christinad95 Posts: 201 Member
How many of us have actually said that to ourselves after we stick our foot in our mouth.

Ok, so here's the question: What is the most ridiculous thing you've ever said to someone or in front of a large group and didn't realize until after you said it and you still laugh about it every time it crosses your mind.


  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    This is humiliating...
    I said "orgasm" in stead of "organism" during biology sophomore year of high school. It was one of the single worst moments of my life...
  • fallenangelloves
    fallenangelloves Posts: 601 Member
    When I was pregnant with my youngest I was at work and I thought there were no customers around so I turned to the girl next to me and said "I am so tired of my underwear falling off my *kitten*!

    Yes you guessed it... There was a customer standing behind me...
  • voluptas63
    voluptas63 Posts: 602 Member
    8th grade...

    I just moved to a new school and the biology teacher asked me:

    "So, where did you come from?"
    "Um... my mother's womb? Aren't you a science teacher?"

  • I worked as a flight attendant for many years. One of the ground agents in a city where I landed often used to greet the aircraft often. I'd known him for years and we were friendly enough. He came aboard one day and said "he-he-he-he-here's your passenger list". I replied (in a smart-*kitten* way) "oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-kayy". He stared at my blankly and awkwardly left the aircraft to go call boarding.

    Another flight attendant told me later that he had a stuttering problem, and always had.

    How I did not notice that over the course of 4 years, I do not know. I still feel like an *kitten* when I think about it
  • When I was in grade eight, my father moved to Quebec. My older sister and younger brother and myself had a choice to move with him or move to London, ON with our mother. I stayed with my father and moved to Quebec. I met a guy who was french (of course) and he and his friends and one of mine all went out for pizza. I thought I knew enough of french to say "I have a sore throat" but instead I said "I have a sore *kitten*". Cou and cul sound very similar in french.
  • kb455
    kb455 Posts: 679 Member
    I had a boss who overheard me telling another employee what an awful b*tch she was. Surprisingly, I didn't get fired.
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    well i do this often so i'll just pick the most recent one...haha

    at work i deal closely with employee benefits and gifts that are given for certain "anniversaries" (working there for 10 yrs, 15, etc.). the other day, as someone was telling me what the gifts were for 40, 45 and 50 years, i said "god, who thinks up these gifts?" he then pointed to the next cubicle and mouthed "her". woops...
  • well i do this often so i'll just pick the most recent one...haha

    at work i deal closely with employee benefits and gifts that are given for certain "anniversaries" (working there for 10 yrs, 15, etc.). the other day, as someone was telling me what the gifts were for 40, 45 and 50 years, i said "god, who thinks up these gifts?" he then pointed to the next cubicle and mouthed "her". woops...

    heh heh.. hey maybe she'll take the hint!
  • vger11
    vger11 Posts: 248
    we were leaving for lunch and my girlfriends wouldn't wait long enough for me go to the bathroom,
    so I yelled at them, "Damit, I gotta take a leak!" just as we passed the conference room full of police officers....:blushing:
  • I put my foot in my mouth on just about a daily basis- the most recent being while leaving a message for a client on opening up a new dog training clinic.
    I wanted to say something of the effect of "Hi this is the dog trainer from your local pet store and I wanted to let you know that there are some new dog classes opening up in the next two weeks & we have an awesome deal going on as well. Okay go ahead and give me a call back at "such and such" and we'll set you up for a class!"
    INSTEAD it came out something like this "Hi this trainer dog class i mean your dog class I- we have some new classes turtle call gek...." and I hung up the phone.

    Oddly enough that client never called back. *fail*
  • significance
    significance Posts: 436 Member
    I told a young male colleague, "you look hot." It was a warm day. He looked as though he was feeling the heat. I only realised what I'd said because of the odd look he gave me. I explained what I'd meant, but he said "no, not particularly." So I don't think he believed me.
  • CastleMadeOfSand
    CastleMadeOfSand Posts: 432 Member
    turns out you CAN misspell the word "inconvenience" as "incontinence" with the right spell checker. I found this out on an e-mail to all the supervisors on the floor of my last job. I was trying to impress them by apologizing for the chain e-mail...
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 749 Member
    I've called a lot of my girl FRIENDS the B word and a lot of racial slurs to their faces... it was during the peak of my alcoholism this past summer while I was SOBER - I also would hit on them on the phone/text when I got drunk... I regret every word said because theyre using it against me (they actually have records of all the texts I sent drunk :().
  • Rachiepie6
    Rachiepie6 Posts: 423 Member
    Talking with a bunch of colleagues after a seminar I was talking about netball, something about getting hit in the head with a ball. It came out as "... hit in the ball with a head"
    Took a couple of days for two of them to let it go.

    I constantly switch two words in a sentance without even realising til I get a funny look, then I ask "Did I say ...." They always look confused if they don't know me.. My friends and family know I do it all the time.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I've called a lot of my girl FRIENDS the B word and a lot of racial slurs to their faces... it was during the peak of my alcoholism this past summer while I was SOBER - I also would hit on them on the phone/text when I got drunk... I regret every word said because theyre using it against me (they actually have records of all the texts I sent drunk :().

    Racial slurs?
  • christinad95
    christinad95 Posts: 201 Member
    This is humiliating...
    I said "orgasm" in stead of "organism" during biology sophomore year of high school. It was one of the single worst moments of my life...

    That's too funny!!!!
  • English is not my second language so the teacher asked us to tell the class what type of residence we lived in ( house , condo etc)I was introducing myself to my class and I said" my name is mariela & I live in a very cramped condom " needless to say I was the joke of the week lol
  • christinad95
    christinad95 Posts: 201 Member
    I worked as a flight attendant for many years. One of the ground agents in a city where I landed often used to greet the aircraft often. I'd known him for years and we were friendly enough. He came aboard one day and said "he-he-he-he-here's your passenger list". I replied (in a smart-*kitten* way) "oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-kayy". He stared at my blankly and awkwardly left the aircraft to go call boarding.

    Another flight attendant told me later that he had a stuttering problem, and always had.

    How I did not notice that over the course of 4 years, I do not know. I still feel like an *kitten* when I think about it

    Oh no!! :blushing:
  • christinad95
    christinad95 Posts: 201 Member
    When I was in grade eight, my father moved to Quebec. My older sister and younger brother and myself had a choice to move with him or move to London, ON with our mother. I stayed with my father and moved to Quebec. I met a guy who was french (of course) and he and his friends and one of mine all went out for pizza. I thought I knew enough of french to say "I have a sore throat" but instead I said "I have a sore *kitten*". Cou and cul sound very similar in french.

    Holy cow!! I just laughed out loud at your expense, I'm so sorry, lol :tongue:
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I've called a lot of my girl FRIENDS the B word and a lot of racial slurs to their faces... it was during the peak of my alcoholism this past summer while I was SOBER - I also would hit on them on the phone/text when I got drunk... I regret every word said because theyre using it against me (they actually have records of all the texts I sent drunk :().

    ^^^ this is not "putting your foot in your mouth"

    This is called being a total jerk. Racial slurs...ffs...