Girls at 130-150ish aiming for 110-120ish?

Add me.???????
Just want to follow some people who are going the same way I am.

I'm 5''3 and 139lb aaand I'm HOPING for 115lb...


Heeeeeeelp me, and mooooootivate me.

I'm 18, and In scotland.


  • MrsSpinks
    MrsSpinks Posts: 274 Member
    I'll give you an add! I'm 27, 139lbs, hoping for 115lbs! Down in Devon!
  • Caro239
    Caro239 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi, I will add you, i'm aiming for 125 so above yours but I am currently 137, started at 177! I am 29, and down in Bristol.

    Good luck x
  • julzmm
    julzmm Posts: 43 Member
    I started at 126 and im down to 114 abouts, im wanting to be 112. Im in Dundee! So I will add you. My advice though, take it steady, dont look to get pounds and pounds off every week, go for 1lb loss per week, drink your water and do your exercises. It will come off!
  • Hi, I started at 137 aiming for 110 and I'm half way through. I'd be happy to have some friends aiming for the same results as me!
  • I'm 27. 5'4" and my weight...I have no idea. Tuesday I was 139 and today I was 147 so, who knows, I hate the large swings my weight takes, water weight or not. I want to be 120. Add me, motivate me, suggestions wanted needed and appreciated. Thanks.
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    I'll add you!

    I am 5' 1", and 129. I am in northern California. Where in Scotland are you? I have some relatives there.

    Take care!
  • Hi i'm 5 feet and currently at 141.5 pounds....... gaining muscle ergo weight going up :S
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    I'm 130 aiming for 110! Adding you.
  • hey i'll add you! im 129lbs and my goal weight is 115! and im in Virginia (:
  • apart from your age we are EXACTLY the same haha! followed :)
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    I am 28 years old, 5'8.5" started at 155lbs, down to about 130lbs, My goal is 125lbs. So some what the same, I will add you!
  • loisd82
    loisd82 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi there, I'm 134 and want to get to 120, i'm 29 and live in Mid Wales, i'm going to stick to this every day as i really want to fit into my pre preg clothes before i turn 30!!! feel free to add me x:happy:
  • Hi there!! I am 127 and trying to get down to my pre-pregnancy weight of 117. :)
  • Weeee! :D I'm 18, 5'3", 147 pounds! Wanna get down to around 120 hopeffuly. I think we could potentially be at a similar level because I also have 38DD boobs haha. i'll add you right now! :)
  • taraw0503
    taraw0503 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm going to add all of you :)

    I'm 5'1", 151lbs aiming for 115 (pre-baby weight). Had my son in '09 and my daughter two months ago. Between the two of them I have 36 lbs to lose. This is NOT going to be easy, but I know I can do it.

    Good luck everyone!
  • katismiles
    katismiles Posts: 96 Member
    I'm 5'5 I'm about 127 right now (I started at 140), I'm trying to get down to 120. I'm going to add you! :)
  • karin_02
    karin_02 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey! Nice to see some people with similar goals =]
    I'm 21yrs, 5"6 and 138. Started at 154. Goal weight: 119!
    If anyone is in a similar boat give me a add,
  • I'm 5ft2, weigh 154lbs (started at 171lbs) and am aiming for 129lbs at first then I'll take it from there. My ticker says 10lbs to go because I am in a "Lose 10lbs before Christmas. challenge". I actually have...gulp..25lbs to lose.:sad: I'm in Scotland as well:drinker:
  • I am 5ft1 and am 138, hoping to be in the teens someday. :) keep up the good work!
  • I had a baby 12 weeks ago. I am 5'2'' 150 pounds and would like to be back to my 114 pre-pregnancy weight. From Chicago, IL. any other mama's trying to get rid of their baby weight - ADD ME!!! ;)