working out after work.. possible???

Hi everyone!

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to work out after work? I work 12 hour shifts (7am-7pm), and I am exhausted by the time i get home. Usually I have to be back the next day for another 7am-7pm...with this I find working out impossible...



  • meganmorsey
    It's definitely possible and might make you feel more energetic! If I were you, I'd have a small snack as soon as I got home and then immediately get dressed and go work-out. If I worked 12 hour days, I'd probably do 30-45 minutes on those days and then 1 hour on off days. You can do it!!
  • mathen2
    mathen2 Posts: 134 Member
    If you have to be at work at 7 am, try doing it before that. I used to be a late owl and never thought that I would be able to wake up early in the morning to work out. But once you start and get used to it, you have more energy during the day and once you get home after work, you have all the free time to spend with family, relax etc without feeling like you have to work out. Try it out, it worked for me and now I work out at 6 am since I have crazy work schedules.
  • ultimategar
    ultimategar Posts: 96 Member
    Is it an option to run/walk/cycle to and/or from work?
  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    Yeah sorry, no help here...I'm with you! I'm usually too shattered after work! It's an early alarm clock for me most days otherwise the excuses are too easy to come crawling out!! :laugh:
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    I have to work out after work as well. During the week I work 2-10pm and on the weekends I'm usually doing a 12 hour shift, but just make myself go to the gym. I do it after work during the week because my wife and daughter are usually already asleep so I can still get my workout in without taking time away from my family. Good luck!
  • applebobbrush
    applebobbrush Posts: 235 Member
    I used to work 12's as well, I totally understand being so exhausted at the end of your day. I found it helped to work out before going to work, but I had a 24 hour gym near by also. If that's not possible, try to do just 30 minutes before you go home. Go from work directly to the gym. Then do longer exercise routines on your days off. It really did help me when I was working to feel more energetic and not have my days killing me.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Eeek! I was going to say it is totally possible until I saw that you work 12 hour shifts. Ouch. Right now I work 8 hour shifts, but drive an hour each way, so my day is 10 hours and that is hard enough! You will find a way to do this though!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    I go to the gym after work.. i do not have a 12 hour shift, but I leave for work at 6am and get back after 5pm. I keep my gym stuff in the car so when I get off the train I go pick up the kids and go straight to the gym.

    If I go home first, no chance I would get to the workout!
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    Find someone that works the same shift as you and go walking or jogging right after work...that is how I get mine in 4 times a week! If it weren't for my workout buddy, I don't know if I would be as motivated!
  • mrpurdy
    mrpurdy Posts: 262 Member
    If you have to be at work at 7 am, try doing it before that. I used to be a late owl and never thought that I would be able to wake up early in the morning to work out. But once you start and get used to it, you have more energy during the day and once you get home after work, you have all the free time to spend with family, relax etc without feeling like you have to work out. Try it out, it worked for me and now I work out at 6 am since I have crazy work schedules.

    I agree with you! Exercising before work gets me energized and gives me a great sense of accomplishment throughout the day. Then I feel like I can crash after work (if I want). :smile:
  • kyylieeeeee
    kyylieeeeee Posts: 197 Member
    I work 10 hour days (7a-5p) with a 40 minute commute each way, too. I'm already up at 5, so waking up earlier is not really an option haha but I am also too tired when I get I've started exercising on my lunch break! I only get 45 minutes, but I've done a few 20-minute brisk walks or slow jogs, which gives me enough time to change into/out of workout clothes, and enough time to grab a small snack. So that's my cardio for the day. Even though I NEVER feel like doing it, and I'd always rather relax and eat my lunch, I always feel great afterwards and it's nice to feel the sunshine after being in my office all day. It's the only daylight I see during the week!
    And then I usually do a strength training/circuit training for 20-30 minutes or so at night...something that makes my muscles work hard!
    Your workouts don't need to be super-long, because mentally preparing yourself for an hour of working out is harder than actually doing it, especially when you're exhausted after a long, stressful day at work. Try to find super-effective workouts instead, like HIIT, circuit training like 30DS or NerdFitness Body Weight workouts, or setting a goal like "Run/Walk 3 miles every day for a week." Good luck!
  • alcon79
    alcon79 Posts: 193 Member
    I generally work 10 hour days, leave work 630pm or so, then don't get home until after 7. I find I go to the gym more consistently when I drive to work and don't go home in between work and gym. Put the gym clothes in the car and drive straight there. When I take the bus, I have to go home and change and get the car, and I dilly dally at home and often end up doing a DVD in my house.

    I get home from the gym around 830, then cook dinner so fit it in when you can.
  • huckleberryhuck
    huckleberryhuck Posts: 21 Member
    I also work long hours and struggle to work out after...I usually spend all day trying to convince myself why its okay if I didn't go, haha. What works for me when I am really tired or dreading the gym is to set my goals for the workout low, like 10-15 minutes of cardio and I tell myself something is better than nothing, right? It is a lot easier to convince myself to at least set foot in the gym, which is always my biggest hurdle. If Im having a bad day and struggling and can only do 10 minutes than hey, I reached my goal and did SOMETHING. But what usually happens is I get started and I feel great and those tend to be my best 60+ of cardio days. And in turn, I sleep better when I finally get home and I have more energy for the next day.

    Goodluck! Remember SOMETHING is better than NOTHING, and you WILL feel better if you go.
  • gleechick609
    I work 8 hour shifts and either go home to change (because the gym is 3 minutes away) or I will bring my gym bag with me to work. Sometimes, I have a friend meet me at the gym so it's almost impossible to bail.

    Why don't you start with 30 minutes of working out after work and see how it goes from there?
  • craek
    craek Posts: 201 Member
    Don't let yourself sit down when you get home. Put your work out clothes on right away . That is when I feel I have no other options. If you let yourself relax on the couch when you get home you will never get up!
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I work a corporate job and work upwards of 60-70 hours some weeks.

    If you want to do it you, you just do it. That's been the biggest change for me this time over other times. I know it has to be done and I do it. No excuses.
  • alabrake
    Well I do see now that it is possible... Now I am thinking splitting up the work out... maybe some Yoga/Pilates in the morning, and stopping by the gym on my way home for some cardio. Yes I may find every excuse in the book to NOT go to the gym after work but you all are right, If you really want it, you will do it. and that doing something is way better than doing nothing at all.

    Thank you all for the amazing feedback :flowerforyou:

    Best success on your weight loss goals and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!
