder, have you ever seen yourself from the back? Well...maybe you should...on second thought: DON'T!) You see, most of the people who tend to say not nice things to me need to lose weight themselves; my thinner friends, relatives and acquaintances have never done this, for whatever reason. UNLESS they jump in and choose to offer unsolicited advice or commentary that is negative, I'm NOT trying to tell other people I know that they should also watch their habits. Still, sometimes I feel like they get the impression that I'm "preaching" even when I keep my mouth shut (and don't reach for the roll basket or order a drink or something, GEESH!) I'm NOT trying to tell anyone else how to live, honest! (Let me TRY, please! Butt OUT!)

    No, I was not very nice, and it was lowering myself below their level. I am ashamed to admit how b*tchy I could be. I then moderated to say things like, say, "Time will tell...OH, this is a size '8' skirt by the way. What did you say your size was? Yeah, I thought so" (without letting them answer). If they were much younger I'd say something like, "Sure hope I'm alive to see what YOU look like when you're my age, maybe more like your mom?" (if their mom is much larger) or something. OK, still b*tchy!

    NOW if I'm still not quite nice, at the very least, I can reply with equanimity. I say, "You're right; I should think about that. I'd better make sure I record this in my quota for the day.", or I say, "Thank you for helping me! Your words are inspiring me to stay on course, and I appreciate that." If they say I'm full of it; I just agree with them and say, "Yeah, you're right; I don't really value your opinion." (Still not nice.) If they say, "You're just gonna gain it all back", I say, "Yeah, probably, but I've got to keep trying. I need to do this for me. Thanks for your support -- that was sarcasm, by the way!" I will learn to be more polite...some day. But hey! I'm in Boston, and they just "come right out with it" here! (Menh!) They don't know what "sugar-coating" is!

    I guess I'm still kinda b*tchy, at least when it comes to people "butting in" where they don't belong. I'd like to say that one day they'll have nothing left to say, but I know that's not true. ("Haters gonna hate" and all that!)

    That's okay; you stay true to YOU and let think others think/say whatever they want. This is YOUR journey. Cheers!
  • lbetancourt
    lbetancourt Posts: 522 Member
    i get the opposite.. i should eat cause im looking to thin. pisses me off.
  • Ezada
    Ezada Posts: 207 Member
    Honestly I don't know anyone that has ever asked me anything like that (I am lucky). When I go out to eat with family and friends, when I am dieting, they ask if a certain restaruaunt is ok for me to eat at, or if I can find something there to stick to my diet.

    People need to mind their own business though, you are taking care of yourself, don't let them get you down. <3
  • i get the opposite.. i should eat cause im looking to thin. pisses me off.
    It's not up to them -- it's up to you to decide when you're thin enough. (Just proves there's interference on both sides of the fence!)
  • When someone says anything about what I am eating I give my standard question. Who are you the food police? That usually shuts them up.
  • My mams like that, always lecturing me about my weight but between January and march when I had lost 1 1/2 stone and everyone was commenting on how good I looked I never heard a well done once from her. But then when it was her birthday and I had a cupcake for once since it's like you can't eat that! I don't know how people dare!
  • zbmb30
    zbmb30 Posts: 177 Member
    I have heard that from my dad multiple times. I know he means well, but still it's not something you should say to your daughter. It's not very encouraging. I used to sing when I was in jr. high and in high school. He used to pay attention to every piece of food I would put in my mouth. He still to this day does that sometimes. I learned that I can dish it back to him, which he doesn't like. I've come to the conclusion that I am the one that has to like myself, so how I feel about the way I look is what's important.

    I was actually shocked last week when I had just got home from work and working out and was just standing there talking to my dad and mom, out of nowhere my dad was like, "I can tell you are losing weight." That to me was a big compliment because I wasn't even trying to get one then.

    Just keep your head up and remember that you have to be happy with yourself. You are allowed to have a treat every now and then. If you don't allow yourself a treat, you could easily over indulge in it later. Plus, when you workout and know how many calories you worked off and how many you ate, you should be able to do the math to know if you are good in the calories or not.
  • You were eating a FUN sized piece of chocolate, at least you were eating half a block of the family sized or something!

    But yea i get the same thing from my family! I'm actually trying to lose weight before i go home for christmas! I dread going home because i always get the same comments from my mum..
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    I had 3 gigantic, greasy slices of pepperoni pizza for lunch.

    See that ticker down there? It just keeps moving along anyway.

    Let 'em hate.
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