Stagnant Weight-loss after A month

I started my new healthy eating lifestyle on October 20th and Today marks a month since I started. In the first 2 weeks I lost 6lbs but I am now stuck and can't seem to make the scale budge at all. I have actually increased the amount of times I work out to 5-6 times (30DS) a week, remained eating the same (except for less veggies than I would like). How can I get past this?:cry:


  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    You probably can't. You've gotten past your "honeymoon" period, from here on out you will probably lose 1 to 2 pounds per week depending on what you have your goals set at. Good luck!
  • Becxox
    Becxox Posts: 52 Member
    Try mixing it up and confusing your metabolisim with increasing your calories then dropping them back yo your limit so your body works harder all the time.
    I am working on incresing my metabolic rate because my weight has just stopped too :(
    Also try putting some protein in your breakfast, I started today by sprinkling protein powder on my oats.
  • MikeInAZ
    MikeInAZ Posts: 483 Member
    Eat less and change your workout. Yes 30DS is tough, but are you really getting and keeping your heart rate up? Do you know for sure how many calories you burn when you workout? Get a Heart Rate Monitor (Polar FT4). Make sure you are 85% or higher of your target heart rate and keep it there for 12-20 minutes inside of an hour workout.

    Also, don't eat back ALL the calories you burn when you work out. Eat back only about 1/2 of them. Otherwise, you're really not taking advantage of all the hard work you're putting in.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    If you have increased your exercise but not your calories that is your problem. You need to find your "sweet spot" of calories Vs. exercise.
    If I do not have time for a workout I ONLY eat my 1200 calories, if I do a light workout I need to up them to about 1250 to 1300, a very intensive workout and if I eat under 1350 my scale will NOT move.
    Play around with your calories to find your own "sweet spot" and the pounds will start to come off again.
  • Kslice39
    Kslice39 Posts: 146
    ugh im in the SAME boat!! :cry: its so frustrating:explode: ! I have cut out pretty much ALL of the "bad" things like coffee, soda, cookies,alcohol, red meats etc. now i eat salad, fish, chicken, water, tea, etc.i get plenty of sleep. I work out 6 days a week and drink about 70-85 oz of water a day. i change up my workouts and never do the same things more than a few times a week(like i change the duration, speed, weight, incline, etc and i work out in the gym or i use jillian michaels videos) the first 2 weeks i lost 11 nothing:indifferent: ...i had my hubs take out all the batteries of all the scales in the house(yes i own 3, yes i know thats pathetic:blushing: ) and im going to focus on measurements(i took some today)...i just changed my goal settings on here and im hoping maybe that will help. now im supposed to eat 1740cals(instead of 1200) and i changed my workout to 5 days(i workout 6) for 30 minutes(i do an hour) im REALLLYY REALLLYYY hoping this will help. i dont know what to do. im working out and nothing is happening:ohwell: . so maybe im not eating enough. i dont know. im interested in what the answer is to this...
  • ihern6334
    ihern6334 Posts: 41 Member
    Thank you all for your advice. Will try them out one by one and see which works best for me. It's awesome to have great feedback and good luck to you all who are in the same boat as me :)