Tired of being hungry, sore and fat

I've started doing the Calorie Counter about two weeks ago. I've been good about tracking my food and my workouts but I' hungry all the time. It also doesn't help that when I wieghed myself last night I had gained weight instead of losing it. I work full time and I'm also getting my masters in Social Work and somehow make time to work out.
I gained my weight when I left the Army in 2006 I went from 180 to 250 in about a year. It didn't help that my new husband deployed in 2007 for 15 months and most of my wieght was gained at that time. I luckely have a supportive husband, friends who push me. But when you work so hard and see no results it's depressing and frustrating.


  • MzBeauty2U
    MzBeauty2U Posts: 106 Member
    The journey to weight loss is a hard one but don't give up! I know it can be frustrating when you don't see the scale move but you may still be losing inches! Check your measurements you may be surprised at what you have accomplished! I myself need to lose 60-100 pounds to be healthy. What I find works with my foods is I try to eat foods that are lower in fats and sodium. Fat and sodium can make it hard to lose if there is too much of it in your diet. Once you find what works for your body you will be just fine. You can do this!
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    Keep goin', girls! I've been on this adventure for a number of months - certainly not as long as some of the folks around here! And there are days when I want to just CHUCK IT ALL out the window........but then I realize I've lost weight, and I like that, and people are starting to notice, and I like that, and it feels GOOD to not be obese anymore, and I like that......

    there's lots to LIKE about this adventure!

    :flowerforyou: Hugs:flowerforyou:

  • Skeith5
    Skeith5 Posts: 89 Member
    You'll probably be hungry for awhile as your body adjusts. I was eating 3000-4000 calories a day and went down to 1700. Big shock! Make sure you are eating good calories. Processed foods digest quicker and won't keep you as full. Choose foods high in fiber and try eating 6 smaller meals a day instead of 3. Overtime you should get use to your new eating habits and your body will adjust. Also drink lots of water...

  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 465 Member
    Remember that you didn't gain the weight in two weeks, so you are not going to lose it in two weeks! Just believe in yourself and continue to use MFP as a guide. Drink lots of water and get in some exercise and you will do great!!! Good luck!
  • chrissi_k
    chrissi_k Posts: 175 Member
    Losing weight is hard and challenging. It is even harder when you see that you haven't lost anything yet, BUT you might have lost inches like Bluziva06 said. That is why I told myself to not step on the scale every single day, several times a day, it will just make me depressed. Instead I look at what I have eaten all day and if I did exercise and tell myself, that I did good and I try my hardest to lose weight and it will come off eventually. Stay on track, try to fill your snacks up with things that will keep you full and are low on calories. Apples work great for me in that case.
    You can do it and you will lose the weight, we all understand how hard it is and will support you and motivate you if needed.
  • skb32881
    skb32881 Posts: 105 Member
    I always felt hungry at first too but now, 11 months later, I sometimes don't even feel like eating all my calories. It just takes time to adjust. What's helpful for me is trying to determine if my stomach is hungry or just my mouth. A trick I learned at Weight Watchers is when I'm feeling hungry I ask myself "if someone gave you a big bowl of broccoli would you mow it down or pass on it?" If I'd want to mow it down then I'm probably legitimately hungry and will eat a snack. If it doesn't sound appealing and I've been eating normally I'll try a stick of gum instead because I'm mostly likely just craving... not actually hungry. After a few months I started taking notice of how much better I feel when I'm not constantly stuffed and that helps keep my hunger under control as well. Good luck!!
  • skb32881
    skb32881 Posts: 105 Member
    You'll probably be hungry for awhile as your body adjusts. I was eating 3000-4000 calories a day and went down to 1700. Big shock! Make sure you are eating good calories. Processed foods digest quicker and won't keep you as full. Choose foods high in fiber and try eating 6 smaller meals a day instead of 3. Overtime you should get use to your new eating habits and your body will adjust. Also drink lots of water...


    I couldn't agree more! Good calories make all the difference! So does eating more often :)
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Staying under the calorie counts will make you lose weight.

    Staying under the calorie counts and not feeling hungry has to do with WHAT you are choosing to eat to fill those counts.

    Eating one 2,000 calorie burger/pizza/fries/coke meal will probably net you being hungry. Finding foods that allow you to eat more but still stay at your counts will lessen the hunger. Not say you eat like that, just using that for reference sake.
  • welshdaffodil
    Well done for working,

    Well done for working ,studying for a Masters and finding time for exercise. I am a Social Worker here in Wales and have a real weight problem. I just feel tired all the time due to all the extra weight. I just walk every day and log my food. I have just started MFP for the second time this year and I am really trying this time. I would be happy to be your friend. Be kind to yourself and I wish you all the best.

    Kind Regards
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Sounds like you've got a lot going on, but anyone motivated enough to go for a Master's degree (while working, no less!) can do this, too.

    I'm hoping after I get rid of this fat, I can get motivated toward a graduate degree, too, maybe I'll have the energy and focus I've been lacking these past few years.
  • simone1003
    What has truly worked for me is Juicing veggies and fruit. I brought a little cheap juicer at Walmart after watching this movie called Fat, Sick and nearly dying, It was very inspirational. I highly recommend it. Anyway, I brought the juicer and start making juicing sweet potatoes, carrots, and apples which is my favorite but there is so many other. It really fills you and it so healthy for you. If you want more recipes friend me and send me a message I can get you some more. I know it doesn't sound that tasty but I promise you it really is and it helps keep you off the sweets and easy to take with you... Good luck and stay strong.
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    :) Don't be too hard on yourself, I have the similar situation; working in the day and study for my Bachelor degree at night. It's tough. I will devote my time to workout whenever I have no night classes (which is normally 4 days of classes per week) And my friends thought I have abandoned them lol... they are not supportive at all as people here in MFP, that's why I spend a lot of time here to support and encourage them too :) And, I am losing my weight realllllyyyyy s... l.... o... w...... l... y... lol.
  • Jendulin
    You can do this hunny. I work full time have two kids and I am also going to school to get my bsn in nursing. You can add me if you wish. I don't quite have a lot of time to work out so right now I am just watching my calories but have come to a stand still so think I will need to make time to work out as well.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • gusgrace06
    I think the frustrating thing is I know what I was before and I know I did this to myself. I now try to eat a lot of fruits and veggies like carrots (I LOVE CARROTS), apples are my favorite mid morning snack. Last semester I snacked badly during class and study and this semester i have made the descision to eat carrots and humus instead of prezels and candy. It's a small step.

    Thanks for the words of encouragement. I have a long way to go and it's soooo hard at times.

    @dulinjm good luck with your BSN, I have a friend getting her ASN and she has no time for anything, she has lost wieght because she doesn't have time to eat. I don't know if I could get my MSW with kids... good luck
  • ninamm3
    ninamm3 Posts: 107 Member
    Sounds like you are a busy woman! My first suggestion would be to make sure you're getting enough sleep. I'm guessing with your hubby away, this might be a challenge. Lack of sleep only increases appetite. Our brain tries to draw energy for our body any way it can even if it means telling you to eat when you don't need to. Baby steps at a time, but don't skip your ZZZZ's!

  • Goosie71
    Goosie71 Posts: 24 Member
    Might be worth looking at adding some protein to each meal I'm told this helps with feeling fuller for longer
  • Secret_Agent_007
    You came to the right place. Thats 1 win. Now get you some more.
  • robinso5
    robinso5 Posts: 310 Member
    I've started doing the Calorie Counter about two weeks ago. I've been good about tracking my food and my workouts but I' hungry all the time. It also doesn't help that when I wieghed myself last night I had gained weight instead of losing it. I work full time and I'm also getting my masters in Social Work and somehow make time to work out.
    I gained my weight when I left the Army in 2006 I went from 180 to 250 in about a year. It didn't help that my new husband deployed in 2007 for 15 months and most of my wieght was gained at that time. I luckely have a supportive husband, friends who push me. But when you work so hard and see no results it's depressing and frustrating.
    I did the same thing! the year i got out was the year i gained! the sad part is i have stayed this same weight ever since! i havent gained nor lost since i gained the mass! well now i just started but i want it to fall off NOW!
  • gusgrace06
    Sounds like you are a busy woman! My first suggestion would be to make sure you're getting enough sleep. I'm guessing with your hubby away, this might be a challenge. Lack of sleep only increases appetite. Our brain tries to draw energy for our body any way it can even if it means telling you to eat when you don't need to. Baby steps at a time, but don't skip your ZZZZ's!


    Wait, Let me explain My husband is home and has been, we are both out but I gained most of my weight when he was gone and no I didn't sleep too well for 15 months, so now I have the battle of loosing the weight that I gained and still not getting too much sleep because of school.
  • destined2bfit4life

    I know how you feel but just remember that slow and steady wins the race. It gets really hard trying to balance school,work and exercise. I'm also working on my Masters in Social Work. Good Luck to you on your journey. I just sent you a friend request. Maybe we can be encouraging to each other.