Gained back 26 pounds!

2 years ago today I was supposed to be at my weight loss goal of 170. I started at 244 pounds, and 6 months ago I weighed in at 209, so I was feeling pretty accomplished. Well, then life got in the way and everything came to a screeching halt. I started up at the gym again today, and I am going to start training with personal trainers. I weighed myself and I weigh 235 pounds. I never felt so disappointed in myself in my whole life. I can't believe I let things get like this when I worked so hard to lose that weight! Now I have to start all over! I started to cry right there in the gym. I'm just feeling really discouraged. :(


  • LillysGranny
    Chin up! At least you're back on track!
  • LauraSize8
    LauraSize8 Posts: 16 Member
    You can do this!! You lost it before, and you can lose it again.
  • atsimon
    You should be proud of yourself for having the courage to take control. You can do it, and it is admirable that you want to make changes toward creating a healthier you! Where you've been means nothing compared to the path you are on now and where you are choosing to go!
  • buzzcogs
    buzzcogs Posts: 296 Member
    It's the journey not the destination. I've had setbacks too. What makes the difference is not letting it get to you and getting back on track. Remember you are doing this for you. Baby steps.
    You can do it!:smile:
  • janenightingale
    janenightingale Posts: 55 Member
    Don't be discouraged. I did the exact same thing when I changed jobs to a much more sedentary one and forgot to take account of that in my food allowances.

    I am now back on track and feeling happy that I've foung MFP to help.

    You are in the right place. Well done!
  • khaleesinoodlebelly
    You arent alone! Last spring I was down 86 lbs and now I am sporking 34 lbs lost that is over a 50 lb gain. It's hard to begin again. But it's really the only desireable choice you know? You can get that back! It's hard to remember how difficult it was doing this I have found. But once you remember why you want it--it will be easier :)
  • lizzue
    lizzue Posts: 276 Member
    Well done for puttig a stop to it! I did it at the exact some weight. Now its the slow slog back down. Just remember you have put a stop to it now. Line in the sand. Heres to the start of the weight lose for good! x
  • michcruz
    michcruz Posts: 152 Member
    Look at it as a minor set back. I was in your position at the start of this year. I had lost 40 lbs mid year last year and then gained 20 back. I know what you are feeling. At least you are ready to do something about it and that's all that matters. I did the same as you. I got back on track and I've lost 63.5 pounds in total (43.5 this year) and am still going. Trying to lose 6.5 more and I'll be at my goal weight. Good luck! :)
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    I know what you are going thru. I was at 306 and lost to 215. They moved my job and I now have a hour per day longer commute.
    A total of 3 hours. A lot of it is the time and then some is the fact I don't get home til 6:30 and by the time dinner is cooked I am so starved I overeat. I also had to cancel my gym membership.
    I hope I have adjusted finally I now have a started a new gym closer to home. I am going to seriously try again. But I am starting over at 245:sad:
  • Orvett
    Orvett Posts: 83
    I had a similar thing happen to me. I joined Jenny Craig a few years back and got into onederland after being around 215 or so. I had to stop cause my mom didn't have the money for it (I was a teenager then). Well three years later I'm at 230, my heaviest. It's ok though cause we have a great website and plenty of support ;)
  • ARMom8251
    Keep your head up, most have been in your shoes, I know I have plenty of times. I realized that this was a life time change and something that requires hard work. It may take you a little longer to reach your goals, but you can do it. We will be here for you to revel in your victories, encourage and support you in your times of need. So its ok the important thing is your trying, and that gets you so many more places than you realize!
  • MikeInAZ
    MikeInAZ Posts: 483 Member
    At least you know how to get there again. Buck up and get to work!
  • huckleberryhuck
    huckleberryhuck Posts: 21 Member
    What I picked up on from this was, "I started to cry right there IN THE GYM". Good for you, you are at the gym taking the steps to make a change! Instead of being dissappointed in yourself for where you aren't in your fitness goals, be PROUD that you are at the gym now and doing what you have to do to get where you want to be. You have done it before, and you can do it again!
  • Taneil27
    Taneil27 Posts: 253
    Thank you for all the encouragement! I know I can do this again, I have to!

  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    Things happen in life that we can't control! The point is, you are headed in the right direction. You did it once, you can do it again and go all the way. We have faith in you!

  • libland
    libland Posts: 285 Member
    Been there, done that. Last year I lost 47 lb and then I let the job stress get to me and I gained 50. The week before Halloweeen, I recommitted to my health and weightloss. Glad to hear that you are back on the journey.