Switching to Vegetarian, help!



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    People in my life know I'm vegetarian and I'm not going to eat something they made with meat in it. They know it's not about their cooking. I don't think it's rude to not eat something someone made if you don't eat the ingredients.

    As for going veg, cold turkey (excuse the pun) was the way for me.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    After a while of eating no meat, you will actually become ill from eating meat. Just let everyone know that you are not eating meat anymore and they should respect that.

    I am currently totally off red meat and I eat poultry twice or three times a month. A few weeks ago I was cooking with red meat for my bf and accidentally had a taste and I got so sooooo sick.

    Just warning you to be careful, because once you make the switch, your body stops being able to process it.

    Really your body stops!! I don't eat red meat, I love fish, I haven't had chicken for months, I don't really miss it, but it would be harder to give up fish

    I haven't actually had any meat in almost three years, so I don't know if it would make me ill to eat it. But the THOUGHT of eating it makes my stomach turn.

    I smell it cooking now and it still smells good to me. But then I think about biting into it and I just know I couldn't.
  • sierrajordon
    sierrajordon Posts: 78 Member
    People in my life know I'm vegetarian and I'm not going to eat something they made with meat in it. They know it's not about their cooking. I don't think it's rude to not eat something someone made if you don't eat the ingredients.

    As for going veg, cold turkey (excuse the pun) was the way for me.

    Very true, I never really thought of it that way as not being rude. Did you relapse at all after just going flat out vegetarian?
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    Generally good tasting products: Quorn, Morningstar Farms, Boca, Gardein, Tofurkey.

    These are super-processed foods, so you don't want them to be the staple of your diet, but I think eating them occasionally is fine. There's also tofu, tempeh, and seitan, but it does take some time to learn how to prepare them.

    Awesome list. Lemme just add Vegetarian Plus. They came out with shrimp a while ago. I need to try it.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    People in my life know I'm vegetarian and I'm not going to eat something they made with meat in it. They know it's not about their cooking. I don't think it's rude to not eat something someone made if you don't eat the ingredients.

    As for going veg, cold turkey (excuse the pun) was the way for me.

    Very true, I never really thought of it that way as not being rude. Did you relapse at all after just going flat out vegetarian?

    Nope. Once I made that final decision (I had cut out everything but chicken for a while already), that was it. I never looked back and I don't miss it.

    One thing you'll find is that it's a learning process, especially if your motivation is moral rather than health. Honestly, I don't believe it's necessarily a healthier diet. People who eat a well-balanced diet who eat meat are just as healthy. But I just can't eat the little (or big) critters anymore.

    So that means you have to check ingredients on EVERYTHING. Marshmallows and some yogurts have gelatin (you want to see pectin instead), gum and some soaps have glycerin (which can be plant-based, but unless you know for sure, best to abstain) -- stuff like that. Animal products are hidden in everything.

    It's worse for vegans, but I don't think that's a lifestyle I could realistically live.
  • Moonbyebye
    Moonbyebye Posts: 180 Member
    Veg life :)
    I have been a vegetarian my whole life! My mom recently started dating someone who isn't and he is slowly making the change to our lifestyle.. I guess to impress her? ha, but anyhow.. what we have been doing for him is buying MorningStar Vegetarian products such as bean burgers and other meat substitutes to ease into it. So it's not too drastic.
  • rickyd88
    rickyd88 Posts: 75 Member
    I switched from meat-eater to vegetarian in 2 minutes by watching a video on the PETA website on accident and haven't touched it for 7 years now. I feel like throwing up just walking down the meat aisle in a supermarket. I used to eat meat for pretty much every meal and just stopped suddenly. I went straight into eating Quorn products and now it's just a way of life.

    My parents didn't believe I'd never eat meat again (I was 16 at the time) but they started buying me quorn products and eventually learnt to cook my meals seperate from theres (eg: not putting meat fat into the gravy or putting my serving aside first before they did it *puke*).
  • sierrajordon
    sierrajordon Posts: 78 Member
    Veg life :)
    I have been a vegetarian my whole life! My mom recently started dating someone who isn't and he is slowly making the change to our lifestyle.. I guess to impress her? ha, but anyhow.. what we have been doing for him is buying MorningStar Vegetarian products such as bean burgers and other meat substitutes to ease into it. So it's not too drastic.

    Wow that's great (:
  • sierrajordon
    sierrajordon Posts: 78 Member
    I switched from meat-eater to vegetarian in 2 minutes by watching a video on the PETA website on accident and haven't touched it for 7 years now. I feel like throwing up just walking down the meat aisle in a supermarket. I used to eat meat for pretty much every meal and just stopped suddenly. I went straight into eating Quorn products and now it's just a way of life.

    My parents didn't believe I'd never eat meat again (I was 16 at the time) but they started buying me quorn products and eventually learnt to cook my meals seperate from theres (eg: not putting meat fat into the gravy or putting my serving aside first before they did it *puke*).

    Yeah I saw a video too on PETA, also I watched super size me! That movie doesn't really have anything to do with vegetarian but it shows you how bad fast food is! Ibut now I realized how easy it is to say no to meat and such and I feel better (:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I didn't watch any video. A friend of mine saw the SPCA (I think it was) secret video of the slaughterhouse that came out a few years ago and was all over the news and very kindly described it to me in detail.

    She still eats meat. I haven't touched it since.
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    i recently made the switch too! My husband supports me 100% Whenever we go to a family event i just pass on the meat. I also make a dish of my own so i will know there will be at least 1 safe dish there. There is a lot of great websites with amazing recipes you just have to search....vegetariantimes.com,vegweb.com
  • Flissbo
    Flissbo Posts: 302 Member

    yeah I do the same, I just take something with me when I eat at other people's houses. I've not eaten meat (or anything with bits of animal in like some sweets, gravy etc) for 9 years. Some people think I must be unhealthy but I am probably one of the healthiest people I know (hope I've not jinxed myself by saying that lol!)

    Good luck!