
Which nutrients do you keep track of on MFP? Which do you think are the most important to keep track of? I am tracking Calories;Carbs;Fat;Protein;sugar; and sodium. Was just wondering if there was something equally important or more important to track?


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I would suggest fiber over sugar, unless you are diabetic. The sugar on MFP is quite low as I beleive MFP uses the guideline for added sugar, yet it shows the amount for all sugar including lactose and fruit sugar.
  • emilydmac
    emilydmac Posts: 382 Member
    I track fiber as well because most americans dont even get half as much as they need
  • monih10
    monih10 Posts: 578 Member
    Thanks!! I was tracking Fiber at one time; but I switched to sugar....may switch back to fiber!! =]
  • It all depends person to person, if someone has a medical condition, what is most important to them, etc. Personally I track:

    - Calories (for weight loss)
    - Fat (for weight loss)
    - Protien (for building muscle & helping my hair to grow faster)
    - Fiber (for digestive health, as I have had problems in the past with constipation)
    - Calcium (for keeping my toe nails in good health since my body releases stress through my toe nails)

    Those are my reasons for tracking certain nutrients. Find what is important to you & why, then just stick to meeting the goals!
  • I track fiber as well because most americans dont even get half as much as they need

    SO TRUE.
  • backstreet1008
    I was under the impression that fiber is also relatively low on MFP because I'm usually WAY over and I know people who need a lot more fiber than I do (I have digestive problems if I get too much.)
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    My food chart shows cals, fat, carbs, protein, sodium, and fiber.

    The only ones i actually pay any attention to are cals and protein, and occasionally sodium.
  • missjazzj
    I track iron too, only because I'm prone to anaemia
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I track calories, carbs, protein, saturated fat, calcium, iron because these are what is important to me. I will likely drop iron once I'm into menopause but not sure what I'll replace it with. I used to track sugar and sodium but I was consistently under so decided I didn't need to worry about them anymore.