Need Support - REBOOTING :)

HI ! I'm in need of some supporting friends...I have some awesome ones already ...but could do with more.

I began my weightloss journey on Jan 2011 lost 25 pounds . 4 weeks ago I moved to El Salvador and my diet and daily routine changed . To my surprise this morning I weighed my self and have only gained 2 pounds. I need to get back on track like I was before getting here.

* Need to increase water intake
* Stop drinking Soda
* Workout twice a day
*track foods
* Ask for support :)

Anyone out there rebooting ???? :)


  • kimmycj13
    I'm rebooting!!! I have gained all the weight I lost the first half of the year back within a few months...I need to refocus, regroup, and recharge.
  • KiteGirl83
    I'm rebooting, too. I got to a more comfortable weight for a friend's wedding, and then got sick and my pants are getting tight again. I need to stop this before it goes to far! I would like some fresh updates in my feed, too. Friending you both :)
  • iamMaLisa
    iamMaLisa Posts: 278 Member
    I am trying to reboot... i have only gained a few pounds back, but i have somehow lost my focus, lost sight of my goals. We have to find what got us super charged in the first place, or maybe find a new goal, a new focus.
  • twistyBee
    I am definitely re-booting. After a health assessment I had done last week, I realized i need to get my nutrition back in order. Just because I'm working out 4 days a week doesn't mean I can eat whatever I want! :grumble:

    Lose 4 lbs by my birthday (12/17 - 5 weeks away)
    Lose another 11 lbs by Valentine's Day - 2/14 - 12 weeks away)
    Maintain my healthy and desirable weight foreverrrr!!!
  • alyaouellet
    alyaouellet Posts: 21 Member
    Don't worry!! You will get back on track! :-) I kind of fell off the wagon for a while and I try to get motivated again...
    Hope you enjoy your new place. El Salvador is a beautiful country! As a matter of fact, So nice that we are going to be visiting my husband's family again over there in January.
    Add me as a friend if you want and best of luck on your "start fresh" !

    A. from Canada
  • mtaylor404
    mtaylor404 Posts: 23 Member
    I am in need of a reboot... which is why I joined MFP a couple of weeks ago. I started getting complacent with my weight. (And by the way, I was in El Salvador about a month ago and am going back soon!) I am going to add some new friends, I hope fresh faces on my feed will help!