Depo Provera... anyone having issues losing weight?

Hi Guys,

My gyno has suggested I go onto the Depo Provera injections... I did some googling and discovered a lot of girls say they gained weight and ate more on it... Is anyone on it here and if so, do you struggle to lose weight? I already have an underactive thyroid (medicated) and am gaining weight despite reducing calories and exercising BEFORE going onto this injection. My only fear is, this injection may be my only solution :( ...

Any thoughts or hints or comments would be most appreciated. I have a week to decide...

Hayley :)


  • Have you thought about Mirena or another IUD? I did two shots of Depo years ago, and it screwed my hormones up big time. I was already overweight at the time, so I don't know about weight gain, but hope someone else will. Good luck!
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 926 Member
    I was on it for 3 years. In the first 2, I gained 6 lbs. During the 3rd year, I gained 27. I don't blame the depo for one ounce of that. Before I got off the depo and started exercising, I gained at first then started losing. Just don't give into the extra cravings. I wish I was back on the depo, to be honest.
  • sunnybrunette126
    sunnybrunette126 Posts: 200 Member
    I would not recommend going on this. I gained alot of weight on the shot. It was nice not having to take a pill everyday but I feel much better on the pill. Once I found the right one. Plus my harmones felt out of whack on the shot. I just didn't feel myself.
  • val205
    val205 Posts: 50 Member
    I only just got it two weeks ago. I've lost 3 kgs in that time but I've been really tight on my diet and working out vigorously at least 60 minutes a day. Only just stopped spotting - hope it doesn't come back. Maybe do some more research before you decide?
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 574 Member
    Here you go. This has been asked today so it was easy to find :flowerforyou:
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Almost every day som women post horror stories of gaining 60 pounds in just a few months after getting on Depo.
    I have no experience with it.
  • oldy76
    oldy76 Posts: 185 Member
    I've lost over 30kg and have been on depo for over 10 years. Hasn't seemed to affect my weight loss at all quite frankly.
  • sangelic
    sangelic Posts: 207
    I was on it years ago for a year and a half. I gained a TON of weight on it (like 30+ lbs). However, I think depression played a part in that also. I would think you'd be OK as long as you continue logging what you're eating but if you continue gaining a lot of weight maybe talk to your doc about other options.
  • FatassFairy
    FatassFairy Posts: 166 Member
    i have been on it atleast 3 years now, i am currently unable to lose any weight, though i have a hard time blaming it on the depo , as last year i lost 50 pounds.

    i have had absolutely no side effects
  • Hi Hayley,

    I've been on depo for about 10 years and I have gained weight. Do I blame that entirely on Depo? Absolutely not! My weight has fluxuated due to my diet and lack of exercise. I was successful on Weight Watchers, but as soon as I stopped tracking what I was eating, I gained it all back. Thank goodness for MFP (the cost of WW was the problem for me). I've lost an average of 2lbs per week and I think thats the recommended amount so I wouldn't say Depo is hindering my loss.

    I do want to tell you a little bit about my experiece when I started Depo. My cycle was crazy for about a year. I always had "protection" on me because I never knew when I was going to need it. I'll admit the first year wasn't that great. However, after that my cycle stopped entirely and I've been completly free of it ever since. That has been WONDERFUL!!! No mood swings, no worries about forgetting to take anything, Depo works great for me and I recommend it whenever anyone asks me about birth control. For me the hurdle was just getting past that first year, which may seem like a long time but it was well worth it. If you think Depo may be a solution for you and if your doctor thinks its ok, I say try can always go off it if you don't like it. Good luck!
  • I have been taking the depo shot for like 9 years. I love it. I have no problems! :wink:
  • spyder_rose
    spyder_rose Posts: 193 Member
    Thanks so much for the responses so far...

    My gyno has (results pending) decided this would be the best option for me, due to other issues. I've been on the pill for 11 years now and whilst that has been good. Something went horribly wrong 5 months ago and there has still been no change... I get some more results next Thursday and if I decide yes to the Depo Provera then she will give me the injection then and there (so long as I don't have something very negative come out of all the results). I'm just so worried I will gain more weight as I'm only 4 ft 8 and every kilo makes a massive difference!!!!

    I'm so undecided. If it solves my problems, then YAY, but side effects and weight gain equals BOO :'(
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I've been on it for a year and have still lost weight. It's coming off slower than it was a year ago, but it's coming off. Other than that, I haven't had any negative side effects at all.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I am on Depo as well. Loosing weight just fine.....
  • jrditt
    jrditt Posts: 239 Member
    I asked my doctor about it when I started it because i didn't want to gain weight either. She said that it increases your appetite so as long as you are watching it's fine. I would bet that all those people that gained a lot of weight weren't logging their food then and just ate more because of the increased appetite. In fact, I started that and another medication that was suppose to maybe cause weight gain and I have still been losing weight.

    I switched to depo because it's progesterone only, I was on the ring before and the estrogen was causing face discoloration on me and this is the only hormone birth control that doesn't have estrogen.
  • spyder_rose
    spyder_rose Posts: 193 Member
    Cool. Thanks for that. I've been looking into it and yes, cos it's the only one that only contains the one hormone is why my gyno has said that's the go for me (results pending...)... sigh. Just hope that I don't gain anymore weight.

    Thanks heaps :)
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    I was on it for two years, the first two years of college. I gained 60 pounds. I was hungry A LOT. I will never go on it again because of this.
  • WalkingZero1
    WalkingZero1 Posts: 42 Member
    I didn't gain any, but I couldn't lose weight worth a damn.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I started depo and MFP at the same time. No problems here.

    You all should check out the women's group "Periods, Period." There is a sticky topic about discussing birth control.
  • pbaker8307
    pbaker8307 Posts: 60 Member
    I've been on Depo for 16 years. Love it! Never blamed my weight problems on it...I just didn't eat and exercise well. I started MFP the same week I was placed on thyroid meds...I've not had an issue so far...the weight took time getting on me so it will take time to come off.