Post Baby Weight - Any one else?

Good Morning All! Anyone else fighting to lose weight after a baby? My son is 9 months and i'm looking to lose about 15 more pounds. Friend me if you're going through the same struggle and please tell me your ideas on how to help!:happy:


  • emmalouise21
    I'm struggling to lose baby weight, and my little one is 3 and a half!! LOL.
  • Tiffysinsanity
    Tiffysinsanity Posts: 69 Member
    My little one will be a year tomorrow. I've got about 30 more lbs until I'm at where I was before I got pregnant. I gained so much with him. It took me about 9 months to finally realize I need to get serious and work it off. So far I'm 30 lbs down.
  • samdesc
    I have a 4yr old, 2yr old and a 2mth old. SInce my youngest was born I have lost 33lbs (mostly water etc) but now im stuck and cant seem to lose more no matter how hard I work at it :( After my middle daughter I lost 75lbs before getting pregnant with my youngest. I now need to lose about 55 more pounds to get to where I want to be. I find it really hard to cook for my family as usually I cant eat what they are having due to the fact Im only suppose to be intaking 1200 calories a day. So each day I cook two meals one for them and one for me. Im glad to know I am not the only one struggling with this.
  • casirdms
    casirdms Posts: 145 Member
    My Son is 5 1/2 months. I only gained 20 lbs while pregnant and in the few weeks after having him, it's like the weight just fell off and I was back to what I was before (which is still more than my ideal weight). But since coming back to work, I have put 14 of that back on .. but I'm still calling it baby weight! haha I would like to lose around 25 now.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    I'm halfway through losing the toddler weight...what I gained from not eating well and not exercising. My first toddler is approaching 13, and I am buying him an HRM for Christmas with the deal that he gets as many minutes of X-box per day as he spends minutes in his target heart range!
  • TraceyDonna
    Probably should be in here, but ... my eldest is 13 and Im still trying to lose the weight lol!!! I suppose many years of slobbing it and not bothering, then several years of yo-yoing, really has to stop. Family complete I now have to STOP this and get a grip. 41 yrs now and it doesnt get easier as you get older x
  • MommyofLily
    MommyofLily Posts: 149 Member
    I am working on the last 15 lbs of the 35 lbs I gained with my daughter. She's 6 1/2 months old now. I had lost 50+ lbs before my wedding in Aug/2010 and ended up getting pregnant about 3 weeks after the wedding... I didn't get to enjoy my weightloss for very long! I had lost some of the leftover 15 lbs during maternity leave, but since coming back to work (and subsequently breastfeeding less), I have gained some back. I'm really struggling with finding the time to work out. I know people find time who have even more on their plate than I do, but it's so hard to juggle a full time job, a family, housework, SLEEP, etc. I'm starting 30 day shred tonight. That is what helped me (among other strategies) to lose the weight for my wedding last year. Good luck to all you mommies!
  • cara19812
    cara19812 Posts: 53 Member
    my youngest will be 1 on sunday, and it has been one heck of a year. i got preggo with him when my middle son was just 9 monthd old do i nver totally lost all the baby weight from him. but , my youngest was a preemie being 11 weeks early by c section, so for the first 6 weeks couldnt do any real intense exercise but really didn't have time either with the traveling to the hospital that was 100 miles from my house every other day for the first 2 months of his life, then rearranging my families life during our separation due to strict visiting hours and long commutes, healthy eating wasnt in my agenda. now a year later and couple pounds here and there that keep sneaking on, i have to do something. i have an xbox kinect with some workout and dance games that i fit in 30-45 min every other day, or sometimes 4x a week if im not too sore. my toddler likes to try to join in, so just make it fun and you will continue on your journey. have fun and good luck.
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    So I did the worst thing ever.....I gained 50 pounds after I got married ("love" weight, right?)..... Then at my heighest weight ever (even more than when I was 9 months preggo with my oldest son), I got pregnant again......ON PURPOSE! When I came home from the hospital after having my daughter, I was easily a 100 pounds overweight. I lost 40 pounds over the next few weeks (lots of water retention due to preclampsia) but breast feeding made me so darn hungry that I started to put some of those 40 pounds back on. I am now back down the 40 I had lost originally but still need to lose about 60 just to be at the high end of the healthy weight scale......I could kick myself for some of the choices I've made but am so thankful for that baby girl. I'd love to have one more but this time, I will be at a healthy weight before I even consider it. Being fat on top of pregnant is soooo bad!
  • nic237
    nic237 Posts: 2 Member
    I have 10 more to go to my pre prg, and then 10 more after that to my ideal. My kids are 41/2 and 7months.! Ughh, it's so hard. I'm still BFing, so I added a few more calories to my goal. Wish the site took that into consideration. Oh well. Good luck!
  • mrsskinny629
    mrsskinny629 Posts: 96 Member
    I have a 4yr old, 2yr old and a 2mth old. SInce my youngest was born I have lost 33lbs (mostly water etc) but now im stuck and cant seem to lose more no matter how hard I work at it :( After my middle daughter I lost 75lbs before getting pregnant with my youngest. I now need to lose about 55 more pounds to get to where I want to be. I find it really hard to cook for my family as usually I cant eat what they are having due to the fact Im only suppose to be intaking 1200 calories a day. So each day I cook two meals one for them and one for me. Im glad to know I am not the only one struggling with this.

    You shouldn't have to cook 2 meals. If your the cook of the house, cook something they all like, in a healthier version. Or..something else that would help is plan your meals around your dinner and have smaller meals for breakfast & lunch. There's no way I'd cook 2 meals a day.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    I have two kidlets... one who is 5 and one who is two. I gained a bunch after #2, was about 40 lbs up. Last January I started doing the 30DS, and then added in the C25K. I finished C25K in April, and now run 3-4 miles a day 4-5 days a week, and do circuit training another day or two during the week.
    I am at my goal weight, and and starting to maintain........
    If you can get a jogging stroller (I got mine free from a friend, but craigslist sometimes has great deals on them) it's a good way to get exercise in with your little one in tow. She loves to go on runs with me.... and I like the little bit extra work it takes to push her. It makes running 5Ks much easier.
  • oeys
    oeys Posts: 25 Member
    So glad to know there's more girlies out there like me! Since I've had my daughter (almost 6 months ago) all I can see is others who've had their babies and have almost lost all their weight while I'm still struggling! I've about 18lbs to lose before I get back to my pre-pregnancy weight but an additional 30ish pounds to lose to get to my pre pregnancy #1 weight:noway: And all this to lose (or at least close enough to it!) before I aim for pregnancy #3! :wink:

    I joined MFP ages ago but only started tracking and using it properly over the last few days. I'm trying to get in time to exercise too but with a 2 year old and 6 month old it can be difficult. I've started the 30DS so fingers crossed I'll be able to achieve a great result!

    Best of luck to all the mommies!!! :smile: