I have been using MFP for two months and I have lost 16lbs! This last week I have felt the urge to cheat. I feel guilty when I am doing good or bad! I have made several mini goals to keep me focused this week. Is this normal to have a whole week where you just feel like crap and just want junk? Oh and I don't know if it makes a difference but I started strength training thispast week that I felt like crap... Thanks for your imput!


  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Hi :) Maybe you're not eating enough to fuel your body for strength training, and maybe that's why you have been having the urge to splurge??? IDK without knowing more about your dietary intake.

  • sk2775
    sk2775 Posts: 703 Member
    This is pretty normal. Just make sure that you are eating enough. I found that there are days when I crave the bad stuff. I just made sure that I didn't have too many bad stuffs at my house. Keep some good healthy snacks at the house so when you are hungry you can munch on those. I find things like hummus with carrots or crackers work well. So does peanut butter with carrots or crackers. Nuts (without salt) are also good for you. Good luck. Feel free to add me as a friend. I have been doing this for 8 months now. I think I am finally get the hang of it now...lol!
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    You could calorie cycle to give yourself more calories on some days than others. You can switch the days around to suit your eating moods and still come out at your goal by the end of the week. If you are strength training you could switch the higher calorie days to coincide with your strength training if you find you are more hungry on those days.
  • 170isreal
    170isreal Posts: 151 Member
    Hmmm, I wanna cheat all the time lol. Your body could be lacking some vitamins or minerals, what are you craving? Do you think it is less physical and more mental? (Could you be sabotaging yourself?)
  • MrsPeavley
    MrsPeavley Posts: 143 Member
    Well I have not been eating all my exercise cals back. Whe I do an hour of low impact aerobics and strength training I burn like 1000 cals! My allowence for the day in 1790 to start.
  • MrsPeavley
    MrsPeavley Posts: 143 Member
    Thats what a co-woker and I was talking about. (Sabatoge) I am caving sweets... (which is out of norm for me) I am always over on protien hmm
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    You know the first couple of days I went back to strength training I had some real serious cravings, well my body wanted fuel and I think it thought that easy fuel was good, switched up my diet and I am doing lots better.
  • katcena
    katcena Posts: 326 Member
    ^^ I agree...sounds like you need to increase your food intake. Do you already eat back all your exercise calories? If you are strength training this becomes even more important....otherwise, if your body doesn't have the fuel it needs to function while you are increasing the workload then it will start to break down your muscles rather than your fat stores. I know it sounds strange....but you need to eat to lose weight! You just need to eat the proper things. Also, you may be lacking in certain nutrients and that triggers your body to crave more food. Be sure you are getting enough protein for the new exercises....and are you taking a multivitamin? And are you eating (or drinking) a high protein meal within an hour after your strength training session? This will help immensly! A high protein shake like Shakeology, Special K, or Muscle Milk will help fill in some of those gaps.
    Feel free to add me as a friend or message me if you have questions. I am not an expert, but have found quite a few things that have worked wonders for me.
  • Musicgrl4life
    i've been craving things with a lot of protein, and lately started craving carbs. it's difficult to fit in what i'm craving and keep it within the calorie range. PLUS, i have reached the dreaded plateau, and that's not helping me feel any more motivated.
  • katcena
    katcena Posts: 326 Member
    Well I have not been eating all my exercise cals back. Whe I do an hour of low impact aerobics and strength training I burn like 1000 cals! My allowence for the day in 1790 to start.
    You need to eat back all of your exercise calories! Very important if you are now incorporating strength training.
  • MelodyRuffin
    Cravings are normal its all about self control. I am learning that. i started my diet in August and Ive had some cheat days. when i have a hard work out I get home and am hungry and craving things too. Strength training really makes your body crave. I hear after a really good workout to have protein so like some of the others have said try peanut butter or peanuts something like that. I also have been eating the 100 calorie snacks. Those help curve the craving too. Good luck.
  • katcena
    katcena Posts: 326 Member
    i've been craving things with a lot of protein, and lately started craving carbs. it's difficult to fit in what i'm craving and keep it within the calorie range. PLUS, i have reached the dreaded plateau, and that's not helping me feel any more motivated.

    You may need to go back and change your settings. If you have been set to lose 2 pounds a week and are now at a plateau, change it to 1 pound a week...or from 1 pound a week to .5. This will help rev up your metabolism. And be sure to eat back your exercise calories....if you don't, your metabolism will stall out and you will stay at a plateau. The answer usually NOT to lessen your calories....that is the mistake most people make. You probably need to increase your calories.
    If you are craving protein or carbs....then most likely that means you are not getting enough to fuel your body. Listen to your body...if you do, you will often find it will tell you what you need to do! :)
  • brookeg20
    Is something going on that is making you feel more stressed out than normal? I find that when my life starts to get really stressful, I want to eat more. Once I see that it's stress, it becomes much easier to control the cravings. Then I can deal with the stress other ways besides eating. Even things like not getting enough sleep can cause you to crave sweets.

    Try taking notes about what is going on when you start to notice the cravings. This might help you identify some of the triggers. Keep track of the time, too. If you notice the cravings come a certain time every day, eat a snack a half hour before that to fend it off. Good luck, and most of all, don't get too disappointed if your will power gives out. One slip doesn't have to be the end. Two steps forward one step back still puts you further ahead than when you started!!
  • mommy4ndbandtj
    I have been unable to lose any more weight and I am frustrated. Of course my monthly cycle seems to make me eat crap too, so if you are gearing up to have a monthly cleanse, that may also be a reason your body wants to cheat. The cravings are just things that your body is lacking like iron or calcium. If you take a multi vitamin, so your body ill get some of the nutrients it needs, you will find yourself craving less, and easily able to maintain your caloric intake.
  • MrsPeavley
    MrsPeavley Posts: 143 Member
    Thanks you all! I am still new to this. I am going to try a protein shake or bar after a strength workout! That may help it cant hurt anything lol!
  • kayleeblue
    Are you using a HRM?? because that seems like a big burn for the amount of time exercising..Just curious. I prefer strength and weight training over cardio. But my burn is never that high an hour..might want to check on that.
  • MrsPeavley
    MrsPeavley Posts: 143 Member
    No but for my weight 316 lbs on here and othr sites my calulated burn is that high... I was curious too but I work every inch of my body