Looking for a Partner

Hey! This is my first time trying this site. I like it so far...seems to give some good sensible advice and I like the simplicity (I am a self-proclaimed techno klutz) of the journal. I am looking for someone who would like to form a partnership...for weight loss. You know...someone I could help keep on track and someone who would do the same for me. Male...female...young...old...Christian...Jewish, et al...single...attached...it doesn't matter as long as you have a positive view of the world and can laugh at yourself! Hope to hear from my partner soon!


  • cloudgazer4
    Hey! This is my first time trying this site. I like it so far...seems to give some good sensible advice and I like the simplicity (I am a self-proclaimed techno klutz) of the journal. I am looking for someone who would like to form a partnership...for weight loss. You know...someone I could help keep on track and someone who would do the same for me. Male...female...young...old...Christian...Jewish, et al...single...attached...it doesn't matter as long as you have a positive view of the world and can laugh at yourself! Hope to hear from my partner soon!
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    Welcome Kim:flowerforyou:

    By the way I love the nic you have chosen:happy:

    There is alot of support here and we are on this journey togethor. It is wonderful to have you. :bigsmile:
  • auntkaren
    auntkaren Posts: 1,490 Member
    I think you will find all the support you are looking for In the MFP, some of them have short goals to get a certain amount of weight off by Easter or other days they set. Feel free to ask any questions, everyone is friendly and helpful. Welcome , I believe you will like it.:smile:
  • cloudgazer4
    Thanks! I am unfamiliar with the term "nic".
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    your nic name or your log in name. Cloudgazer is a terrific name I think:bigsmile:
  • cloudgazer4
    Thanks. I think I will, too.
  • cloudgazer4
    Thanks. It's a leftover from my days on the computer dating circuit. It describes me pretty well...head in the clouds...gazing into the horizon.
  • thinner2008
    this is my first time on this site ..I'm looking for support as well ...i lost 60 pounds last year and have put back on some..but ready to go at it again..best of luck ...lets keep on it...always here if you need someone:flowerforyou: :
  • FatDancer
    FatDancer Posts: 812 Member
    Greetings Cloudgazer! We're the same age with similar goals...I log on every day to plan my meals on the food diary and check my mail...I don't get to the message boards everyday, I found I was spending way to much time on them...I love this site and the people are wonderful!
  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    Welcome and best of luck to you!
  • cloudgazer4
    Thanks! I think the support will be a big help. I'm new to using message boards, though and find it is sometimes difficult to find messages which were written to me. Any suggestions?
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    Cloudgazer - there are a couple of ways to keep track of the messages you have written. At the top of the screen, where the tabs are for My Home, Food, etc. there is a blue strip under it. When you are in the Community tab the last one on the strip is My Topics. If you click on that it will pull up the last 25 messages you have commented on. Also - under your user name and pic there is a number. If you click on that number it will pull up the last several (not sure how many) post you have made. Just your comment. If you use the My Topics one, then you will see if there have been replies since you posted, because it will tell you who the last poster was and when. Welcome! Hope you enjoy it around here!