


  • dadzpeach
    dadzpeach Posts: 174 Member
    An update 13 pound!! I hit my first goal!! So I bought myself a cd I had been wanting :)
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    I would love to join you all!

    I'm *maybe* 5 ft. Creeping up on -20 but that's only a halfway mark for me. I too feel like it's harder to lose weight be shorter but that's ok. Slow and steady wins the race. :)
  • TSTagain
    TSTagain Posts: 84 Member
    An update 13 pound!! I hit my first goal!! So I bought myself a cd I had been wanting :)

  • TSTagain
    TSTagain Posts: 84 Member
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: I've had two embarrassingly bad days with eating ( too much cornbread one night and too much of everything last night) but I'm back on track today and gearing up for better choices on Thanksgiving. We'll be with people with hardly know (the family of one of hubby's very best friends) so I'll have to be on guard for eating to mask how uncomfortable I'm feeling or to fill the time.

    Most people will have a veggie tray, if you need to chew go for celery - I also find that if I have something in my hands say my purse and a drink(preferably water) then I can reach for that tasty treat or cookies
  • lindalou0703
    lindalou0703 Posts: 226 Member
    I am very close to goal but will need some support while learning to maintain..... :)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member

    Most people will have a veggie tray, if you need to chew go for celery - I also find that if I have something in my hands say my purse and a drink(preferably water) then I can reach for that tasty treat or cookies

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: thanks for the great reminder.......I love the encouragement from my good friends on MFP :bigsmile:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Welcome to our new comers. The more the merrier.

    Gratz to those who have lost. That is very admirable this time of year with all the goodies around.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all in the USA.

    I have been starting to exercise regularly again. Still not back to my 30 minutes 5-6 days a week, but I will get there.

  • clf0106
    clf0106 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all! Would love to join your group! fairly new to MFP...5'2" and would like to lose 20 lbs of {baby} baby is 2 yrs old, so I'm not too sure if it can be considered that anymore :laugh:

    I do circuit training 3x a week and jazzercise 1-2x a week, mixed with a Jillian Michaels work out when i can't get to either of those...

    Any inspirational/motivational words going into the holiday weekend?? :ohwell:
  • TSTagain
    TSTagain Posts: 84 Member
    Hi baby is 3 and i am still working on the baby weight :laugh:

    My rules for the holidays....fill up on seconds...just a taste of everything else...for overindulgence - exercise, exercise, exercise.
  • Italianyc84
    Italianyc84 Posts: 192 Member
    I'm 5'3'' 1/2 :-)

    currently plateauing :-( I've lost about 1.5 pounds the entire month of November. not happy!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member

    Any inspirational/motivational words going into the holiday weekend?? :ohwell:

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."
  • I've been plateaued for a couple of months now. Got out of my exercise routine and haven't motivated to start back up. I'm thinking I will start back up Dec. 1st, I have a couple of pieces of equipment to pick up before I can start P90x. I still track my food everyday and that helps keep me from overeating for the most part.

    I'm only 5'0", so any extra weight and you can really tell, even if no one else can tell. I've heard that posting helps, so maybe this will get me past my plateau. :)
  • I am 5 ft. 2 inches and my original weight when starting this program was 186. I am now down to 169! I feel a tremendous differences already. Most of my weight is in my thighs and butt which is the hardest part to lose! I seemed to have lost more in the upper body then anywhere else. Please tell me my butt will eventually slim down even more!!!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving to all in the USA!

    May you eat well and enjoy the day.

    I did not buy a turkey this year just not to have the opportunity to over eat and friends without relatives called to ask to come over. lol So, it is our turkey breast, a small ham that a friend is bringing and a lot of over stuff. It will be fun and good to see everyone and that is what matters.

    I stood in line yesterday (before dinner) at Costco for a pumkin pie for $4.99. They were coming right out of the oven, getting wrapped and put into carts. The warm smell of the pumpkin pies was sweet and overwelming. I've already exercised this morning and will exercise again, because I am having pie later.

    Blessings on all of you today and everyday,


    PS: Welcome to all the newcomers. You have joined by posting here. I look forward to getting to know you all better.
  • Hi All and Happy Thanksgiving :)
    I'm 5' even...and though I don't have a whole lot of weight i want to lose, it's still just as hard. Actually might be harder for me since i weigh less to begin with. nonetheless, i'm overweight for my height and very unhappy with my body. I have let myself go but i'm on track and getting there one day at a time. Since June i have lost 8 lbs and looking to lose at least another 10. I'm finding that my "friends" on mfp are not in the same boat as me...when i look at other ppls diary's i notice that they have no idea how to eat healthy and it's bugging me. I allow myself 1300 cals and i stretch that as much as i can, knowing the cals an fat content of certain items and replacing with low fat/cal options. Including a fruit and veggie with every meal is important. i feel like most of the diary's i have read are skipping meals completely, or eating rice for every meal.
    Occasionally i have a slip up or i need a few beers and that's okay! :)

    i need to step it up and i need more support than i'm getting. I need positivity! (i don't have any currently in my personal life) I'm finding that the posts i get, "way to go" or "good job" just aren't cutting it. I feel they are empty and i apologize to my "friends" for saying that out loud. it's true and it's not helping me. I need snack ideas and low cal options, i want to know what other people are eating that they love and are healthy options. i want to share my knowledge too! I would love recipes and swaps for high cal items. I want to hear that if i lose 0.6 lbs that's good! i need to hear that what i am doing is a good thing! Walking is GREAT exercise!!
    please help
    i really could use a bunch of vertically challenged friends on mfp, i think that will help me a ton!! hope i can do the same for you too!!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Schlumy - We hear you. Being shorter is harder and being close to goal is even harder. I, too, try for 1300 calories a day as I found I could not live on 1200 calories a day.

    I only ate one meal yesterday, so that I could have a little bit of everything.

    We went to the movies today and stayed away from the stores. All the parking lots were mobbed everywhere we drove by. While I realize the deals are good, but the whole ideas makes me crazy.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :bigsmile: Hi Schlumy, I have found a lot of good support on MFP. One of the things I like is being able to talk every day about my food and exercise to people who are interested in hearing about it......unlike my face-to-face friends who bore easily with the topic :bigsmile:

    When I started MFP my first goal was to plan my meals ahead of time and stick to the plan no matter day at a time I added healthier foods and eliminated the empty calories. Now I make use of the Isagenix program so a lot of my meals don't translate well for other people.

    I go to line dance classes as part of my exercise and walk a lot. I have two Standard Poodles who love to walk so they encourage me to get out every day. I walk a lot now but when I stated slowly and added more time gradually.

    :sad: my portion control was not too good on Thanksgiving but my food choices were good----I didn't eat mashed potatoes, gravy, bread, or any of the pies.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: we are doing no shopping for Christmas----we don't celebrate it---so we stayed far away from the stores today.
  • Thanks Jam and Barbie!
    Having a very frustrating day...I definitely have the food thing covered, i'm very good about my choices and balancing my meals, keeping it to 1300 cals. I do like some ideas to switch it up every now and then though.

    My problem is this...i like to walk. i haven't found a workout that i love and i get frustrated when about buying new things to try and then hating them. I need a FUN workout that i like doing...i know there's something out there somewhere. So, i have a treadmill and a very nice town for walking when the weather is nice. I keep hearing about how what i'm doing isn't good enough. "walking isn't good enough, you should be running" "i just read an article that says treadmills are terrible for losing weight, they don't do anything for you" and then when i do run i hear "oh did you really run or are you just saying that" UGH!!!!
    I absolutely cannot stay on track with this kind of criticism!! i'm so mad right now i feel like i could RUN 20 miles, then hit a punching bag for an hour!!

    what am i doing wrong? when i set up my goals on MFP it says if i burn 800 cals in a week and keep to 1300 cals a day, i will lose 5 lbs by Dec 29th. ...and i believe that. I think 5lbs in a month is fabulous! not many people can say they've done that...and to top it off, it's hard to get 5lbs to come off when you weigh 135lbs. UGH!!!

    sorry for my rant and all my exclamation points...very VERY frustrated and just don't understand why i should continue...
  • Hi ~

    I love it--"fun sized". That's so cute. I'm 5'0" and weigh 151. I started MFP in May and started working out with a trainer in June. I would love to join this group. :smile:
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    My problem is this...i like to walk. i haven't found a workout that i love and i get frustrated when about buying new things to try and then hating them. I need a FUN workout that i like doing...i know there's something out there somewhere. So, i have a treadmill and a very nice town for walking when the weather is nice. I keep hearing about how what i'm doing isn't good enough. "walking isn't good enough, you should be running"

    Walking is the BEST exercise! Not dissing the runners out there (good for you runners) but my doctor told me humans just aren't built for running long periods of time - our running is meant to be a short sprint to chase dinner or to get away from a predator. My doctor's instructions for exercise are brisk walking and anything FUN that gets me moving without injuring myself. So, I will have none of this dissing on the Walking. Walking briskly gets your heart-rate up, it has a very low INJURY factor and it's easy on the joints. I walk most days, and throw in a bit of a jog here and there when the dog sees a squirrel and I have to keep up or fall down and get dragged. I walk outside with the dog. I walk around the mall. I park the car as far away from the store as I can and walk (hey every little bit helps!).

    I tried C25K, but repeating Week 1 was as about as far as I was able to take it - and even that was a bit much, too jarring, shin splints, yuck. I don't want to hurt myself, I want to have FUN! And that Jillian Michaels monster, oh I chucked her to the curb quick smart. She tried to kill me! Bullies suck.

    I do Zumba on the PlayStation, and I'm completely horrible at it. But, it is fun and I don't give a hoot if I look like an idiot! I laugh and dance and giggle and jiggle! The wiggling your hips while trying to move around in a circle is just plain hilarious! I like Pilates (at home) too on the Netflix. I wouldn't call it "fun" but it is very relaxing and feels good.

    I'm not a 100% healthy eater. I don't eat things I don't like and I treat myself every single day to something reasonable so I don't feel deprived. I figure I've got to find a way to eat well so I can keep on with it beyond the reduction phase. And I don't have to be perfect. Try to get my 5 fruit and veg in a day, keep the salt under control, get enough protien, etc. Trial and error. One bite at a time and all that. I don't really care what other people eat - if that's the way they want to do it then that's their business, not mine.
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