Any easy exercises?

I don't have much to lose...

I'm just on here to lose a bit of weight off my stomach,just enough for me to make my abs visible. I had abs,but then went on a cupcake rage and was eating about 1500 calories in cupcakes alone daily! Needless to say,my abs are gone. I need to get them back. But I absolutely suck at exercising..

I've tried dancing..I can't dance.

I've tried running..I get out of breath way too quickly

I like swimming but I hate one piece bathing suits,and I'm too embarrassed to wear my bikini until I lose some weight off my stomach.

Does anyone know any really easy exercises good for losing weight off your stomach? I'm currently eating 1200 calories a day(suggested by MFP) and drinking around 8 cups of water.


  • Your not going to want to hear this, but if an exercise is "easy" its going to be extremely "hard" to see results,
    As for the running thing?
    You get out of breath because your body is not used to it. Keep running, pace yourself. And eventually it wont bother you at all

    Anyway, and run some more,
    theres not really a guaranteed way of "targeting. Anything
  • For running a great program to do is couch to five k and if you want ABS there a saying they are made in the kitchen. So what you can't dance neither can I and zumba is a fun way to do it!
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    If it's easy you're doing it wrong :-D
  • If it's easy you're doing it wrong :-D
  • radix89
    radix89 Posts: 48 Member
    If exercise was easy it wouldn't be exercise! I recommend or the workouts are intense for short periods of time and tend to work all muscle groups.
  • Juliealittle
    Juliealittle Posts: 22 Member
    Want something easy? Eat another cupcake. Want to tone up or lose weight? Then get exercising. It's not easy. The key is to find an exercise that you enjoy, though.

    If you like to run, start out slower. If you are out of breath, you are trying to run too fast of a pace.

    If you like to swim, find a cute 1 piece and start swimming the laps.

    Looking for the easy way out isn't going to get you to your goal. Hard work will!
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Abs and a body starts in the kitchen. Eat healthy. Follow the food pyramid. Eat in moderation and portion control and by all means don't deprive yourself of anything that you like eating. And make sure you drink plenty of water.

    You can't spot reduce, but you can spot tone. But, make sure you are doing plenty of cardio to help burn the fat. You can do ab workouts that will strengthen your abs and slim your waist, but to really see your abs, you have to make sure you eat right. Again, abs starts in the kitchen.

    Try incorporating this abs workout into your routine. It will with slimming and toning your abs.

    Tae Bo Insane Abs.
  • ppearo
    ppearo Posts: 3 Member
    buy a weighted hula hoop. available online or at some curves, they work well at toning abs. being weighted makes it easier to get spinning but still takes some work and you may bruise the 1st few times.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    buy a weighted hula hoop. available online or at some curves, they work well at toning abs. being weighted makes it easier to get spinning but still takes some work and you may bruise the 1st few times.

    I saw a weighted hula hoop at Walmart Wednesday.