"You should be this weight in 5 weeks" ticker at bottom

I am very confused by the little ticker at the bottom. I have alotted 1490 (basically 1500) calories a day and have followed it religiously about 95% of the week. I have worked out doing Turbo Jam 4x this week. I am currently 273 pounds and started my journey at 285 6 weeks ago doing Weight Watchers. I recently converted to just doing MFP last week. The little ticker at the bottom is totally freaking me out. For instance today I ate only 100 extra calories and it said I would only lose 7 pounds in the next 5 weeks. Obviously this changes every day. When I do my Turbo Jam workouts that day it says I will be 255 in 5 weeks, however, it is very confusing to me. Most charts say for my weight BMR is like 2500 so if i eat 1500 a day and do no exercise I should lose 2 pounds a week right? If I exercise and continue to eat 1500 I will lose more. Isn't that how it works?? The reason I don't go lower than 1500 right now is because I have never stuck to dieting for longer than a month or so and so far I have made it like 7 weeks so I want to continue and not give up and binge eat from wanting to eat more and feel like a failure if I do....


  • JoJo_fat2fab
    JoJo_fat2fab Posts: 297 Member
  • bonnt
    bonnt Posts: 172 Member
    I've looked at posts similar a lot, and a lot of people say it's not always realistic. Just keep doing what you're doing. If you notice a loss, keep going! keep at it!
  • Dexy_
    Dexy_ Posts: 593 Member
    That ticker is very inaccurate, just ignore it :)
  • mrskellyray
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    It's poo. :laugh:

    There are so many other factors involved, it's silly. Just keep doing your thing.
  • Surisaddai
    Surisaddai Posts: 142 Member
    I love the ticker, I use it as a motivation piece. When it shows me a weight I like (on my phone) I take a pic of the screen to keep myself motivated.
  • smkcx♥
    smkcx♥ Posts: 317 Member
    It's just a 'round-about' estimate. the ticker doesn't know how much your going to lose. I joined July 7th, weighing 211lbs, on August 16th I weighed 198lbs.

    (however I quit using this site after school started and 7lbs of it back. but since re-starting the site i've lost the 7lbs I gained, plus 2more lbs)

    dont pay too much attention to the ticker at the bottom, it goes by how many calories you consumes and calculates an estimate on how much you'd weigh in a few weeks if u ate like that everyday, its not a solid thing saying that you will lose this amount in this amount of days. you'll more than likely lose more than what your ticker says :D
  • abellante_0205
    abellante_0205 Posts: 368 Member
    I ignore it... NO one eats the same stuff for 5 weeks straight!!!!! Its only if you ate the same food for 5 weeks that you MIGHT get to that point but I think its not accurate at all so I wouldn't worry about it!!!
  • courtgosvener
    courtgosvener Posts: 66 Member
    thanks! I find it discouraging though, I "know" it can't be right but when you eat 1500 and it tells you you are going to lose like 5 lbs in 5 weeks that is discouraging!
  • riccoismydog
    riccoismydog Posts: 319 Member
    That ticker is annoying. I don't have that much to lose, and five weeks ago it told me I would be 122 by this time. I follow pretty much the same regimine since then ( a few off days a few really great days but the rest were average) And I am 126. I know its just four pounds. But four pounds over five weeks is a pretty big difference to me. I just ignore it now. If every day was the same, it still wouldn't be right I don't think. You can use it as a gauge as to how well your doing I guess. Thats about it.
  • KimertRuns13_1
    I pay it no attention. It has not been accurate for me at all. BUT there are days when I have ran 10-13.1 miles.. I am not going to do that on a daily basis...how could I?? It actually bugs the crap out of me that that little ticker is even there.
  • susanofscottsdale
    It is simple math based on the information that you have provided.
  • courtgosvener
    courtgosvener Posts: 66 Member
    It's great when it says you are going to be 255 in 5 weeks! LOLOLOL....but I am just easing into working out and Turbo Jam has been the highest intensity I have done in years. I feel good that I am doing it, but of course I want the scale to move!
  • paulaGetshealthy
    I have never ever paid attention to it because there is no possible way that every day will "be like today."
  • allie864
    allie864 Posts: 298
    I ignore it, too. I just kinda think, "Oh really? That's nice." & move on :)
  • AriannaTiyen42
    AriannaTiyen42 Posts: 86 Member
    The ticker is full of lies.
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    Losing a pound a week is a good amount. That is 52 lbs in a year! And you are not depriving your joints of the amount of fat you need per day for processing vitamins and keeping your body functioning well.
    So if you lose 1 - 1.5 lbs a week, consider that a good thing.
    Hugs, BJB :drinker: (lots of water)
  • TODJ06
    TODJ06 Posts: 85
    I am very confused by the little ticker at the bottom. I have alotted 1490 (basically 1500) calories a day and have followed it religiously about 95% of the week. I have worked out doing Turbo Jam 4x this week. I am currently 273 pounds and started my journey at 285 6 weeks ago doing Weight Watchers. I recently converted to just doing MFP last week. The little ticker at the bottom is totally freaking me out. For instance today I ate only 100 extra calories and it said I would only lose 7 pounds in the next 5 weeks. Obviously this changes every day. When I do my Turbo Jam workouts that day it says I will be 255 in 5 weeks, however, it is very confusing to me. Most charts say for my weight BMR is like 2500 so if i eat 1500 a day and do no exercise I should lose 2 pounds a week right? If I exercise and continue to eat 1500 I will lose more. Isn't that how it works?? The reason I don't go lower than 1500 right now is because I have never stuck to dieting for longer than a month or so and so far I have made it like 7 weeks so I want to continue and not give up and binge eat from wanting to eat more and feel like a failure if I do....

    That ticker gives me *hope*... its my goal, to work towards!
    Good luck to you!
  • courtgosvener
    courtgosvener Posts: 66 Member
    Yeah I was just wondering if there was some formula and that I should be eating less to get to my goal faster. i am sure it accounts for the rest of the week too? But if one day you are great how can the next day be 5 pounds difference if you just eat and not exercise...sticking to your allotted amount! ugg/.
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    I actually tracked it for 4 weeks... Next week is the first week of the tracked numbers... I'm at 240.8 right now and next week my highest number is 235.6 and my lowest was 226.4... As nice as it would be to be that small, I'm pretty sure losing 5lbs in a week is a little extreme!! :-P I just use it as motivation now! :-)