alcohol help!!

So I'm going out tonight with some friends for a few drinks and I love me a good beer...or 5 lol. Just looked it up in the database and now I feel like I'm screwed for the day and I still have to eat lunch and dinner but if I do and have a few beers I'll be like 500 cals over :(


  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It happens. Either work out and earn those calories, or just enjoy it and get back on track tomorrow. One day over here and there isn't going to ruin anything.
  • GouchisGirl
    GouchisGirl Posts: 321 Member
    Do a heavy workout before you go out. :) You can do it! No need to deny yourself a good time. :)
  • rsdgirl
    rsdgirl Posts: 246 Member
    im also a BEER LOVER lol and yes it does happen everything in moderation and when i have a beer (or 5 also) i just let it go personally. i dont od it veryday or every week for that matter MAYBE once a month. its okay to have those days dear :)
  • MercedesV
    MercedesV Posts: 70 Member
    I hear Gin and soda water is only 90 calories. Double check but that maynot be a bad route to go. Avoid juices and grenadine. :) Or not. Have a happy Friday!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    as you seem to be a bit of a newbie, i'll give you these few suggestions that i learned over trial and error.

    1. do not skimp on food to make room for booze. drinking on an empty stomach no es bueno.

    2. go for a work out to create a bit of a calorie deficit, but also keep in mind rule numbero uno. Eat something.

    3. enter two drinks that you are going to enjoy tonight. thats right, two. if you need to add a third, thats fine. but see if you can just enjoy the two.

    4. no matter what he says, he is probably NOT a doctor.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Rum and diet coke are a staple of people on this website.
  • seehawkmomma
    Vodka *i think* has the least amount of calories. Drink Careful :)
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    either workout first, or just go over for the day, you will not gain, your caloric intake is to lose weight, if you are set to lose 1lb/week that gives you an extra 500 cals you can consume without gaining any weight at all. If you are set at 1.5 or 2lbs/week that gives you even more wiggle room.

    It will just take you a day longer to hit your weight loss goal so if you goal was 1 lb/week and you stayed at your goal all week but one day went over by 500 then it should take you 8 instead of 7 days to lose the 1lb.
  • Vivian_Phoenix
    get the lightest beer you can, research light beers and then order those!
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    I've made it this far still drinking beer. I try to keep it limited, but I still go out and drink several a couple times a month! Maybe just workout a little extra hard today and tomorrow! Cheers. :drinker:
  • Ecalcutt
    Seriously, the stair stepper!! Push yourself as hard as possible and the stair stepper is the highest calorie burning piece of equipment in the gym. Also, don´t forget to drink plenty of water!! Since alcohol is a diuretic you are bound to get a little dehydrated. Also, when you are dehydrated your body is prone to retaining more water which may make your weight artificially high. :) Have fun!
  • Ephena
    Ephena Posts: 615 Member
    Workout before going out tonight or if that's not an option try to get one in tomorrow to help make up the calorie difference. That's what I do when I get a night out.
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    I'm over today too for this very reason. I can't stand light beers, so I will take my over-ness today and drink my Magic Hat :drinker: IMO, it's unrealistic to never drink -- that doesn't fit with my lifestyle at all, so if this is going to work -- I gotta be able to go out sometimes and make it work WITH me. Have fun!
  • twinsanity
    twinsanity Posts: 1,847 Member
    4. no matter what he says, he is probably NOT a doctor.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    Vodka and club soda is the best you can do calories wise. I am a drinker and I have done my research. As far as beer goes, more and more bars do carry Select 55. You can have 5 beers for 275 calories! NOT bad!! :) (Its not the best beer out there, but its drinkable!)
  • sburde2
    sburde2 Posts: 178 Member
    Thanks everyone!
  • VickiZei
    VickiZei Posts: 32 Member
    I know it's not as fun but have a glass of water with lemon before you get a beer and then try to alternate between the two. Having that first glass of water will help you to drink the first beer slower therefore not needing to order your second one so quickly. Even soda water with lemon is good. It looks like you're still drinking a real drink but you're way less on calories.
  • jdbwalker
    Light beer is a better option with about 108-110 calories per 12 oz. You could also do one oz. of liquor (vodka or gin or whiskey or rum) at about 105 calories with a club soda or non-caloric seltzer with a garnish like lime, lemon, orange (REMEMBER: Tonic has sweetener and adds calories). Coconut rum does run a little lower on the calorie count for 75 calories an ounce (the only thing I can figure is the coconut oil giving the taste to the rum requires less sugar?).

    We have to find our alcohol somehow. DON'T skip meals and DON'T DON'T use diet soft drinks, it affects the absorbsion of the alcohol.
  • ivy2009
    run a few miles. Or what I do is take one night a week off. On that day, i eat/drink what I want within reason. That still gives me 6 days a week to hit the mark.