Mommies with young kids group



  • taveragirl
    Hi! I have three little ones! One 7yr old daughter, 7yr old son (not twins, step lol) and the baby is almost 2! My family is me life (hubby included):heart: . I work 2 jobs, sometimes working 2 weeks with out a day off! :yawn: So far it has been hard but Im getting it done. Our family loves to play the Wii Fit together. We have a weight machine so at least I can get 20 min of strength training 3 times a week. I have been missing cardio so am planing to join a gym by next week. So far I have been trying to jog up the stairs at work at least 3-4 times a day (hospital 3 stories). My kids have noticed the new healthy life style I've been trying to maintain. I think its great when they ask questions. Ive really got their interest right now. :smile:
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    When's your daughter's birthday? My youngest son's birthday is 1/22/09, and my middle child will be 2 on June 14. Sounds like our kids are close in age. I also have a four year old. I'm on maternity leave now, so I just exercise when I can fit it in. That's usually either naptime, or I exercise in my bedroom while the older two play in the rec room next door. The baby's asleep then. What I did before getting pregnant was to workout early in the morning before work. I will attempt that again when I return to work in August (teacher), but we'll have to see since it will mean getting up pretty darn early. I could do it at night, but I feel more motivated in the morning.

    Anyway, today's weight is 191.8. BMI is like 32 or 33.

    Wow that's funny are kids really are very close in age. My daughter's bd is the 31 of jan.
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    Today i went to sdhoping with the kids and my mom and it was pretty fast paste because we had a lunch time deadline. haha I'll count that has a cardio. Then we went to the parc where I climbed up and down with my son. Now that my son is in bed I will get a strenght training in and then take a shower and sit down with tea and enjoy a good movie.

    Please everyone share your stats so that we can see the difference from week to week. Good luck and keep playing!
  • francis904
    francis904 Posts: 79 Member
    Good Monday everyone. I didn't check in this was crazy busy. I guess I did better on my eating than I normally would have on a weekend, but still not great. We had dinner out with freinds on Saturday and Breakfast with my family on Sunday (my mom makes The Best dried beef gravy:love: ) I slipped a little but not too bad. I did more physical activity than normal too (stacking wood, yard work and working on farm equipment)

    I am looking at today as a new start. I would like to set a weekly goal if anyone else is interested. My goal this week is to drink plenty of water. I am a Coke-a-holic and would most days give my right arm for one. I am limiting myself to one a day for now. I hope to cut it out completely in the next couple of weeks. :sad: I figure if I am drinking all of the water that I am supposed to be, I won't have time to drink the coke! I am thinking that I will report in on my water situation when I weigh in on Thursday and then set a new goal. I am hoping this will make me a little more accountable. Does anyone else have a goal they would like to share?
  • LifeChanges42
    LifeChanges42 Posts: 636 Member
    Bump (for the link so I can read and post a bit later today)
    Looks like a good thread.

  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    My daughter's baptism is in 2 weeks. I have a pair of pants that are tight now but I'm hoping to fit comfortably in them by then. Therefore my goal is to bicycle for 25 min twice per week and do a strenght workout every 2 days. Also I want to go play with my son at the parc at least 4 times this week. Oh and I want to do some jump rope for at least 4 min twice this week. That should be a good goal.
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    Hey moms I found a site with some good exercise, also very good for new moms. Try it out.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    You know, it would be nice if HRM's come with a pause button for those times you need to pause the exercise video long enough to clean up after sickly boys.

    My 3-year-old .. poor guy, he says his blanket is sick too. And of course hubby is just getting over his flu, hehe.
  • coliechacer
    coliechacer Posts: 105
    Hi ladies i would love to join!!! I have a 6month old boy and he needs all my attention i try go for stroller walks when it is warm out but its been cold for a while!! I just had my sons baptism on Sunday and i hate so bad and i had a tight dress on i looked 7 months prego after i was done lol
    My goal is to be back to pre pregnancy weight witch is 134 gee
    I am 153 so 20lbs to go when i was prego i gained 85lbs so i have lost 60lbs in 6 months but these last 20lbs are so hard to get off
  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    Mother of three boys here. 6, 3, and 2. I used to try and fit exercise in at home via a video while the kids were sleeping. It IS important for the kids to see us exercise but when they're really little they often get in the way :tongue:

    I now go to the local YMCA after finding out about a program they have that bases the membership fee off of your income. My husband is in school full time so I am the only source of income so believe me I know what it means to be on a budget. The rate is very reasonable and its for a family membership. That means I can take my kids to the child watch while I go to spinning class (and hopefully zumba once i work my way up to it) and they can participate in different activities for the children (swimming, basketball, etc.) You should look into it. Its definitly not something they advertise so you may have to pry a bit - its worth it though! As hard as it is to drag my butt there after work with kids in tow (my husband goes to classes at night) I have been sticking to my guns and I feel great afterwards. Tired - but great! :glasses:
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    You know, it would be nice if HRM's come with a pause button for those times you need to pause the exercise video long enough to clean up after sickly boys.

    My 3-year-old .. poor guy, he says his blanket is sick too. And of course hubby is just getting over his flu, hehe.

    Hope your family feels better soon. I know it's even harder to fit some exercise in when the little ones are sick.
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    Hi ladies i would love to join!!! I have a 6month old boy and he needs all my attention i try go for stroller walks when it is warm out but its been cold for a while!! I just had my sons baptism on Sunday and i hate so bad and i had a tight dress on i looked 7 months prego after i was done lol
    My goal is to be back to pre pregnancy weight witch is 134 gee
    I am 153 so 20lbs to go when i was prego i gained 85lbs so i have lost 60lbs in 6 months but these last 20lbs are so hard to get off

    Well your well on your way. Keep up the hard work.
  • ktthegr8
    ktthegr8 Posts: 479
    Hi! :flowerforyou: Just checking in. Yesterday was a beautiful day and I had to take the kids for a walk. We're lucky to live where we do, there are a lot of trails near rivers and lakes. It was a nice change from cruising the neighborhood.
    Weight 167
    BMI 22

    My goal this week is to add to my workout routine at the gym
    And to get that scale moving again. Only 7 more pounds to go!
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    Hi! :flowerforyou: Just checking in. Yesterday was a beautiful day and I had to take the kids for a walk. We're lucky to live where we do, there are a lot of trails near rivers and lakes. It was a nice change from cruising the neighborhood.
    Weight 167
    BMI 22

    My goal this week is to add to my workout routine at the gym
    And to get that scale moving again. Only 7 more pounds to go!
    Wow your almost there don't stop!
    I found a hiking trail near my home on the net yesterday but I wasnt't able to go check it out today because it was a rainny day.:frown:
    But I did fit in 35 minutes of cardio that really made me sweat. My almost 3 month old daughter, that was in my husband's arms was looking at me with fascination as I'm kicking my legs up. She's already learning good healthy habits! haha:happy:
  • francis904
    francis904 Posts: 79 Member
    Good Thursday morning everyone! Today is my check in day and I am not really thrilled, but not disappointed either. I have only lost 1 pound, but usually this time of the month I have gained about 5 pounds (I just love being a women:grumble: ) so I figure I am doing something right. I did reach my personal goal of drinking atleast 8 glasses of water a day, every day. I think I am going to keep that on my list and add a new goal of 10, sit ups, 10 push ups and 10 minutes of stretching EVERY morning. If I can do more it would be great, but make that my minimum requirement.

    I am looking forward to the first really nice day we have had in a while. :glasses: I have lots of outside work to do so I should get lots of excercise today.

    CW 149.6
    GOALS drink 8 glasses of water a day
    10 sit ups, 10 push ups and ten minutes of stretching a day (minimum)
  • FitMomRunning
    FitMomRunning Posts: 43 Member
    Hi! Mind if I join? I'm a SAHM to 3 boys, who are 9, 6 and 16 months. I weigh in on Sundays so will update my stats then. My starting point is 143.2 pounds.

    For a while I struggled with getting my exercise in each day. But a couple weeks ago I decided I'd at least do my cardio before my husband left for work, so he started running downstairs to turn on the computer before he hopped in the shower so it would be ready for me. I haven't missed a day since starting that and feel great! If there's enough time, I also do my strength training right after so it's all done before walking to the bus stop with my sons. After they're all in bed is my time to just relax, so usually if I haven't done my exercise by that point it doesn't get done.
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    Congrats Francis a pound lost is great!:happy:
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    Welcome Heather. SAHMs are very busy too I'm on maternity leave right now and I can't imagine the way things will go when I go back. If I can be at my goal weight or close to it, that would be one less thing to think about when I go back. :sad:

    I believe I had a great week, I went on two small bike ride in mild rain, did some workout DVDs and my sculpting every two days. Maybe just maybe I will be fitting in my fat preprego black pants by my daughter's baptism. I feel great, my weight in is tomorow so I'm crossing my fingers! :wink: The only thing that I am desapointed about is not getting much time to play outside with my son. Tomorow is suposed to be nice and warm :glasses:

    Good luck to everyone!