anybody else just getting started?



  • Hey Ryan & all. I'm Toki (from South Africa) and I joined yersterday. It's my first experience on a site like this. I spent last night reading the message boards and I think this is so awesome. I always had success keeping my weight reasonable without much effort until my second baby(and she just turned 7!) I am so ready and motivated to get this going.
    I am converting to a vegan diet (for last 3 weeks) and am also trying to keep it at least 70 % raw. It forces me to opt for fruit or veg in stead of bread or crackers! Anyone with similar interest are welcome to friend me.
    best of luck to all!
  • ryanperna
    ryanperna Posts: 24 Member
    @britt: this for the advice. I have come to work well prepared. Planning is so important! @beaver: sometimes being alone can be helpful in ur diet! I'm surrounded by bad influences-not only for diet but for my self esteem. I've only been here for a day but am finding it so valuable to connect with others who have the same goal. Let's keep up the good work!
  • Hey, sounds like you and I have a similar body type. I'm afraid the calorie recommendation on this thing is too low (for guys with some muscle). I actually got lightheaded today, ate a greek yogurt and now i'm fine. I'm going to try to stick to the 1600 calories but don't know if it's possible without passing out...?

    I hear ya there. It recommends 1690 calories a day for me. I usually net around 1700 calories a day, but I also do a minimum of 30 minutes of cardio every day, so I actually eat anywhere from 2100-2300 calories. I also eat something every 2 hours starting at 8am and ending at 10pm, so I never really find myself getting hungry, lightheaded, etc. throughout the day.
  • smilingrn
    smilingrn Posts: 45 Member
    Englishjen: Congrats on quitting smoking!!! Been there done that and glad I did!
  • smilingrn
    smilingrn Posts: 45 Member
    Well I just restarted again, was gone for awhile but now I'm back! I'm an off and on type as well and hoping to break the cycle this time! We can all do it!!!!
  • juliep1974
    juliep1974 Posts: 222 Member
    Thank you all for the kind words! Yes, my stomach is rumbling. I had a banana to keep it quiet, but I know it's only temporary. I've read some things that say you should "never" be hungry... I'm not sure what to do about this, am I supposed to allow my stomach to growl/be hungry during the day, or should I constantly graze so I don't get that hunger?

    I started this week too and my stomach has been rumbling for a good part of it. The good news, it gets a little bit better each day so just keep at it. Take a walk if you can, keep drinking water and know that it will pass. You can do this!
  • pazzescauna1
    pazzescauna1 Posts: 43 Member
    Hey Ryan,

    My best advice would be to plan your meals daily and drink LOTS of water. Also, try to research foods that keep you fuller longer, at least at the beginning so that your stomach will shrink a little bit. You will definitely see a difference utilizing this website. There are very supportive members, and if you have questions, don't be shy to ask-- someone else probably has the same question.

    :) I look forward to seeing your progress. You can do it if you set your mind to it :)

    Best of luck!

    DBTFW Posts: 23 Member
    Welcome! I just started Wednesday this week. I've been a little hungry myself. Apples, a mozzarella cheese stick, or a handful of walnuts or almonds seem to keep me from going on a binge when the rumblings start. Water really helps,too, and in fact since I've started drinking more water, I think in the past I would eat when I was actually just thirsty. I don't particularly like to exercise, but I've made it through 30-Day Shred each day since I've started--which is a big deal for me, even though it's only 20 (hard) minutes.

    I think this site is really going to help me stay accountable for what food I put into my mouth and what exercise I do. Believe me, I didn't want to exercise this morning, but I knew I had to log it, so I did it--and I'm glad. Someone else posted that she goes for a walk when hungry--that helps, too.

    I look forward to seeing how you do. Feel free to friend me.
  • jeepyj93
    jeepyj93 Posts: 392 Member
    Good Morning I am new today just found out about these boards from other sites and so happy to get on board. I have lost about 45 lbs 4 years ago and am really trying to get another 15 off. I excerise a lot and have just been sitting at one spot now for about a year and find I need to get back to tracking hard to get those last pounds off. Right now I am up early to go swimming as the winter part of my Triathlon training and then we will go for a run in the snow.
    Have a great day everyone and glad to be here.
  • advan031
    advan031 Posts: 25 Member

    I started with fitbit 2 weeks ago but I think I'll start tracking here as well.
  • this14now
    this14now Posts: 30 Member
    Yup I am a newbie too! Monday will be two weeks.... Hope we can all be support for each other!!
  • I just started this week. I am 57 and I have decided not to get into the winter slump packing on pounds. II am finding that instead of drinking just water I drink seltzer to keep my fluids up. It helps to fill me up. I just finished reading all of the posts
    I do feel I will stick with this as I need to be accountable to the food log with what I am putting in my mouth every day. I also use peanut butter on celery at 4pm. I get cravings then and I need something crunchy to satisfy me instead of taking a sweet.
    Good luck everyone! We are on a good track!
  • Hi, Just started this week. I want to lose about 20 pounds. I figure starting before the holidays will help prevent putting on any more pounds. Drinking a ton of water has helped me keep cravings down, also green tea for the afternoon slump. Good luck everyone!
    <a href=""><img border="0" src="; /></a><p style="text-align:center;width:420px;"><small>Created by MyFitnessPal - <a href="">Free Weight Loss</a> Tools</small></p>
  • @otonswife, Congratulations on having your baby boy!
  • Hello!

    My name is Sara and i just started on here today, although i started on monday with my new exercise and eating healthy program. anyone can friend request me. always looking for more support and new friends! good luck to all on your new healthy journey!

    Sara :)
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I'm the same way with those off and on switches, I guess I'm just naturally obsessive. I just started today as well, hoping to keep the on switch in a safe and sane position from now on and tape over the off switch permanently. But it's tough, burnout is so easy when you're an all or nothing person!
  • vger11
    vger11 Posts: 248
    just getting started...again. wish I could've just made the lifestyle change w/o all the crap that never holds out. keeping it real now. welcome all,
  • Thank you for the advice! i am going to try it out
  • Hi Everyone! I'm starting today... or more like monday... but either way, lol, have no idea what i'm doing... but looking forward to learning new things and hopefully having a good experience/ journey that will reach my goals... 50 lbs... i know that once i get started, it won't be hard... but it's the whole "getting started" thing... it's nice to meet u all!! and Good Luck on your own goals :happy: