Hello, My Addiction

Hello, I'm Kristina (:

Food is definitely my major addiction. Ive struggled with it since i was about 13, I'm 18 now. It started with emotional eating then escalated to comfort and eating out of boredom with out realizing what I'm doing. I always kick start myself and ill do good and then not even 2 months later ill binge. I recently started feeling guilty with everything that i eat. Every week i gain more and more weight, which makes my addiction worse. I'm sure some people can relate to my situation also. I do have an eating disorder & body issues but I'm here to try and over come all of my addictions.



  • Hi Kristina,

    I think it takes a lot of courage to speak about your struggles with food and I suspect you're right to believe that many here can relate. I struggled with bulimia nervosa for over 15 years before I finally decided to start listening to my body and to begin down a path of intuitive eating which is really shifting my relationship to food and my body. I still have a long way to go, but I've also come a long way. There are a lot of options out there for those suffering with emotional/compulsive eating and/or body image issues. I for one don't believe there is one "right" way to work with this. I encourage you to find a path that brings you closer to trusting yourself and listening to your own inherent wisdom. Good luck and welcome!
  • I can relate in some aspects. I too have body image issues but have realized that being thin isn't how you become happy. It's how you feel about yourself. I have recently learned to love myself and it seems like everything is finally starting to fall into place, my eating right & exercise. I have struggled with my weight my whole life. I'm more than happy to chat with you as you continue on your journey. We can bounce off each other and share stories. You can and will succeed. Just believe in yourself as I do and you will do wonders. Big hugs, landes_k.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Hi Kristina, you're taking steps to improve your life and health. Best of all, you're taking those steps at a young age!
  • GeneaCindy
    GeneaCindy Posts: 148 Member
    Hey Kristina - I eat when I'm happy, sad, celebrating, bored, etc, etc. I don't have any diagnosed eating issues, but even when I was at my fittest (playing tennis 5 days a week, etc.) my body shape was never good enough for me. I'm 49 and I have just realized that my goal needs to be healthy - not perfect. I'm so proud that you are taking control at age 18. Way to go! Please add me if you would like another friend.