How is my weekly eating/exercise routine?

Hi there,

I was wondering if anyone could tell me if what I'm eating daily and what exercise I'm doing is good for losing weight healthily and at a steady rate?

This is an example of what I eat:

Breakfast - 50g dry oats (cooked with water)
Snack - 2 rough oat cakes
Lunch - 2 medium slices wholemeal bread with plain cooked chicken, lettuce and tomatoes (no butter/mayo)
Snack - 1 medium apple
Dinner - Stir fry veg with quorn/chicken (no oil used)
Snack - 200ml Options hot chocolate

I also go to classes at the gym 3-4 times a week. I vary this between spin classes, body combat & body attack.

On a Saturday night I maybe have 2-3 vodkas with diet lemonade.

Your help and advice would be very much appreciated.

My stats:
Weight - 60 kg
Height - 5'4


  • darbym7
    it looks good to me :) good luck!
  • TenderBranson
    TenderBranson Posts: 114 Member
    What are the macro nutrients for that? Make sure to drink a lot of water, & try not to drink your calories.

    Good luck!
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Yea what do your macros look like?

    Seems to be very low in fat
  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    Add in more fruit and veg and be careful at being too low in fat - just go for low fat options. Otherwise you may find that this diet is not sustainable as you will crave things. Portion control is just as important as calorie counting and it is important to get that right. You might increase you exercise - even just walking will make a difference.
  • rainbowws
    Daily, I average about 100-110g of carbs and 15-20g fat.
    Though my fat intake can rise to about 30g on the weekends.

    I thought I was maybe eating too many carbs, but I find if I dip below 100g I feel very lethargic, especially with exercising.

    Also, does it matter when you exercise? Due to my working schedule I can only fit in classes at the gym Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. I then have Fri-Sun off - is that bad?
  • TenderBranson
    TenderBranson Posts: 114 Member
    Some people fair better @ night, some during the morning/day. Since youre just starting out I'd suggest to get it in whenever you can.

    Try keeping your carbs lower on off days. & try to eat as clean as you can on your off days.