What is wrong with me?!

Something is seriously wrong. I am [this] close to quitting. Honestly, I was happier before just being fat and OK with it. :sick: I have been gaining and losing, up and down, for months. Last week I lost 4 pounds, I was stoked. It was great. Then this week, without changing hardly anything, I gained back those 4 pounds plus 2 more. 6 pounds in one week? See, now it will take me 2-3 weeks to lost that again, and then I will gain it back in a week or less. Up and down. The same 5-6 pounds. I don't get it. I'm not changing anything, I'm not doing anything different enough to be going up and down like this. And Thanksgiving is next week, we are going out of town, it's going to be a hot mess. I am seriously over it. What is the freaking deal?? There is no way I could have gained 6 pounds in 1 week, it doesn't make any sense. I didn't DO anything to gain 6 whole pounds.... but now I will hang on to them for 2 weeks :noway: It doesn't make any SENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry: 4 of those 6 pounds I gained in just the last 3 days. This is what has been happening to me since JUNE!!!!! :noway: I seriously was happier before when I was just fat and that was just the way it was. My husband even comments now on how any shred of confidence I had before is gone now, and it's obvious that I feel crappy about myself. Because I can't succeed at this and feeling FAT is way better then feeling like a FAILURE. :ohwell: IDK what to do. :frown:


  • janeitg
    janeitg Posts: 33 Member
    My sister had this problem. Turns out her thyroid wasn't working.
  • CallieDerenthal
    CallieDerenthal Posts: 170 Member
    could you maybe open your diary so we can take a peek? that might help people give accurate feedback so you can push thru this cycle of gaining/losing...
  • missle30
    missle30 Posts: 40 Member
    Have you talked to your doctor about it? There may be an underlying medical issue...
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    Have you had your thyroid tested just to rule out it being hormonal? It sounds like you might be retaining water as well. A 4-6 weight gain in a week is out there. I've had weeks that I lost 2 lbs only to gain it right back the next week but 4 lbs is huge!

    I also when to the doctor to get my blood tested just to rule out a thyroid issue since I'm such a sloooooow loser.
  • inchik
    inchik Posts: 35 Member
    I have the same issue, totally frustrating :mad:
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    the same 10 lbs have been haunting me. I got so discouraged. So I got angry. I decided to step it up a notch and am now training to run a 5k. I avoid the scale. I have lost a ridge of fat from my booty but when I checked the scale I was only down 5 lbs. Made another resolve to not weigh myself. I have lost more booty as my sweats and underwear keep falling off me as I run. I log my foods, and my exercise. I am losing inches. Unless I notice a significant difference I am avoiding that scale. It messes with me and I cannot have that. Sometimes, the scale is not the best judge of your success. Don't give up. Keep in trucking!
  • phresh21
    phresh21 Posts: 132 Member
    I was on medication that mad me do that same thing. My Dr told me it wasn't my meds and it was just the way I was eating but as soon as I was off of them I quit doing the whole gaining more than I was loosing. I don't know if you are on any but it is an idea to ask if you are.
  • judy20in2011
    judy20in2011 Posts: 143 Member
    I am sorry you are so frustrated. I can tell you that I fluctuate about 4 lbs, depending on time of month, activity level, sleep deprivation,,,etc. DON'T GIVE UP THOUGH! Have you had a physical? Perhaps it's time to go have the dr. check everything thoroughly for you.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Your diary is closed, so that makes it hard for people to give advice on anything you might be doing wrong there, but if you can rule out the obvious in your diet, then having the doctor check things out might not be a bad idea.

    In the meantime, are you working out? do you track your sodiium? Are you drinking enough water? Eating too many (or not enough calories - when you work out). It sounds like huge water retention fluctuations that would be giving you this up and down pattern.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    (double post) - removed
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    I gained 10 lbs. in a week and lost 7 three weeks later... don't think those 2 large pizzas, and chinese buffet had a thing to do with it... LOL
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Idon't get it. I'm not changing anything, I'm not doing anything different enough to be going up and down like this.
    Do you think THIS could be part of your problem...not changing anything? If you've been at this since May, and its not working, then its time to change something....mix up your workout, change up your diet (zig zag calorie intake for a while maybe?). When the body gets used to something and it usually becomes less effective for change.
  • Don't weigh yourself too often. Our weight can actually fluctuate throughout the day. But as others have mentioned, maybe check your sodium, water intake, sleep, exercise and consult your doctor. In the meantime don't beat yourself up. Continue to give it your best each day and feel good about your efforts.
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    How has your sodium been? Holding on to sodium will make you gain. I don't beleive you have gained 6 pounds either. 1 pound is 3500 calories so that would be impossible. Maybe change your workout and do a little more cardio? I found that when I upped the ante on my exercise I finally saw movement on the scale. I totally understand your frustration. It seems many people I have been talkiung to lately are having similar problems. Even my scale said I was up. I say... being on this fitness program is not for the faint of heart. I also think our bodies fight us back and try to hold on to everything it can. Eventually, providing you are eating the correct deficit in calories it will come off. Stick with the 1200 per day as MFP suggests and it HAS to come off. I'd also be careful about eating exercise calories. Burn it off!!! Please don't quit. I wish you the best of luck :flowerforyou:
  • OK unless I am eating a bag of chips every night (which I am definitely not) there is no reason to have gained 6 pounds in a week. I eat the same things most of the time b/c it's just habit, lots of tuna, eggs, whole grains, I don't eat much bread and if I do its whole wheat/whole grain, we don't buy junk food at all so I'm not eating that, we haven't eaten out at all in about 2+ months, I drink ONLY water, there is just no reason to gain 6 pounds in 1 week, especially when I haven't changed anything from the last week when I lost 4 pounds! I saw my Dr about 2 months ago, I have another appointment the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. She did a full blood work panel and the only thing she could see was that I had PCOS, which I knew, but it's only mild. She didn't do much intensive testing, but my blood sugar was 80, my blood pressure was normal, she said there was no indication that my thyroid was not functioning properly, etc. So I dunno what else to do. I explained this all to her and she acted like I was lying to her, which let me tell you, is a huge blow. Huge. If your doctor looks at you with a furrowed brow when you tell her that you are struggling to even lose a single pound, they are clearly thinking "stop stuffing food down your throat and you will see a difference" but I'm not, so that doesn't help. But the fact that a doctor would think you are just full of crap sucks so bad! I'm just extremely pissed off at this point:grumble: Thanks for letting me vent.
  • ksludwig
    ksludwig Posts: 307 Member
    It could be water weight. Maybe you are eating saltier foods one week and retaining water? Make sure you are getting 8-10 glasses of water. You could try a new recipe (or new foods) and a new type of exercise. Maybe your body is adjusting to your new lifestyle?

    Good Luck!
  • lorihalsted
    lorihalsted Posts: 326 Member
    I understand completely. I had lapband surgery in 2006 and lost 80 lbs in 6 months.....then I plateaued. For the life of me I couldn't get under 250 lbs. I am still not under that weight but slowly but surely I will and you will too. First of all if you haven't had your thyroid tested and other bloodwork, do that first to rule out any medical issues.

    I signed up with MFP last winter and GAINED weight over 6 week period and gave up again. I was logging my calories but not making the "best" food choices and eating my exercise calories back EVERY day. I started again a month ago with the resolution that I was going to lose the last 125 lbs no matter what. I am down 12 lbs so far. The only change I have made this time is that I am logging EVERY BITE (even the bite of my husband's Baconater burger I took last week) and drinking all the water I can handle. Hopefully your body will respond.

    Just don't give up.
  • lorihalsted
    lorihalsted Posts: 326 Member
    I understand completely. I had lapband surgery in 2006 and lost 80 lbs in 6 months.....then I plateaued. For the life of me I couldn't get under 250 lbs. I am still not under that weight but slowly but surely I will and you will too. First of all if you haven't had your thyroid tested and other bloodwork, do that first to rule out any medical issues.

    I signed up with MFP last winter and GAINED weight over 6 week period and gave up again. I was logging my calories but not making the "best" food choices and eating my exercise calories back EVERY day. I started again a month ago with the resolution that I was going to lose the last 125 lbs no matter what. I am down 12 lbs so far. The only change I have made this time is that I am logging EVERY BITE (even the bite of my husband's Baconater burger I took last week) and drinking all the water I can handle. Hopefully your body will respond.

    Just don't give up.

    Okay I just read the your post above mine which hadn't posted when I started writing. You're doing(already done) what I suggested. Don't give up. There is a logical reason and you will break through it sooner or later. Find a different doctor is you're doctor is not supportive.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Hang in there and don't give up. If you're doing the right things, your body HAS to respond eventually....it seems inevitable.

    Good luck, and hope you see changes soon (and I agree with the person who suggested trying a different doctor since yours doesn't sound very helpful). I don't know much about PCOS, except people saying it does make it a lot harder to lose weight, so I'm sure that's not helping.

    Maybe try changing things up for a week or two to see if your system reacts to a change (maybe try going vegetarian for a week or something). If you aren't already doing this, be sure you're tracking your sodium, because you might be getting more than you realize somewhere...I had that problem in the beginning.
  • I've only been at this for a little over a month now, but I sort of know the feeling. I started jogging and tracking foods, and I weighed 160. Yesterday, we had our work weight loss program weigh in, and I have GAINED 3 pounds.

    But, the day before the weigh in, I had a lot of sodium, so I am convinced some of that is water retention. Also, my pants are just slightly looser than they were when I started this, so while I may not have lost any "weight," I AM making progress. Seeing that extra 3 pounds on the scale motivated me to go at my workout a little harder last night, and I burned about 50 more calories than I have been doing similar jogging routes.

    So, what I would say is to look for success other than on the scale, and step it up on the exercise front! I've never been "athletic," so I'm not accustomed to pushing myself during exercise, but last night I pushed myself a little harder than I had been (reciting my new, higher weight in my head), and I realized that there's miles left for improvement! If there's not any room for improvement for you, I highly recommend you finding a new, more supportive doctor.