Random Acts of Kindness



  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    I had to waitress on Thanksgiving once, I received a $100 tip. Best day ever.

    My mom instilled a tradition in me as a kid, whenever I'm buying food or at a gas station and there's a person in uniform (fireman, police, military) I foot the bill. I can't tell you how many times I've done it though, I started when I got my first paycheck. I bought a Marine lunch.

    You are excellent.

    Whenever I see a military person in the airport I always offer to buy them a burger or an ice cream (esp if they are in desert camo).
  • proudmommylmb
    proudmommylmb Posts: 39 Member
    Oh yeah...in college I alone oroganized to have care packages sent to Afghanistan...not many people donated but we had enough for maybe ten boxes (medium size).

    I almost got suspended though and they stopped me from doing it because it was considered "military activity" on campus???? yeah. that was an act of kindness made me feel really good except for that part.
  • Alexdur85
    Alexdur85 Posts: 255 Member
    My boyfriend used to drive for a food distributing company and ever wednesday he would go to subway for lunch. There was always a homeless man hanging out. He bought him subway every wednesday for probably 3 months before he changed jobs. He is one of the most giving people I think I know as that is not the first or last thing that he's ever done.

    I was at costco the other day with my youngest daughter and we kept passing this elderly couple at first my daughter wouldn't even look at them but by the end she was waving good bye to them. The man came up and gave her a $1 bill because "she didn't go trick or treating at his house this year". She got a lemonade at the snack bar with it which is her absolute favorite since she drinks water at home lol. I was smiling all day.
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member

    Have any of you ever been the recipient of a random act of kindness or been the one doing the kindness?
    Thank you for the inspiration. Tip of the hat, wag of the finger your a great American.:flowerforyou:
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    I paid for happy meals for a family at McDonalds not too long ago. The parents were trying to figure out how to split up a big chicken nugget meal to feed the kids. I know how much my kids love their own meals and toys so I leaned back and told her I would be happy to add them to my order.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    My most memorable good deed was on a military base where I was stationed in the mid-1970's. I was in my early-20's and drove past a man, probably in his 50's, who was walking. Something/someone (I think it was God) told me I should turn around and offer the man a ride. He gratefully accepted, but he had a little difficulty getting into my VW Bug. Before he got into the vehicle, I had no idea he had two prosthetic legs. After I dropped him off at the bus stop, I said a prayer of thanks to God for using me.

    I received an anonymous gift during a time of need. I made a point to tithe on my earnings, but I knew my budget wasn't going to balance one month. My husband unexpectedly came up with $50 that he gave me, and I received an anonymous gift of $100. That $150 was just the amount I was short. Once again, I gave God the praise.

    We're all better off when we help each other out.
  • kbonamour
    kbonamour Posts: 49 Member
    Wow! Pretty awesome reading all the great things you all have done for others just to do something nice for someone else! I think that I am going make an effort to do at least one random act of kindness a week starting this week! Imagine how much better our world would be if everyone made an effort more often to just be nice to one another and do nice things for each other.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    As a lady was leaving the car park and we were arriving, she still had couple hours left on her parking ticket and she came up and gave it to me. :flowerforyou:
  • kbonamour
    kbonamour Posts: 49 Member
    I paid it forward yesterday and left the waitress at Village Inn a gift certificate for a free photo shoot.
  • StepBoomer
    StepBoomer Posts: 23 Member
    My life time moto is... smile and pass it on. don't know if it makes a diff, but when i have been in the dumps and i get a smile it made me feel great!!! and u never know if someone is thinking bad desperate thoughts... imagine if a simple smile could turn them around....
    So smile and pass it on.
  • StepBoomer
    StepBoomer Posts: 23 Member
    P.S. chivalry is not dead, and it applies to men and women!!
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    I want to go about this differently... instead of saying what I've done for someone else, I'd like to share a Thanksgiving story about how our family was helped one year.

    When I was nine years old my father had disowned us and started living with his mistress. We got put out of our house and had moved into a one bedroom apartment. Picture 6 children (two of which were twins and in diapers) and one parent living in one a one bedroom. We didn't have money for groceries and it was Thanksgiving. The place where my mom worked took up food donations and money and paid our light bill and we had the best Thanksgiving ever. I still have pictures of all the groceries they gave us that year.

    It's always made me look back and try to help someone else who's in need.
  • Froggy1976
    This is one of my favorite subjects. I was in Navy bootcamp during Thanksgiving one year. They have an adopt a sailor program there and families from the area would come and adopt a sailor or a few for the day. The family that we got (there were 4 of us) took us to their house and fed us thanksgiving dinner. After dinner we all got a turn on the phone calling our loved ones at home. It was wonderful!
    The other day my husband and I were leaving the art festival where my son had just had a performance with the Jazz band from school. We saw one of his classmates walking down the road, in his dress clothes carrying his trumpet and case. We stopped and gave the kid a ride, turns out he was going to walk about 4-5 miles to his grandmothers house. So glad we stopped, poor kid. I love to "pay it forward", it's such a good feeling.
  • jojopel
    jojopel Posts: 348 Member
    I have tears in my eyes reading all your posts.

    Here's mine: About 10 years ago, my sister-in-law was having the family over for Christmas dinner and she also invited one of her friends who was going through a rough patch. The friend in question had a son who needed glasses and she had to borrow money from my sister-in-law to buy them and was supposed to reimburse my SIL in small weekly payments. I asked my SIL how much her friend still owed her and I reimbursed her.
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    We have a neighbor who is a single mom with 3 teenage kids. Since I can no longer eat Gluten and DH and I are on a healthy diet I needed to purge my pantry. I was going to freecycle the items but then thought better of it and offered the food to her. I asked her if she wanted to take the stuff of my hands as I could no longer use the food and didn't want to throw it out. She was extremely grateful and I ended up giving her 2 overflowing grocery bags as well as 3 very full DSW large bags!

    A couple of weeks later my next door neighbor was telling me he had all these Dinty Moore meals that he got at job fair from that company. The fair wasn't well attended and they hadn't gotten rid of the food. The guy didn't want to pay to ship it back so my neighbor offered to take them. He had probably 100 meals. I said if he didn't want all of them I would offer them to the other neighbor since I know she's struggling (He would have done it but their son and her son have had some issues). Anyway, she got a large shopping bag full of the meals.

    Sometimes I think we overlook those people we know. I'm trying not to do that. I also consciously think about how I would feel if approached and try and couch what I say so they don't feel like a charity case. I would say she's very receptive and grateful for the help, whereas I get a warm fuzzy from doing it!

  • rachelmorgan77
    rachelmorgan77 Posts: 131 Member
    Hmm... I have three kids, and I find it so nice and considerate when I have all three at the grocery store and someone lets me go ahead of them. Bless you! Wrangling three small children in a public place is almost impossible. When I'm by myself, I try to return the favor.

    My husband and I when we were first married went to a production of CATS. We were newly married, with not much money so we were in the second row from the top. At intermission, a lady came up to us and told us the show wasn't really her thing, and offered us her tickets. They were on the floor, maybe 3 or 4 rows back. What a nice thing to do.

    This past Christmas a community member gave us her tickets to Mannheim Steamroller. She had four tickets, so we decided to take our two oldest kids, knowing we'd probably have to leave at intermission. When we got there we suddenly realized they front row seats!! We stayed for the entire show, my daughter charmed their socks off, and it was absolutely amazing.

    We bought supper for a homeless person, my kids still talk about that experience, it left a lasting impression.

    The oddest one was one morning (many years ago) my husband ran to Casey's to get coffee. While there, he met a man who was traveling to speak at a Sunday morning service at a local church (we live in a very small town so no stores were open). He had forgotten his dress pants, and my husband and him were the same size, so he ran home quickly and grabbed a pair for him to borrow.
  • Ricky1103
    Thanks for such an inspirational thread. Cant wait to do something nice for a fellow human being..
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    I love doing random stuff like this..the stunned, suprised, and truly grateful reactions are more than worth the effort.

    I've paid tolls for the car behind me. I introduced myself to a homeless guy I always see walking the roads and highways around here. Bought him a McD's meal one time. Another time I found an envelope with $20 in a parking lot. It wasn't mine but there was no way I could identify who lost it. Next time I saw the homeless guy it became his.

    On a smaller scale, every time I go into the grocery store or Home Depot I always bring in at least one shopping cart from the parking lot, sometimes 3-4. The lot attendants seem to really appreciate it, helps make their day!