Please help me...

I'll just post from my other forum post... so you can see how severe this is.

I'm going to sound like a lunatic... but I could benefit from that. It's better than working out for a while every day, starving myself to the point of passing out and being in severe pain... then looking in the mirror, crying your eyes out. Weighing myself every HOUR because I am working very hard and the weight is still NOT coming off. I see anything with sugar in it, I feel scared to death. I look at the back of packaging to make sure there's no sugar and that it is under 300 calories before I eat it as a main meal for the day. If it is, I won't touch it. I hate myself SO MUCH for becoming so freakin' fat. I have been on diet after diet and now this is what I've come to. The last thing is diet pills. If they don't work, I don't know what I'll do. Even if I lost the weight temporarily, like let's say 30 to 40 pounds, I'd be perfectly happy with that because during that time, I wouldn't be harming myself as much as I do now. I sit and cry for hours when I could be doing other things. I can't even handle a job right now. So I spend my days working out, worrying to death over what I will eat so that I don't even go close to something that is bad, weighing myself, going online to see if others are having my problem... or if others are having any weight loss success with anything they're doing. I want fat and water weight loss. Not muscle loss. I am expecting to lose some, yes, but that master cleanse diet did nothing 'cept eating my muscles away! Is the other post for those who are curious. If the Phentermine 37.5mg does not work, I am SCREWED.

I feel like dying. I do... I hurt very bad emotionally and physically. All because I have been trying to lose weight for so long and getting no results. It's driving me crazy, literally. The next thing I'd do after the pills is to completely starve myself.


  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Sounds like you just need to educate yourself on 1) your body and it's needs 2) nutrition 3) the mindset that you didn't get fat overnight, and you're not going to get healthy overnight.

    Persistence, willpower, and dedication.

    Set up your MFP honestly and do what it says.
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    I hope you give this site a chance, it does work. You do need to eat to lose weight. Starving yourself will not work. I do believe you need to seek out a doctors advice or a diet expert. You may have issues that are not diet related that could be hindering your success. Good luck to you.
  • mandyc1108
    mandyc1108 Posts: 57 Member
    I would seriously suggest going to see a doctor. What you are doing to yourself is physically and emotionally unhealthy. I can understand what your trying to do, but honestly that is not a good way to go about it.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Yikes! First of all, I'm sending you big hugs, because you need it.

    Second, please get help! This is more than just a weight issue. It may have started out as such, or it may just be manifesting through your weight problems, but from what you describe, it sounds like you are dealing with some serious depression.
    Now, let me tell you, from one who has been there, that there is NOTHING shameful about depression or seeking help for it. But the symptoms you describe (hating yourself, wanting to die, worrying so much about what you can eat) suggest that you really are at a tipping point.
    Please, make an appointment with your doctor right away. If you have and haven't gotten help, go to someone else. This isn't a "get a prescription for antidepressants and move on" thing. Get a referral to a counselor (LCSW or such) - someone you can talk to and work through your issues, both over your weight and your total self-image. And chances are that, in the process, you will be able to find some healthy ways to manage your weight and feel better about your body.
  • wjranch
    wjranch Posts: 152
    You dont sound like a lunatic....but, you do sound like alot of other people out there who are bombarded with conflicting or simply misleading information.
    You MUST feed your body! If you are 'starving' yourself and working out to extremes then all you really succeeded in doing is reset you metabolism to not only HOLD the wieght it has, but, to store every single ounce it can! You are in a reverse state of metabolism (IMO)
    I can't see your food or exercise diary so it's difficult to say with any certainty what is happening. But, just from what you've written here I worry for you.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Browse through the topics in this link for some insights:
  • wendix
    wendix Posts: 74 Member
    you need to go to a doctor and say all this to them. seriously. you're obviously at a high risk for developing an eating disorder and I say this from experience. You're going to get a lot of negative comments on this post but having had an eating disorder, I know what I'm talking about and I know the warning signs and the feelings and the fixation on weight. Losing weight is not a solution, it just becomes an addiction. no matter what you weigh.
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    Wow. First of all - while the support here on MFP is great, I think you should actually go and see someone and actually talk to them about these feelings. Your doctor should be the first person. If you are this bad, you might find you need some medication to take the egde off. Dont worry, you wont be the first to ask for help.

    I dont want to comment on what you are doing, could be doing or should be doing diet and exercise wise. But I think you should see a doctor before you even consider doing anything else.

    Good luck. I hope you feel better soon.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    You need to work in sustainable solutions. Things like cleansing can't be maintained.
    The only sustainable solution is to watch what you eat and exercise regularly.
    If your picture is accurate, you don't look that heavy and you will feel much better about yourself in no time.

    Good Luck.
  • Lizchan
    Lizchan Posts: 60 Member
    I almost did get fat overnight, actually.
    I was taking Depo Provera birth control. I went from 140 to 200 in two months.
    I got off of that awful thing and the weight gain stopped.
    I didn't care for a long time because the gaining stopped.
    But then when I was trying to lose weight after being off of the shot for a few months, NOTHING.
    I have now been off of it for over a year.
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    First, you need to know that you're not alone in your struggles. There are MANY people on here (including myself) who have tried less-than-healthy ways to weight loss, and have felt the same sadness and hopelessness.

    Second, have you thought about seeking out a therapist? While you'll get some support here, sometimes professional support (in additional to personal) can be extremely helpful and enlightening. And there's absolutely no shame in looking for professional help. The feelings that we tie to our bodies can be REALLY hard to sort out, and sometimes an outsider can help the most.

    Third, my completely unprofessional opinion is that you're not eating enough. Fill your body with foods that are nutritious: 500 calories of a salad with grilled chicken is totally different than 500 calories of marshmallows (but I'm not saying that this is what you're doing! I haven't peeked at your diary.). The whole "1200 minimum" has gotten a lot of varied reactions from this community (just search for it-- there's been a LOT of debate), but I eat quite a bit more than that, and all of my exercise calories back, but I know that that's what works for me. It seems like you've seen that eating very little doesn't work for your body, so try to be willing to try something different.

    Friend me for support, if you'd like. Getting into healthy habits (not just weight loss) can be a very long road, but it will be worth it in the end. <3
  • read Chantel Hobbs Never Say Diet best book ever
  • Becxox
    Becxox Posts: 52 Member
    I hope you give this site a chance, it does work. You do need to eat to lose weight. Starving yourself will not work. I do believe you need to seek out a doctors advice or a diet expert. You may have issues that are not diet related that could be hindering your success. Good luck to you.

    You are getting some great advice here. Please give this a go as you do need food to lose weight.
    Starving yourself and working out is starving your body so anything you do eat your body hangs on to and does not burn it off.

    Also get yourself a hobby and focus on something else for a while, the only thing you need to remember is eat and track you food, stay within your claories for the day, dont worry about anything else for the moment.... the rest will follow :)
  • Lizchan
    Lizchan Posts: 60 Member
    You need to work in sustainable solutions. Things like cleansing can't be maintained.
    The only sustainable solution is to watch what you eat and exercise regularly.
    If your picture is accurate, you don't look that heavy and you will feel much better about yourself in no time.

    Good Luck.

    I don't have more fat because I've been exercising and dieting for a long time.
    But no matter what, I don't lose or gain weight. :'(
    Please read a post made very recently. It at least tells how this happened.
    I feel sooooooo awful about this. I have done all that I could. I've been trying the healthy way for a very long time and nothing has been right... the picture is accurate, yes... but it does not mean I'm skinny. Anyone can look skinnier in pictures.
    I will post a full body later. I'm so gross to myself.
  • MummaAimz
    MummaAimz Posts: 81 Member
    This site works dollface! I felt the same way 2 months ago...I felt fat, disgusting, I would cry because of it...and then I found this place. All the wonderful people on here make it SO EASY to stay on track. I have lost 19 pounds on 2 months just from minimal exercise and maximum diet changes. ITS A MARATHON NOT A SPRINT! The best way to loose weight and KEEP IT OFF is to do it properly through diet and exercise...more so diet then exercise.Track your foods honestly, if you go over every now and then thats will keep your body guessing. You can do it! Add me to your list..I'm always looking for friends to motivate!
  • Becxox
    Becxox Posts: 52 Member
    Always focus on the positive, you have lost 3lbs!!!
  • mandyc1108
    mandyc1108 Posts: 57 Member
    Have you kept track of your inches? Success can be measured in more ways than just the number on the scale.
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    Don't forget that stressing yourself out over losing weight is very counter-productive. Have you talked with your doctor? If not, I'd suggest that you need to do that… you need people who can help get you on the right track. If you've HONESTLY been doing the "right" things… eating nutritious foods (not just the right number of calories), eating the right quantities, exercising, etc., then there may be an underlying health problem that you need to resolve. You can't do that here. You need to go see your doctor. If your doctor doesn't take you seriously, then find another doctor. On the other hand, if you aren't honestly doing the right things, then you need to start doing those things.

    Hating yourself is not going to help you and it's not going to help anyone else help you. Doing everything "fad" diet is not going to help you. Educate yourself… and I don't mean read every stupid thing on the internet and believe it. Be a skeptic. Stick with reputable web sites, such as the American Heart Association, American Diabetes Association. Even if you don't have these health concerns, they have a lot of useful information on food and your health. Better yet, ask your doctor about seeing a nutritionist.

    If you are truly as emotionally desperate as you sound, then seek out friends and family that you trust. See a therapist. There's no shame in asking for help to get your head together as well as your body.

    Don't give up. It's just time to regroup and seek the help you need… not just here, but in your family and community.

    Best of luck… I'll be hoping for you! :flowerforyou:
  • Lizchan
    Lizchan Posts: 60 Member
    First, you need to know that you're not alone in your struggles. There are MANY people on here (including myself) who have tried less-than-healthy ways to weight loss, and have felt the same sadness and hopelessness.

    Second, have you thought about seeking out a therapist? While you'll get some support here, sometimes professional support (in additional to personal) can be extremely helpful and enlightening. And there's absolutely no shame in looking for professional help. The feelings that we tie to our bodies can be REALLY hard to sort out, and sometimes an outsider can help the most.

    Third, my completely unprofessional opinion is that you're not eating enough. Fill your body with foods that are nutritious: 500 calories of a salad with grilled chicken is totally different than 500 calories of marshmallows (but I'm not saying that this is what you're doing! I haven't peeked at your diary.). The whole "1200 minimum" has gotten a lot of varied reactions from this community (just search for it-- there's been a LOT of debate), but I eat quite a bit more than that, and all of my exercise calories back, but I know that that's what works for me. It seems like you've seen that eating very little doesn't work for your body, so try to be willing to try something different.

    Friend me for support, if you'd like. Getting into healthy habits (not just weight loss) can be a very long road, but it will be worth it in the end. <3

    I won't go to a therapist again for this. Already tried. They told me I don't have to lose weight. I DO NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT. I HAVE NO CHOICE. I am sick over my weight. :( I felt fine until I got fat. That is when my SEVERE depression and arthritis started. I lost a lot of my strength very fast. I have been from doctor to doctor looking for a medical condition and they can't find one.

    The therapists all say the exact same thing. You look fine. Yeah, you're a little big, but so what.

    It matters SO much to me because my family has a history of diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure... a lot of disease caused by becoming overweight! This is a big, big, big deal. It has also taken a serious toll on my ability to do all the things I'd like to do. Such as maybe one day, wear a bikini... or have a boyfriend who won't call me a fat***. :( Stuff like that. Why must this be IMPOSSIBLE to obtain!?
  • DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF!! You will only GAIN weight by doing that. Don't take diet pills either those are never a good thing to use you need to loose the weight naturally. If you keep working hard and eat all the calories MFP tells you to (You must eat close to what it tells you to everyday, This way you will loose weight and keep your body full of energy) it will come off as long as you keep at it. you have to learn to love how you look right now or else you will only worry about apperces and not the main point GETTING HEATHLY! Never give up on yourself you can do more then you relise and never stop trying, because if you give up what was your point in wanting to inprove yourself think back on WHY you wanted to loose the weight in the first place. You can do it!!