Which shoes for the Warrior Dash?

Hey guys--

For those of you who don't know, the Warrior Dash is a 5K with obstacles. I've run one 5K before. I'm a larger (175 lb) woman who has been running and I'm middle aged and deathly afraid of injuries. Here is my dilemma:

I'm not wearing my running shoes to the Warrior Dash because they will get ruined. I can either wear an old pair of cross trainers, or my Vibrams. I worry about the Vibrams bc I have never run in them before -- will it be too hard? Will it kill my calves? Any ideas?




  • ryanperna
    ryanperna Posts: 24 Member
    I don't know what vibrams are, but I've done this race before, wear whatever shoes you want to get rid of. They will be destroyed. You can attempt to wash them but if they have any leather then they won't like this.

    This race is awesome, I had a blast! Have fun!
  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member
    I don't know what vibrams are, but I've done this race before, wear whatever shoes you want to get rid of. They will be destroyed. You can attempt to wash them but if they have any leather then they won't like this.

    This race is awesome, I had a blast! Have fun!

    I think that Vibrams (they are those toe-shoes) probably are the only shoe that won't get destroyed... they can be easily washed--- they are like water shoes. Others' opinions?
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    I don't own vibrams, but did have a pair of skeletoes. I have tried running in them a couple times on the street and it totally sucks, I will never do it again. I had all kinds of caluses on my toes and feet hurt extremely, but they also weren't broken in, I would put on those cross trainers, but that is just my opinion. I have pretty flat feet.
  • WTF7
    WTF7 Posts: 140 Member
    I did the warrior dash last summer! It was sooooo much fun. I wore an old pair of running shoes-BUT I wish I would have had some kind of shoe with kleats. The first obsticle we were drenched and then running up the hills were difficult.

    And by the way- after the dash many throw their shoes out- biut I wanted to save mine for a mud run-so I took mine home, rinsed them off with the garden hose as good as possilbe and ran them through the washing machine. They almost looked brand new! So dont thorw your shoes out- save them for your next adventure!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    I ran in old running shoes that I tossed afterwards. I've never worn Vibrams, but if you think they'll come clean after being dunked in mud many times, they're probably you're best bet. I saw a lot of people run barefoot and I was a little jealous when my sneakers became water logged. I'd recommend trying to run in them first if you have time, but even if you don't, you're not really running that much at a time during the race because it's broken up by the obstacles, and no one's running all that fast because you're usually running through mud, so you'll probably be ok.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    do not run a race in shoes you've never worn before. wear an older pair of sneakers, or a pair that you don't mind throwing away.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    btw, running rugged maniac today. very similar to warrior dash.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    do not run a race in shoes you've never worn before. wear an older pair of sneakers, or a pair that you don't mind throwing away.
