From Thanksgiving to New Year's Challenge! :0)



  • I would love to join!!!
  • shaunagirl
    shaunagirl Posts: 149 Member
    Happy thanksgiving everybody!

    Starting weight this morning was 221.8.
  • mwilson57
    mwilson57 Posts: 78 Member
    Thanks for starting this Challenge! My name is Megan, I would like to be in the 1-5 lb group, and my start weight is 155.2.
  • MunchkinHawk12
    MunchkinHawk12 Posts: 434 Member
    Start weight of this challenge is 166.4. Good luck everyone, let's lose some weight AND inches!!!

  • cheri23
    cheri23 Posts: 79 Member
    Starting weight is 165.4
  • Add me please! My name is April and my starting weight is 141.6. I ran a 5 miler this morning so this weight is before I re-hydrated lol.
  • run4life21
    run4life21 Posts: 38 Member
    starting weight 156lb
  • Corrected Starting Weight: 170 lbs even
  • auntie_missy
    auntie_missy Posts: 113 Member
    Didn't see this until today, hope it's not too late to join! I'd like to be in the 9-12 pound category and I weighed in this morning at 230.2.

    Now I'm off to see if I can sneak some more butter into the stuffing....
  • gods_gal
    gods_gal Posts: 301
    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

    My name is Bonnie and I live in Nashville, Tn.

    My starting weight is 225.4.

    I'd like to be in the 1-5 pounds lost, but actually hope to lose more. Weight loss is slow for me!!

    :smile: Actually, can you put me in the Lose 6-8 Pounds group. I am going to push myself harder with this challenge and expect more from myself. Thanks!!
  • First weigh in: 148.0! Lost a pound this week!
  • 36Kristal
    36Kristal Posts: 3 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving from Canada!!

    Hello, Count me in. I am ready to Rock and Roll

    My name is Kristal and I live in Quebec, Canada

    My starting weight is 242.2 as of this morning.

    I am going to follow Bonnie's lead adn push myself. Please place me in the 6-8 Pounds group. It is time to get serious.
  • ziggle_7
    ziggle_7 Posts: 81 Member
    i'm kristy and i'd love to try this.
    I'm from Ontario, Canada
    i wanna be in the 6-8lb group please =)
  • hi im sarah and i would love to lose 10lbs by new year so count me in...could do with a challenge :)
  • Samgramm
    Samgramm Posts: 41 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Is it too late to join? My name is Sam, I weigh 159lbs, and I would like to be in the 6-8lb group.


  • ninjakitty419
    ninjakitty419 Posts: 349 Member
    starting weight is 200
  • AleenaZ
    AleenaZ Posts: 117
    Happy Thanksgiving everybody ...

    Is it too late to join ?
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    SW: 181.6
  • Happy Thanksgiving!

    Count me in! I need something to keep me focused these next few weeks!!

    My first weigh in is 198.6. I want to lose 9 lbs to get me out of the 190's!!! That is how I want to start the New Year!!
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 584 Member
    I have just found this thread, can i join you again. I would like to lose 1-5lb by new year, lose weight & get fit. I will post my weigh-in first thing tomorrow morning. My name is nat.
    Tausha do you still have my email? I am in the uk

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone
    Here is my first weigh-in 176.4lb (80kg) 11/23/11
    Aim is to get to 170lb (77.1kg) i know it is a little bit more than 5lb bit my weight is so up & down.