Weekend binge eater

I need help people! I'm realizing that I am a serious weekend binge eater. It seems that once Friday afternoon comes, a switch is flipped in my head and I just say screw it and eat any and everything in sight. During the week I am very disciplined and stay well within my 1500 calories per day but on the weekend that easily goes up to 3000-4000 calories a day. I eat non stop and eat all the wrong things. In 2 days I totally undo all the good that I've done in 5 days and either I don't lose any weight or I gain.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can make this stop?


  • ugh..... I have the same problem. I'm so a weekend binger. I have to quit it too or else I'll never lose this weight.... Suggestions would be greatly appreciated here too.
  • I have a similar problem! I work 16 hour shifts on the weekends and I just want to eat all day! I look forward to seeing others replies.
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    Bump-Weekends are harder for me too. off the regular routine, I think throws me. The week is so structured. Good topic-
  • You beautiful ladies are not alone....GRRRRRRRR!

    I am so good until weekends and I hit EVERY buffet in sight TWICE gaining back those two pounds that I struggled to lose over the week.

    I suggest we all friend each other and over the weekend constantly support each other not to fall into this cycle as we clearly need some reconditioning!
  • Unfortunately, I don't have an answer either! Same problem. I never seem to feel full all week, so on weekends, I have the same mindset. The heck with it - I just want to feel like I have eaten enought. Then go overboard.
  • JizWiz
    JizWiz Posts: 57
    Me too! Please someone let me know! Thanks!
  • Ugh I have exactly the same issue! I get so busy I grab whatever on-the-go. I can't wait to hear other suggestions as well. This is so difficult. Thanks for bringing up this topic!!
    AJPTRF Posts: 24
    Me too! I have not lost a pound, but have gained 6 since I have been on here, about 6 months!
  • doornumber03
    doornumber03 Posts: 221 Member
    i cheat on the weekends, but i go like crazy at the gym on saturday and sunday. If i burn 1,000 cals/day that gives me around a total of 2700 cals to eat and i don't feel bad about let's say buffalo wings drenched in blue cheese witha beer!. Don't take everything away, just find a way to make the portions a good size and make sure you earn it!
  • bluepixxy
    bluepixxy Posts: 2 Member
    I would like to know the answer to that one to ,because I have the very same problem. Sometimes I think Maybe I don't want to lose,why would I sabatoge myself like that.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    i'm the same way. even if i exercise, i'll eat all of those calories back plus some.
  • summalovaable
    summalovaable Posts: 287 Member
    I think we need to start a weekend binge eating support group lol looks like there's a lot of people doing it with no answer as to why!

    I know I have this problem too. I've started switching over my weigh in days to Sunday mornings. It at least keeps me a little more accountable for what I'm eating Friday and Saturday night. Doesn't always help, but its a slow start
  • wildhehr2
    wildhehr2 Posts: 122 Member
    I have the same issue. What's worked for me (so far) is that I choose one meal on saturday, and one meal on sunday, when I do eat whatever I want. I stay disciplined with my breakfast and snacks. Knowing that I do have my one meal each day helps me to stay on track. I also work out absurdly early on monday morning...nothing like feeling like I'm going to puke during my run to help me stay on the straight and narrow.
    I also try to wait 2 hours after my "indulge" meal before I eat again. So if I go to a buffet, and I start at noon, but at 130 I'm grabbing that second dessert, I won't let myself eat again until at least 330....generally I can go longer (like until it's time for a light supper), but that helps me curb my all day snacking.
    Hope this helps someone a bit. It's working well for me so far.
  • lupa01
    lupa01 Posts: 162 Member
    I tend to eat more on the weekends too. However, I have tapered down a whole lot since I've been on here. One thing I did was changed some of my choices and I also tend to exercise more on the weekend because I have more time. But the biggest thing I did was decided that I want to be a healthier and happier me and that's more important than food ever could be. I know it's easier said than done, but you really have to make up in your mind which is more important to you. Instead of eating that whole serving of whatever fattening meal, eat half and save it until the next day. Substitute some of those fattening snacks for some tasty 100 calorie snacks. It's usually all about instant gratification and once it's over, you feel miserable because you know you've saboutaged your efforts. Do whatever it takes to reprogram your mind because if you don't, you will be wasting a lot of time, losing and then gaining all over again. Been down this road several times and I'm so over it. I love to eat but I want this so much more than a fattening, unhealthy meal. Blessings to you on your journey!:-)
  • CorinthiaB
    CorinthiaB Posts: 488 Member
    I do understand. I know my problem is that I sleep in late on the weekend and wake up hungry and then grab what is available for quick consumption. My meals during the week are pretty much plan and I don't have to worry about going over and if I do, I normally get in me a quick workout. However, I am tired of sabotaging my weight loss over the weekend. My plan is to purchase some frozen meals for the weekend only. Create me a weekend meal schedule and get back to my smoothies. I have to take back my control on the weekend. I am a slow loser, which is good, but I am tired of taking 10 weeks to lose 10lbs. I have to amp up my weight loss and stay focus.
  • CharityEaton
    CharityEaton Posts: 499 Member
    been having the same problem but I think I might have broke the cycle this weekend. It is all in our heads. We gotta fight through it and I had to be super strict with the kids and husband and ask them to PLEASE not eat all the stuff I shouldn't have. I also drank soooo much water...like 12-14 glasses a day...I felt so full that it was easier not to pig out too much. The results on the scale were very pleasing this morning. For the first time in 4 months I actually LOST a tiny bit of weight over the weekend insted of gaining back a pound or two.

    It was worth it. Also, I don't do an "official" weigh in until Tuesday morning that way I have a day to get back on track from the weekend! It helps with the frustration on Mondays!
    I try to allow for my "day off" to start with dinner on Friday night and end with Breakfast on Sunday morning....it fits our eating habits better and I don't have to pass up some of my favorite things but then come Sunday afternoon I know it is time to get back on track or I am going to be frustrated with myself.

    Good Luck to all! This isn't a quick fix but I did FINALLY have a successful weekend after 4 months of frustrating weekends! It is soooo hard!
  • lupa01
    lupa01 Posts: 162 Member
    i cheat on the weekends, but i go like crazy at the gym on saturday and sunday. If i burn 1,000 cals/day that gives me around a total of 2700 cals to eat and i don't feel bad about let's say buffalo wings drenched in blue cheese witha beer!. Don't take everything away, just find a way to make the portions a good size and make sure you earn it!

    I love wings!! That's my #1 "cheat day" food!!:-)
  • Sookie_182
    Sookie_182 Posts: 72 Member
    thats actually a good idea for a support group because i'm the exact same, especially on sunday coz it's literally my day of rest what with work, college etc so i usually chill and automatically binge... all help greatly appreciated!!
  • lniffa
    lniffa Posts: 675 Member
    I am totally the opposite on weekends. I tend not to eat and its not for lack of trying, I sew, crotchet and embroider and an avid reader; so when I start any of these things I tend to do it all day until I am done. Thank god I have a great sister that will literally grab me and force me to eat something. So, maybe take up some type of project and that may help, just don't let it consume you..lol. Also, maybe have healthy pre-made snacks around the house or plan your weekend meals so you grab those instead.
  • I have the same problem! I would like to blame the husband because I see him eating all the "good stuff" and I totally join in. I'm an out of sight, out of mind person, but I struggle to make the right choices when it's right there in front of me!

    Plus, my biggest cheat in my diet is coffee. Well, the delicious nondairy creamers that go in the coffee. Then I go to Starbucks on the weekends! If I cut out just coffee I'd probably drop a pound a week =). It's sooo hard to give it up, but I have cut my addiction to half of what it used to be!!!