Thinking about "breaking up" with Weight Watchers



  • Eponine7
    Eponine7 Posts: 161
    I have made my decision after reading everyone's opinions and experiences, and mulling things over...Drum roll please....

    I just cancelled my WW account. I am slightly terrified.

    However, as many of you pointed out--I can just rejoin if MFP doesn't keep me in line.

    I also sent a message out to my MFP friends that my weigh in day is on Monday and to please hold me accountable.

    THANK YOU to everyone who took time to respond. I appreciated each and every one of your responses.

    Feel free to friend me and keep me in line!

    Best of luck to you all!
  • CouleeRunner
    CouleeRunner Posts: 267 Member
    Don't be afraid! We are here for you!
  • ddran143
    WW and I had to depart. This is almost the same system as WW and its free.An extra $ 18 in my pocket per month and I can track on my phone with MFP.I couldnt do that with WW.
  • submissivelyserving
    i found mfp while searching the internet. first i quit ww because i didn't lose any weight at all (i was doing the online) and mfp was free. it was the best decision i ever made. the mfp family is awesome and you wont miss the weigh-in if you log in everday and get the encouragement and accountability. quit now. quit now. quit now. seriously, quit now. you won't regret it. they will be there if you decide to ever go back, BUT YOU WON'T.
  • SheRa1964
    You can do both. I am. *hugs* It's making a difference.
  • HeatherR930
    HeatherR930 Posts: 214 Member
    I was in the same situation! I quit WW & joined MFP. The plus side was that MFP was free AND it is BETTER because no food should be free, & all points are not equal. I wanted to know & track what exactly is going in my body. The only downside was nor going weekly to weighins, which does help hold you accountable, but weighing in on MFP for friends to see is helpful. The big deciding factor was that a gym membership cost the same amount as a month of WW. I couldn't afford both, & really wanted to get fit! I've had a LOT more success & more quickly with counting calories & working out frequently than just counting points! Good luck to you; I hope you experience the same! :)
  • 1FitBabe
    1FitBabe Posts: 111 Member
    I also tried WW multiple times but for some reasons points just dont make as much sense to me as seeing the calories. Using a fitbit and MFP I can clearly see calories burned and eaten and why I did or did not lose weight that week.
  • Chelkb
    Chelkb Posts: 65 Member
    I am also a member of WW online (it runs out on12/26). I won't be renewing my membership either. In fact, I stopped tracking on WW. I think there are good points to WW. It kind of forces you to make some better choices - such as fruits & veggies but there a few things about it that bother me. First, I am an accountant - I want to see the numbers - that is what makes sense to me. I typically like to have a glass of wine at night but WW penalizes you for alcohol. My glass of wine is 5-6 points for a 135 calorie drink. On the other hand, I can run on the treadmill for 46 minutes straight at 9 min/mile and I earn 7 points. Those 46 minutes are approx. 530 calories burned, so why is it only 1 more point than the 135 calorie glass of wine? To me, that just doesn't make any sense.
  • energy4life
    Well I think it's easier to lose weight when you have support in real life and people are there to keep checking up on you. But if you feel your ready and you know you got it . Then you can do it! Congratulations!
  • Boardergurl
    Boardergurl Posts: 206 Member
    I like alot of you have debated the break up! I found once the new PP system came in my weight lost came to a stop. I tried several things and NOTHING worked.... I just dont understand how the new system works.. How someone who is 140 pounds can eat the same as me who is 166 pounds... The old program I found worked amazing I lost the bulk of my weight on it ... But the new PP has had me hanging onto the last 15 pounds I want to get rid of!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I did fabulous on the Momentum plan. When I saw they made all fruits free, I knew that would be the end of losing for a lot of people. WW has been a great program for many years, but the latest program I think was a major mistake.

    I stayed on WW when it changed, but continued following Momentum.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I did WW in the past. Yes, I was able to stay within my points, but I never felt like it really taught me HOW to eat. I've learned a lot more about serving sizes, reading labels, etc by simply eating less and working out more.

    Like everything else when it comes to weight loss, WW works for some people and not for others. Give MFP a try for awhile and see how you like it. If you don't think it's working for you - you could always go back to WW. :)
  • natini
    natini Posts: 347 Member
    I lost 42lbs on WW old program. I am on maintenance but have decided to loose about 10 more pounds and change my weight goal. I could not loose weight on the new program. I think it is all of the free fruits and veggies. I always eat fruits and veggies to bulk up what I am eating. I changed over to MFP. It was strange at first because I have done WW points for over 10 years. I love the online tools for tracking and the best thing is that they are free. If you don't care about the money, use MFP and just go to WW weekly meetings for the weigh in and support. Best of luck!
  • natini
    natini Posts: 347 Member
    I am also a member of WW online (it runs out on12/26). I won't be renewing my membership either. In fact, I stopped tracking on WW. I think there are good points to WW. It kind of forces you to make some better choices - such as fruits & veggies but there a few things about it that bother me. First, I am an accountant - I want to see the numbers - that is what makes sense to me. I typically like to have a glass of wine at night but WW penalizes you for alcohol. My glass of wine is 5-6 points for a 135 calorie drink. On the other hand, I can run on the treadmill for 46 minutes straight at 9 min/mile and I earn 7 points. Those 46 minutes are approx. 530 calories burned, so why is it only 1 more point than the 135 calorie glass of wine? To me, that just doesn't make any sense.

    I totally agree with you!!! It doesn't make any sense.
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    I just quit WW too !!!!!!!
  • Freshstart07
    Freshstart07 Posts: 12 Member
    Accoutability is a huge motivator and look how well you have done with it. But as you have noted you have stalled and are not to your goal. I think WW is an excellent program even though I have never taken that plunge why because it has helped millions just like you. I think you should stay the course that works for you. No doubt the WW diet has gotten you where you are today. But you may certainly be at the point where there are not as many freebees. Good luck and thanks for being a motivator to us all.
  • Tori_356
    Tori_356 Posts: 510 Member
    I did weight watchers countless times only to lost a little, then gain it back. I never lost as much as I have with MFP. I am sticking to MFP, its FREE and it works!
  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    I go to weight watchers to weigh in..and get the helpful info...but i dont follow that food plan.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Just wanted to say I totally get where you're coming from with using every available point/calorie given to you! I used to do the old points system (Momentum) so after starting on MFP earlier this year, I had an initial loss but then stalled out for about a month. Figured out I still had that mindset of it being ok to go over my daily limit a little because that's how I used to use those weekly extra points on WW. I ended up changing my goal from 1 pound per week to 2 pounds per week and that helped me a lot. I've slowly changed that as I've gotten closer to goal but still set my daily calories a bit lower than it needs to be so that I still have that wiggle room.

    See below for guidelines shared by members on MFP... According to this, I should set my goal at 1 pound per week tops, but I have it set slightly higher than 1 pound per week. My daily calorie goal is 1400 but I tend to average closer to 1500, which still allows me to lose 0.5 to 1 pound per week.
    Here is a great guideline for setting weekly weight loss goals:
    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal, and
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal.

    Above all, please remember, as hard as it can be to do, give yourself a little bit of a break over the next 2-3 weeks as your body adapts to the changes. Best of luck to you! :)
  • tofutot
    I simply will not count points using the new system. Free fruit?? Whoah! I'm a compulsive over eater and proud member of Over Eaters Anonymous - don't try telling me fruit is free - I'll surely over eat it. If the weigh-ins and meetings are helping you, don't quit. Just use one of the older counting methods, where fruits are generally a point.

    BTW - I lost my 56 pounds faithfully journaling & counting WW points. I replaced WW mtgs with OA mtgs and actually stayed off the scale at the beginning as much as possible. I could tell by my clothes, that the pounds were dropping off.

    Good luck!