I gained?!?!?

Totally bummed!

I have been keeping under my calories and exercising at least twice a week. (Kickboxing and Aquatic cardio) I may not be the most active person nor do I eat the healthiest but I would expect some form of loss. When I first joined about a month ago I set it for 2lbs a week - I lost about 4 instantly. Grrrrrrrrrr......


  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    My scale likes to do a little roller coaster ride. At first it was going down consistently every time I weighed, then as I started incorporating more and more exercise I found that it will often go up for several days before coming back down to a point lower than my last lowest weight. Especially when I'm working out hard. Apparently our muscles hold onto water or something while recovering. As long as I know I'm following the MFP plan the way I'm supposed to, I don't let those 'up' parts of the ride upset me. I know I'll get the thrill of seeing it plunge back down soon. There are just natural fluctuations that we have to deal with - even just during 1 day your weight can fluctuate something like 5 lbs due to eating, drinking, water retention, and bathroom habits. Add exercise on top of that and there's even more room for fluctuation that is not 'real' weight. Just b/c you see the number go up on the scale does not mean you have gained actual 'fat', there are other things that can make the number go up too. But they can just as easily go back down. :-)
  • Bella3119
    CMmrsfloyd is right! The best thing I used to monitor my progress is how my clothes fit. MFP also has charts and graphs to help you look at your progress for 30, 60 even 90 days. So don't get discouraged!
  • cwojo
    cwojo Posts: 158 Member
    Well if your not eating very good and your only exercising twice a week, not thinking 2lbs is very realistic. Need to either increase the execising or decreasing the intake. Good Luck
  • Mama_CAEI
    What point of your cycle are you at? Over the months that I have been using MFP, I have noticed a trend in mine: about halfway through, I have no loss or even a gain; I assume it's water retention related to a hormone shift at that point in the cycle. Maybe you're seeing the same thing. Don't let one weigh-in get you down!!!
  • Londaloo
    Londaloo Posts: 26 Member
    Well if your not eating very good and your only exercising twice a week, not thinking 2lbs is very realistic. Need to either increase the execising or decreasing the intake. Good Luck

    I know 2 lbs a week is not going to happen with a pasta dinner but I am surprised by the gain....
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Well if your not eating very good and your only exercising twice a week, not thinking 2lbs is very realistic. Need to either increase the execising or decreasing the intake. Good Luck

    2 lbs per week can be done easily if you have a lot of weight to lose and stick to the 2 lb per week calorie goal given on MFP. I started out weighing 165 and did food only, no exercise, and lost 1 lb every 4 days for awhile. Of course as I lost weight, I had to re-evaluate my goal and now I my MFP goal is 1 lb per week although I know realistically it will be just a bit lower.

    OP has over 70 lbs she wants to lose, she *should* be able to do 2 lbs per week as long as she can stick to the calorie goal for 2 lbs per week. But everyone is different and sometimes things don't work out quite exactly the way the math would suggest.

    OP, just keep at it and you should continue to see results, even if it's not always at the rate you are expecting.
  • Weight fluxuates day to day, hour to hour. Be sure to way yourself in the morning when you first wake up BEFORE you eat breakfast and AFTER you use the bathroom for the most accurate results.
  • Londaloo
    Londaloo Posts: 26 Member
    In the past two weeks I have gained back my four pounds + . I was thinking water retention - well hoping - but this is a steady increase. On average I eat granola and yogurt for breakfast and nutrient rich salads for lunch (no dressing aside from vinegar) - its my dinners that must be doing it....

  • markwhiteII
    Keep focused. I hit a plateau and tried a fad diet to jump start the loss. It darn near derailed me. I have found this place late in my weight loss as I started at 372 lbs. Increase you excercise moderately and serioulsy look at what your eating. Only we know when we are adhereing to the program. With Turkey Day fast approaching DO NOT GET DISCOURAGED. This up and down is part of the process. Toughest mental game I have ever played. I have faith in the process and keep my cycles well charted. It is tough but you can do it.
  • Londaloo
    Londaloo Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks Mark!