breakfast makes me hungrier



  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    There was a time when I would eat breakfast, and then 5 more times throughout the day. For the past 2 months, I haven't eaten breakfast and I only eat twice per day. I've noticed no change in the rate I'm able to lose weight. Last night I ate 1800 calories about 2 hours before I went to bed. Yep...still losing weight. I still have more than enough energy to go to the gym in a fasted state and do a big workout.

    Neither way is right or wrong.

    Achieving your goals can be done whether or not you decide to eat breakfast or not. If losing weight is your goal, then stay in a calorie deficit.

    Do what fits into your schedule the best. We're all adults, do what you want.

    To the OP, time is on your side here. Take a couple weeks and try both of them out and figure out how your body reacts.
  • Maryfullofgrace
    Maryfullofgrace Posts: 342 Member
    We all have passionate opinions about this!

    Mine is, tune in to what your body is telling you. Is it TRULY hunger or simply a blood sugar issue? Is it grouchy hunger? Are you having a carbohydrate craving? Could it be moderate dehydration? Have you consumed anything? Coffee?

    I've done the no-breakfast route, and I have done the eat breakfast route. I will say it mostly depends on *what* I eat for breakfast will affect whether or not I get the 2 hours later "hunger" thing. And I put it in quotes because it was not, at least for me, true hunger but merely a drop in blood sugar. For me I found that eating a balanced meal of slow-burn carbohydrates ("The New Glucose Revolution" by Jennie Brand-Miller, Thomas M.S. Wolever, Stephen Colagiuri, Kaye Foster-Powell") and protein solved this problem forthwith! I have 35 pounds of loss since discovering this.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    the only way to stop nonsensical nutritional myths from continuing to pollute people's minds, is to point out when they are being spread and put a stop to it.

    It's nothing personal and hopefully people can do this by refuting information and not attacking people.

    There's nothing wrong with sharing what works for you, but it is an important endeavor to do what Acg67 is saying above. Dietary myths complicate the process.
  • LickyNees
    LickyNees Posts: 101 Member
    Opinions do not equal facts.

    Correlation between two variables does not automatically imply that one directly causes the other.

    People once believed the Earth to be flat, however this never made it true.

    Breakfast is not the most "important" meal of the day. To state or imply otherwise is false. Those are the facts.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I realize that breakfast is supposed to be the most important meal of the day. However, when I eat breakfast (cereal), I am starving by 9am! When there is no breakfast, I can easily make it until noon. I save more of my calories that way and feel better! Anyone know anything about metabolism and why this makes me hungrier?? Thanks! btw, I love everyone here! It is so good to get support and help!

    I prefer eating 5-6 times a day.
    My stomach loves me for it.

    I like eating high protein in the AM but thats just me.
    I feel like I eat all day long and I rarely get the grumbles and hunger pangs.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Try eating a good Protein breakfast.

    If I eat eggs I have no hunger until lunch. I sometimes will have a piece of fruit midway but that is all. Most times I am not hungry until lunch time. Then I try to have tuna or chicken for lunch. A satisfying soup is also enough for me...homemade in my case.

    That is also something that I do for ease ...make a pot of soup and have it handy for a quick cup if I need it. It stops me from reaching for snacks.

    hope that helps. :happy:

    Exactly. I eat close to 100g of protein for breakfast usually. I'm never hungry. I eat around 11-12 for first lunch, but I'm not hungry.
  • Vaanja
    Vaanja Posts: 163 Member
    I used to hate stomach always felt wonky in the mornings and it left me hungier in the early afternoons somehow. When I started certain meds a couple of months ago, it became necessary to eat a protein breakfast with my meds first thing in the morning. After doing this for a few weeks, however, I started waking up looking forward to my breakfast and the irrational urge to snack in the late morning/early afternoons has decreased quite a lot.
  • spacey1968
    That made sense to me as well! I guess I'll just work through it or try something with more protein instead of the carbs of a cereal! Thanks to everyone for the great ideas and suggestions!