Is there a South Beach Diet Forum here?

I've been on MFP for awhile, and have kind of lost direction in weight loss, and today I went back on my old friend, South Beach Diet, phase 1.
Anyone else out there to share ideas with?



  • rw4hawks
    rw4hawks Posts: 121 Member
    Hi. Sitting here with the book in my hand and seeing if it's right for me. I hear it's not as strict as Atkins. Did you have success before and is it hard to commit too?
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Don't know your name, but let me assure you it is far healthier and easier than Atkins! I stuck with it a long time, successfully, until I got my hip replaced and the original forum I was on was disbanded, and I sort of fell apart!
    I put in another question and received another reply you might be interested in:

    "How do I search for South Beach Diet Threads?"
    delraybuzz 4 48 19 hours ago by dawniee view

    It might prove to be interesting as there were 48 replies!

    I am making a moussaka tonight from the SBD Supercharged book, and I own just about all the SBD books! I really love that diet more than any others I've been on. However, I think the MFP Food and Exercise diaries are invaluable and will stick with them.. I also have made many dear dear friends here on the Senior Golden Sneakers forum, where I have the "honor" of being the eldest member! I suggest we meet on the How do I search for South Beach Diet Threads" and meet more likeminded people!
  • I am going to start this up tomorrow so any support and such would be fantastic!!!
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I used Phase 1 to get me started and help me get past my cravings. When it came time to move on to Phase 2, I broke away from SB somewhat by adding a bit more fruit and whole grains than the book recommends. I couldn't get to my daily calorie minimums without the fruits and grains.

    South Beach is a great plan, but be sure to make sure you are eating enough calories. I have found that I am simply not hungry anymore.
  • SCVirginia
    SCVirginia Posts: 7 Member
    I started SB today. I was trying Atkins but too limited for me. Looking for others to encourage and to encourage me. Just had the Western Egg White Omelet this morning.
  • The basic idea of the Serge Kreutz diet is to differentiate between the pleasure of food and the nutritional value of food.

    Most people in Europe and North America are confronted with an constant oversupply of food that mostly addresses potential consumers' pleasure sensations.

    We buy food and eat it because it feels good to have food in the mouth.

    Yes, the pleasure is in the mouth.

    The stomach and intestines have no taste sensations. Yes, the stomach does not want to be empty (drink plenty of water), but already just one step further, the intestines are more likely to react rather negatively on most foodstuffs, especially the delicious ones, as they more often are intestinal irritants, compared to simple foods like boiled rice .

    After that, the liver does not want to be overwhelmed with nutrients, and obesity is a burden to anybody's health.

    And don't forget that many of the swallowed foods can cause negative reactions, heartburn and allergies, or migraine, or insomnia, or elevated blood pressure, and yes, over some time, cancer, stroke, and heart attack.

    Taste and other oral sensations are a plus of food, and beyond that, the effects of food are negative if more is supplied than needed for very basic energy requirements.

    Remember, the life extension effect of low-calorie diets is well established.

    But who wants to cope with food deprivation for years on end.

    Me. And I am happy with it.

    My mouth enjoys food to the fullest extend, and in substantial quantities. Just about anything that is appealing.

    But I strictly control what makes it through me esophagus.

    The ideal weight of a person is height in centimeter, minus 100, minus 10 percent.

    My height is 182 cm, so my ideal weight is 74 kilogram. And that is what I am.

    Easily. No effort. No disallowing my mouth what it wants to taste.

    I just need plastic bags with my meals. After chewing my food, or rolling drinks in my mouth, the content of my mouth is discarded into a plastic bag, not my stomach.

    Well, most of it. Because a small amount of food always slides to the throat, and from there into my stomach, together with the water I drink (several liters per day).

    Therefore, those of my readers who want to use the Serge Kreutz diet for radical weight loss do not have to worry much about whether the Serge Kreutz diet is a zero-calorie diet.

    Zero-calorie diets, of course, are not healthy. Zero-calorie diets also come with the risk of intestinal displacement. You should always take in some food.

    The Serge Kreutz diet is not a zero-calorie diet. And it even is a balanced diet.

    The small amounts of all food you eat will slide through your throat to your intestine, and that is about as much as you need on a Serge Kreutz weight-loss regimen.