Getting water intake in.



  • RaiLynn27
    I just recently installed an app onto my android phone fittingly named "Drink Water Beta." You can set your goal number of glasses per day, reminders to drink, and it keeps track of when you log each glass of water. It also tracks and graphs your water consumption per day. You can choose whatever sound you want as the reminder. The one I downloaded sounds like a glass filling up with liquid. Subtle, cute, and effective. ;)

    The widget looks like a little glass with a number in the bottom corner representing your number of glasses left to drink. Each time you tap the little glass, the number goes up and the glass empties so you know how many more glasses you have to go. SO handy for people like me who can literally get through the day without ONE glass of water, let alone 8 to 12! I've used it now for a week and just love it. According to my graph and consistently full bladder, I am now well hydrated! =) Mission accomplished.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    Yeah, or if you don't want to worry about it, for every 2 liters of water, 500 ml of gatorade should suffice to keep you on track. Not that healthy (gatorade) but better than messing up your electrolytes. Being overhydrated has never been a problem for me, but my urine has been brown from dehydration plenty of times.

    They make other, non-sugary electrolyte drinks, too, including water.
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    I normally drink TONS of water but now that it's winter and super cold I'm having a hard time. So I've been drinking unsweetened caffeine free tea to get more fluids in. That's not dehydrating or anything, is it? (been meaning to ask).