nothing seems to be working

it's frustrating already. For the past month i have been doing 40 min on the treadmill or ellipitical, cut down on portions, no pop... only water and tea, made healthier choices and not 1 lb has come off yet..... what am i doing wrong? why can't i lose any weight?


  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    What brand of treadmill is it?
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    But seriously.. how can we answer without knowing your situation? Age, height, weight, daily activity level - will let us estimate your TDEE. And if you opened your diary we can see what you've been doing as far as net calories.
  • Sdiaz1989
    Sdiaz1989 Posts: 19 Member
    I have been taking this weight loss supplement called HCG drops and I have been on them for about 2 weeks almost and I have lost 20 pounds so far. If that is something you are interested in. They give you a packet to follow they tell you what to eat, what not to eat, and they give you a low cal diet plan. But it worked great for me and still working. I am still taking them and will continue taking them for a while. :smile:
  • barbergirl28
    barbergirl28 Posts: 54 Member
    I thought the same thing. I had been doing P90X for the last 7 weeks. In the 7 weeks, I worked out religiously with the P90X workouts and was even walking about 3 miles and a moderately fast pace daily. In that 7 weeks, I only dropped about 5 pounds. I was disgusted. This past week since I joined Myfitnesspal, I have been recording my food. What I found was I haven't actually been eating enough and that was hindering my weight loss. I haven't check in on the site but I did weigh myself and have already lost more pounds than I normally do in a week. So, make sure you are eating enough.
  • dpowell58
    dpowell58 Posts: 23 Member
    I feel ya. I actually lost the first 20 lbs pretty easily but then hit a wall and did not lose an ounce during the month of October. I created a spreadsheet and analyzed everything. But everything looked right. I could not figure out the problem. I just kept at and all of sudden it started coming off again, slower, but off. Look at your net calories. Maybe you're not eating enough for the burn you are getting. Also try to get some strength training several times a week. That could help. Most of all, don't give up. It will come off eventually.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    I have been taking this weight loss supplement called HCG drops and I have been on them for about 2 weeks almost and I have lost 20 pounds so far. If that is something you are interested in. They give you a packet to follow they tell you what to eat, what not to eat, and they give you a low cal diet plan. But it worked great for me and still working. I am still taking them and will continue taking them for a while. :smile:

    Please do some serious research on this. If nothing else, go to the unofficial MFP FAQ group. HCG drops are a waist of time. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    OP, You do not give enough information to help you with much of anything.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    well i have been doing it for the past month but i just joined up on here today, so my log will show you nothing. I am 35, 140 lbs
    ( put on 10lbs in the last 4 months, not sure why?) I am at the max for my height of 5ft 3 inches with a bmi of 24.8 (max). I want to get back to 130lbs at least. my daily activity level varies but is light as i take care of children for a living. I do exercise on my treadmill or elliptical for 40 min 5 days a week. food wise i usually have a serving of oatmeal with dried raisins or cranberries in it, fruit for a am snack or 2-3 mini oatmeal or banana muffins ( homemade). lunch is sometimes a weight watches smart one dinner or a turkey sub,etc then a fruit/ veggies for a snack in the om and then dinner time varies as i have a very picky hubby and 5 year old and i refuse to make 2 separate meals otherwise i won't have time to exercise after dinner... so example tonight i made homemade potato wedges, had 8-10( not overly thick) and 2 smaller breaded cod fillets. I drink water or tea all day and try to keep my 8 glasses min a day. is that good enough info? if you need more let me know, i would love to know what i am doing wrong.... when i logged todays food for the 1st time i was on target with 1200 calories a day which is what was recommended.... not sure what else to tweak, as i'm getting discouraged after a month of not even a pound coming off....
  • mrrad
    mrrad Posts: 46
    You need to try something different, redo all you MFP settings so you are set to 1 lb a week eat all your calories.

    Weigh/measure all your food and log everything. May sound obvious but all the little cheats add up plan your meals and snacks so you are not tempted with low quality food.

    Start strength training 40 mins treadmill/elliptical trainer is a waste of time. Try Hiit training for your cardio but strength training is the way to go.

    Measure your waist and weigh yourself only once a week.

    Keep at it.......
  • mrrad
    mrrad Posts: 46
    well i have been doing it for the past month but i just joined up on here today, so my log will show you nothing. I am 35, 140 lbs
    ( put on 10lbs in the last 4 months, not sure why?) I am at the max for my height of 5ft 3 inches with a bmi of 24.8 (max). I want to get back to 130lbs at least. my daily activity level varies but is light as i take care of children for a living. I do exercise on my treadmill or elliptical for 40 min 5 days a week. food wise i usually have a serving of oatmeal with dried raisins or cranberries in it, fruit for a am snack or 2-3 mini oatmeal or banana muffins ( homemade). lunch is sometimes a weight watches smart one dinner or a turkey sub,etc then a fruit/ veggies for a snack in the om and then dinner time varies as i have a very picky hubby and 5 year old and i refuse to make 2 separate meals otherwise i won't have time to exercise after dinner... so example tonight i made homemade potato wedges, had 8-10( not overly thick) and 2 smaller breaded cod fillets. I drink water or tea all day and try to keep my 8 glasses min a day. is that good enough info? if you need more let me know, i would love to know what i am doing wrong.... when i logged todays food for the 1st time i was on target with 1200 calories a day which is what was recommended.... not sure what else to tweak, as i'm getting discouraged after a month of not even a pound coming off....

    We posted at same more vegetables and protein is you can cut down on processed food. If your husband is picky too bad make what suits you and he will eat it or go hungry!!
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    You only have 10lbs to lose and that 10lbs is going to take some time to come off.

    The less you have to lose, the harder it is.

    Set your goals to losing half a pound a week and it should up your calories which should help your weight loss.

    Restricting calories too much can actually make losing weight harder because your body needs a certain amount just to stay alive so it's not going to let go of fat if you aren't giving it enough food.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    well i have been doing it for the past month but i just joined up on here today, so my log will show you nothing. I am 35, 140 lbs
    ( put on 10lbs in the last 4 months, not sure why?) I am at the max for my height of 5ft 3 inches with a bmi of 24.8 (max). I want to get back to 130lbs at least. my daily activity level varies but is light as i take care of children for a living. I do exercise on my treadmill or elliptical for 40 min 5 days a week. food wise i usually have a serving of oatmeal with dried raisins or cranberries in it, fruit for a am snack or 2-3 mini oatmeal or banana muffins ( homemade). lunch is sometimes a weight watches smart one dinner or a turkey sub,etc then a fruit/ veggies for a snack in the om and then dinner time varies as i have a very picky hubby and 5 year old and i refuse to make 2 separate meals otherwise i won't have time to exercise after dinner... so example tonight i made homemade potato wedges, had 8-10( not overly thick) and 2 smaller breaded cod fillets. I drink water or tea all day and try to keep my 8 glasses min a day. is that good enough info? if you need more let me know, i would love to know what i am doing wrong.... when i logged todays food for the 1st time i was on target with 1200 calories a day which is what was recommended.... not sure what else to tweak, as i'm getting discouraged after a month of not even a pound coming off....

    We posted at same more vegetables and protein is you can cut down on processed food. If your husband is picky too bad make what suits you and he will eat it or go hungry!!

    haha. i wish it was that easy, it's my 5 year old i'm more concerned with.... I will up my veggie intake forsure and see what i can do with protein.... thx
  • aregensb
    aregensb Posts: 239 Member
    You need to try something different, redo all you MFP settings so you are set to 1 lb a week eat all your calories.

    Weigh/measure all your food and log everything. May sound obvious but all the little cheats add up plan your meals and snacks so you are not tempted with low quality food.

    Start strength training 40 mins treadmill/elliptical trainer is a waste of time. Try Hiit training for your cardio but strength training is the way to go.

    Measure your waist and weigh yourself only once a week.

    Keep at it.......

    This. Strength training is where it's at. OP, it also sounds to me like you might want to try to spread your calories out more during the day. It sounds like you're eating some really heavy foods right before you go to sleep.

    Edit: also, you might need to eat more calories. For most people, 1200 cals is the minimum of calories you're supposed to eat.
  • mrrad
    mrrad Posts: 46
    Yes other halves can be a pain.....I am very lucky my partner will eat anything only trouble I can eat the same portions as him and this makes me fat!!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    yes i guess i only have 10 lbs to loose but that is my choice only to loose the 10, typically i should be loosing 20. but i'm not expecting myself to do that or be able to stick with it, so a realistic goal is 10... i'll settle for that.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    yes i do agree that i seem to eat much heavier food at dinner then the rest of the day and that is b/c i can eat what I like and need ,lol... that is my problem.... but as long as it's a heathier choice to me i can't change that much with 2 other picky ones at home.... tomorrow is a roasted chicken with potatoes and gravy, which i will limit :) but i am trying slowly to change them without them noticing....
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    You've been at it a month, but you've only been on MFP a day. The calorie counting thing will work if you are able to do it. Just hit those numbers every day, log your food and exercise as accurately as you can and you will get there.
  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    I have been taking this weight loss supplement called HCG drops and I have been on them for about 2 weeks almost and I have lost 20 pounds so far. If that is something you are interested in. They give you a packet to follow they tell you what to eat, what not to eat, and they give you a low cal diet plan. But it worked great for me and still working. I am still taking them and will continue taking them for a while. :smile:

    Don't do this.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    thx i sure hope so. i am impressed with how easy it was to track everything already! You would just think that cutting pop out of your diet would relate to 1-2 lbs off at least especially since i drank a 2 ltr a day...... now only tea and water....
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    I have been taking this weight loss supplement called HCG drops and I have been on them for about 2 weeks almost and I have lost 20 pounds so far. If that is something you are interested in. They give you a packet to follow they tell you what to eat, what not to eat, and they give you a low cal diet plan. But it worked great for me and still working. I am still taking them and will continue taking them for a while. :smile:

    Don't do this.

    thx, i won't as tempting as it is, i really am trying to do this naturally... so i can keep it up for a life time :)
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    thx i sure hope so. i am impressed with how easy it was to track everything already! You would just think that cutting pop out of your diet would relate to 1-2 lbs off at least especially since i drank a 2 ltr a day...... now only tea and water....

    Could be. After my first few months I found myself wondering if I could have had the same weight loss just by cutting out beer and not even worrying about the rest of my diet. (I used to drink a LOT of beer!). But the calorie counting thing becomes addictive for a lot of us.

    Glad you are finding the logging easy to use. Hope you stick with it for the next few weeks and give it a chance to work :)