losing hair and diet



  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    well the breakage started 2 weeks ago i have been on the Phentermine since august, its the only way i can lose weight! im just not hungry as much anymore, plus depression and stress doesnt help. I dont exercise everyday so thats why i dont eat alot!
    i am 5 foot 3 inches currently weight between 160-163 lbs, i cant remember my weight in aug maybe 173 i will check when i go for a checkup on thurs.
    I also started taking biotin and vitamin c about a week ago and doing oil/egg treatment and only washing it twice a week and no hair dryer etc
    I just dont know what to eat anymore!

    Check out a friends food diary. You can do it with out the drugs. It's not supposed to be easy.

    What he said. Be strong. Push yourself.

    What they said.
    You do not NEED the drugs to get the weight off, you need to work for it. There's no laziness in losing weight. Since March, I have lost 65lb and I have thicker hair now than when I was pregnant.

    Work for it, be healthy and keep going.
  • Cathleenr
    Cathleenr Posts: 332
    well the breakage started 2 weeks ago i have been on the Phentermine since august, its the only way i can lose weight! im just not hungry as much anymore, plus depression and stress doesnt help. I dont exercise everyday so thats why i dont eat alot!
    i am 5 foot 3 inches currently weight between 160-163 lbs, i cant remember my weight in aug maybe 173 i will check when i go for a checkup on thurs.
    I also started taking biotin and vitamin c about a week ago and doing oil/egg treatment and only washing it twice a week and no hair dryer etc
    I just dont know what to eat anymore!

    Hair is only alive at the root, so it does take awhile before you would notice the ends looking dry. But that would be because the root follicle isn't getting the nutrients it needs. Putting stuff ON your hair won't help. Get some quality fats and proteins into your diet and eat more. and, lol, you need to eat EVERY day, whether you exercise or not (hopefully you do it at least three times a week though).
  • marzahl68
    marzahl68 Posts: 201
    My honest opinion: throw away those pills! What happens when you reach your weight goal and stop taking the pills? You'll gain it back. Eat healthy foods. Give your body what it requires, it doesn't matter that much wether you like fruits and veggies - just eat them.
  • alexa137
    alexa137 Posts: 68 Member
    yes thats my plan-stopped the phentermine today, gonna see what happens the next month with my hair and if i can do it without it-just hope i dont put back on the 13 lbs i lost in 2 months because i had to go buy sizes 10-12! im gonna look through a few peoples food diaries and see what they are eating to give me more ideas
    now the problem with water, dont mind drinking it, but its hard especially in the winter when its 27 degrees outside!and 60 inside my apt( i ve been unemployed almost 2 yrs, so cant afford to put the heat on!)i tend to drink less because its so cold, i would rather drink coffee or a latte! i gave up my coffee for the phentermine though, which was hard!
    also i dont work out as much because i hate the winter and cold so i dont go outside but maybe twice a week to the grocery store( cant afford a gym membership) but i will continue the fruits and veggies and im going to get a multivitamin soon
    thanks for all the input and ideas
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    yes thats my plan-stopped the phentermine today, gonna see what happens the next month with my hair and if i can do it without it-just hope i dont put back on the 13 lbs i lost in 2 months because i had to go buy sizes 10-12! im gonna look through a few peoples food diaries and see what they are eating to give me more ideas
    now the problem with water, dont mind drinking it, but its hard especially in the winter when its 27 degrees outside!and 60 inside my apt( i ve been unemployed almost 2 yrs, so cant afford to put the heat on!)i tend to drink less because its so cold, i would rather drink coffee or a latte! i gave up my coffee for the phentermine though, which was hard!
    also i dont work out as much because i hate the winter and cold so i dont go outside but maybe twice a week to the grocery store( cant afford a gym membership) but i will continue the fruits and veggies and im going to get a multivitamin soon
    thanks for all the input and ideas

    I'm unemployed and we have an 8 month old, I cannot afford a gym membership either. I work out at home and believe that I get a better workout here than I ever have at the gym simply because I was always concerned what other people are thinking when they're watching me. Or the machine I want is in use or someone's waiting for the one I'm on so I know they're watching and huffing because I'm "taking too long." I do workout DVDs that I get for cheap at amazon, target or Walmart. I walk my dog, I run the stairs in the house. I use the equipment I've got-myself. When I'm feeling lazy and even my MFP friends can't get me off my butt, I repeat, "No excuses." get off my *kitten* and do it. Hardest part is starting the workout!
  • alexa137
    alexa137 Posts: 68 Member
    my hair isnt getting any better, its so hard to manage
    any tips that you did to help?
    i take biotin and prenatal vitamins
    only wash twice a week
    i have tried alot of things in the salon and drugstore shampoos conditioners etc
    still losing and hair breakage
    even tried olive oil for 30 mins
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    It is going to take a while for your hair to recover! There is no overnight fix for it. Talk to your hairdresser and see if they can recommend a good leave in spray to use after you shampoo. Something that will detangle as well as condition between washings. Make sure you are only using a wide toothed comb when the hair is wet and a natural boar bristle brush when it is dry (to help distribute the natural oils from the scalp). If you shower daily you can use just the conditioner on the days you don't wash your hair. If you chemically treat your hair it will just get worse. My hair went through a similar thing. I let it go all summer long, wore loose pony tails for months, and finally got a GOOD (2 inches) cut a couple weeks ago.
  • dirtbikegirl5
    dirtbikegirl5 Posts: 391 Member
    I have been going through this for a couple of months. My hair comes out in clumps. Luckily, I have a lot of hair.
    I have been involved in a stressful family situation that I am sure is the cause of it. Once I told myself, and voiced it to my husband, that I have zero control over this situation and the people involved are liars and crap bags (that's the g-rated version of what I call them), the losing hair has slowed down a lot. I am still losing it, but it is coming out in a few strands strands now, rather than in clumps.
  • katatak1
    katatak1 Posts: 261 Member
    yes thats my plan-stopped the phentermine today, gonna see what happens the next month with my hair and if i can do it without it-just hope i dont put back on the 13 lbs i lost in 2 months because i had to go buy sizes 10-12! im gonna look through a few peoples food diaries and see what they are eating to give me more ideas
    now the problem with water, dont mind drinking it, but its hard especially in the winter when its 27 degrees outside!and 60 inside my apt( i ve been unemployed almost 2 yrs, so cant afford to put the heat on!)i tend to drink less because its so cold, i would rather drink coffee or a latte! i gave up my coffee for the phentermine though, which was hard!
    also i dont work out as much because i hate the winter and cold so i dont go outside but maybe twice a week to the grocery store( cant afford a gym membership) but i will continue the fruits and veggies and im going to get a multivitamin soon
    thanks for all the input and ideas

    I was living in the mountains a few winters ago and had much the same issue with exercise. I couldn't afford a gym, I couldn't afford heat, my water heater put out freezing water, so showers were 1 min at max... so I put two and two together and found a pretty awesome way to do the darn thing :D Get yourself an aerobics block and do step aerobics in your apartment. You can build up a healthy sweat doing that. By doing that simple exercise, you will 1) want to drink water! 2) warm yourself up 3) delight in showers that don't feel quite as chilly anymore (mine moved all the way up to 8 min!) 4) feel better because you're working out... and 5) what we're all here for- drop some pounds and look awesome!
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    It takes approximately 2 months on a drug for your hair to start falling out. Once you stop the med, it takes 6 months for your hair to go back to normal. Meds put your hair in "rest" mode and they fall out. Try taking b-12 vitamins- sublingually. It helps "wake up" your hair follicles. Eat more protein and good fat. And give it the 6 months. Soon you will notice new hair growing. Good luck. Unfortunately, it takes while for your hair to get back to normal, but it will.
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    You're definitely not eating enough. I'm the same age as you (I have more to lose, though), and I eat 1400 a day on NON-exercise days. On workout days, I eat close to 1800, and I'm steadily losing (23 pounds since early October). Your body is probably not getting the nourishment it needs to keep your skin, hair, nails, etc., healthy. Try eating more, especially healthy stuff (veggies, fruit, lean meats like chicken and fish, etc.). You may be stalling your weight loss, too, by not eating enough. If your diary is accurate, there are only two days in the last couple of weeks where you've gotten adequate calories (slightly over 1200 is adequate, but you could have more). Many days you are WAY under. Your brain alone needs about 600 calories just to function, not to mention all your other organs, skin, hair, teeth, nails, etc., all need calories to maintain health.

    Good luck!
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    yes thats my plan-stopped the phentermine today, gonna see what happens the next month with my hair and if i can do it without it-just hope i dont put back on the 13 lbs i lost in 2 months because i had to go buy sizes 10-12! im gonna look through a few peoples food diaries and see what they are eating to give me more ideas
    now the problem with water, dont mind drinking it, but its hard especially in the winter when its 27 degrees outside!and 60 inside my apt( i ve been unemployed almost 2 yrs, so cant afford to put the heat on!)i tend to drink less because its so cold, i would rather drink coffee or a latte! i gave up my coffee for the phentermine though, which was hard!
    also i dont work out as much because i hate the winter and cold so i dont go outside but maybe twice a week to the grocery store( cant afford a gym membership) but i will continue the fruits and veggies and im going to get a multivitamin soon
    thanks for all the input and ideas

    I was living in the mountains a few winters ago and had much the same issue with exercise. I couldn't afford a gym, I couldn't afford heat, my water heater put out freezing water, so showers were 1 min at max... so I put two and two together and found a pretty awesome way to do the darn thing :D Get yourself an aerobics block and do step aerobics in your apartment. You can build up a healthy sweat doing that. By doing that simple exercise, you will 1) want to drink water! 2) warm yourself up 3) delight in showers that don't feel quite as chilly anymore (mine moved all the way up to 8 min!) 4) feel better because you're working out... and 5) what we're all here for- drop some pounds and look awesome!

    When it's cold outside, exercise indoors. Get a cheap DVD, run in place, do jumping jacks, anything to get you up and moving.

    For water, I've been using a lot of hot tea since it got cold (just a little Splenda to sweeten it--I opt for decaf because caffeine affects my sleep). According to Mayo Clinic and WebMD, tea and coffee count toward your water allotment. I like the Celestial Seasonings flavored teas; my current favorites are Sleepytime Vanilla, Candy Cane Lane, and Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride (I find the last two especially help me fight off the "munchies", too).
  • lagcrg
    lagcrg Posts: 38 Member
    Hair lose, depression, and weight gain, or lack of ability to lose the weight are also signs of Thyroid disorders. I had many of these symptoms when my doc finally tested my thyroid levels they were way low. I began meds about 10yrs ago and it has helped in all areas. I started logging meals and exercise on MFP in September and through watching my food choices and a good cardio work out about 3 days a week, I have lost 10 pounds. I would suggest you ask the doc to test your thyroid, and whatever the out come, keep logging, making healthy choices and get exercise in where ever you can. It will get better in time, not overnight. Hang in there.
  • rayzerwolf
    rayzerwolf Posts: 203 Member
    protien is ONE of the building blocks of hair, eat more meat and I agree with what most others are saying
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    This happened to me when I was about 2-3 months into another diet. I went to the doc and she said it is perfectly normal and it happens on all diets no matter how healthy they are. She said it is just your body adjusting to the shock of not eating rubbish all the time and it thinks because you are eating less that there is something wrong so it shuts off hair folicles. It is kinda fustrating at first but your hair grows back better and healthier but if you are concerned then just go and see your doctor.

    Really?? Your doctor told you it was normal on ANY diet to have hair loss? And you believed her?
  • alexa137
    alexa137 Posts: 68 Member
    ok the status of my hair is the same i lose alot! i dont understand i have been eating alot more protein and fats and food that i have gained 6 lbs! stress level is the same for 2 plus years! so i dont know i got 2 inches cut off last week but i cant never wear it down! and it sucks!
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    I think I'd go to the doctor and request a thyroid check. They can do some bloodwork to see if your thyroid is functioning properly. Also discuss with your doctor what other possibilities there could be for this much hair loss.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    This happened to me when I was about 2-3 months into another diet. I went to the doc and she said it is perfectly normal and it happens on all diets no matter how healthy they are. She said it is just your body adjusting to the shock of not eating rubbish all the time and it thinks because you are eating less that there is something wrong so it shuts off hair folicles. It is kinda fustrating at first but your hair grows back better and healthier but if you are concerned then just go and see your doctor.

    Really?? Your doctor told you it was normal on ANY diet to have hair loss? And you believed her?

    I'm also shocked by this... Your hair should be healthier if you are on a good balanced diet.
    I am a hairdresser so I learnt all about keeping hair healthy at college and I sure didn't learn that your hair falls out if you're dieting or eating less rubbish!! I was taught that it grows stronger with more protein as this is what your hair is primarily made of.

    For your hair I would definitely up your protein intake, lots of lean meats. Also try a hydrating leave-in conditioner after you wash your hair which will protect your hair cuticle and help make it look a bit more shiny and healthy.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Check your med to see if this is side effect. Also, make sure you are eating enough healthy fat. Omega3 and omega6 fatty acids are good for your skin and hair.
  • suztheq
    suztheq Posts: 171
    Like one user said, medications can take two months to affect hair, but it can take six months (or more) for your hair to get back to normal. However, I definitely agree that you should get your thyroid checked. I understand being low on funds, but you CANNOT put a price on your health. Besides, most places will take payment plans (I've had to do this before). Please go get get some blood work done so you can figure out what is going on in your body, Good luck!