New here, but I'm at a plateau! HELP!

Hello everyone! I am new to this website, but I've found that it's a great way to track my calories/exercise/weight loss. I started this journey last July, weighing in at 270lbs., my highest weight ever. It's been a long, hard journey, and I've managed to lose 60lbs. I've had a few plateaus along the way, but this one has lasted longer than most. I am now at 210lbs., and I'm so excited to get out of the 200s, but it seems that the scales just won't budge! Lately, I've slacked on walking, so I know that hasn't helped, but I've made it my new goal to walk every day for 21 days. It takes 21 days to form a habit, and that's how I got into it before. I can't understand why these last 10lbs just won't come off! Any advice? Thanks to anyone who reads and/or comments! I appreciate it!!

Mrs. Brightside


  • Melissa_Suzanne
    Melissa_Suzanne Posts: 75 Member
    Try to intensify your workouts, my guess is your body is adjusting and becoming stronger so you will have to work a bit harder to get results. I'm not for sure but this would be my guess.... Great job on losing 60lbs!! That's amazing and must feel so good :) Keep up the good work! :)
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    your body might be trying to tell you that its time to start doing more than walking. have you tried fitness dvds? also, i don't know how your eating is going, but maybe its time to start tracking sodium and carbs and make sure you aren't overdoing those, even while staying below your calorie limit.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Congrats on losing 60lbs!

    It's time to switch things up. Try a new workout routine - our bodies get used to what we're doing. You need to do different so you'll shock it a little bit. I always say it's like anything - when you're used to doing it -- it gets easy and you get lazy. Same idea with your body.

    Try zig zagging your calories and change your workout routine. Most people find success when they do these together. :) Good Luck!
  • jwaitman
    jwaitman Posts: 367 Member
    Sometimes when I get stuck I go on a small binge for the weekend. May sound like a bad idea, but it seems to jump start things into moving again. Also change up your workout routine. Your body gets used to doing the same thing so you have to change it up. Perhaps that will get things going.

    good luck.
  • Don't give up..... keep eating right and definitely keep exercising..... Im at a plateau right now but Ive only been working a loosing for 15 weeks now (lost most of my 23 pounds before I recently found this site (thanks to a friend)...... When I was in Weight Watchers about 25 years ago I lost 50 pounds, hit a plateau for over 4 months and basically ended up pretty much giving up..... I realized many years later when I again tried WW that sometimes a plateau will last many months but then you start going down again.... well needless to say, WW folded in our area and so did my support so went back up again.....So NOW I know to just hang in and that is what you should do..... HANG IN it will come off. One trick we were told at our Lifestyle Balance Class was that now and then SHOCK your system and eat over your amount this is just a one time deal to shock your system back to losing .......not a 2 day or every week or so thing........ only again when you plateau for a few months..... hope this helps.... GOOD LUCK, AND KEEP AT IT. YOU WILL BE BELOW 200 SOON ENOUGH... (that's my goal too... just get below the 200 mark for now and work at more later. Susan
  • Hi Susan, thanks so much for your response. I think this sounds like a good idea, and with it being Thanksgiving tomorrow, that might be the best time to do this... give my body something different to shock it... I have worried that I might have put my body into starvation mode! I got sick last week, and I went a few days where I didn't eat much at all; just picked at certain things. I have wondered if that could be the case, because I was staying around 207, then after those few days, I went up to 211.. it was strange.. but now I am at 210. Tomorrow will be my cheat day, I won't take it overboard, but I am going to do this.. we will both make it! Weight loss isn't an easy journey, it takes time, but we will both make it to where we want and need to be!! Thanks! :)
  • Someone else recommended this also... I think I'm going to give it a try, especially since tomorrow's Thanksgiving, I'll have plenty of food to shock myself with, haha. =) Thank you for the reply!